Thanks for the oil , Spain


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Re: Nick - count me as a supporter

A major oil spill in the Solent would be hideous, Ken . . . lets hope it never happens, it is pretty sheltered water, but I suppose there's always the terrorist threat.

But it might prove to be the trigger that would get the UK government off its backside and out of the oil companies' pockets.

- Nick


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26 Dec 2001
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Re: Nice timing by the Old Ally

I had no idea of that very late agreement to the convention.
By now it looks like the weather is pushing the oil North , so I hope Portugal will not get any compensation , meaning that our shores remained clean.
And you will agree that money is not the issue here, the kind of damage Galicia is suffering is impossible to pay back , I believe.


Or worse

Fawlay itself goes up in smoke. That would make an oil spill look tiddly. What is the rationale of siting such a dangerous place in an area of relatively high population density - quite apart from the visual pollution.

I already wonder whether it might be responsible for a lot of chest complaints in my area (NE of Fawley) - myself, my Wife and Son have all developed Asthma to a greater or lesser extent.



Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Re: Accident in Solent

The report says that the vessel wasn't damaged . . .

But perhaps she wasn't built out of 25 yr old tinfoil either.

Do you think a tanker accident in the Solent is only a matter of time? If so, there's enough of you down there - why not get together and make a bit of a noise?

- Nick


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26 Dec 2001
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Re: Accident in Solent

Very good idea , getting together people who are concerned about these threats in their waters and ask some questions to the people who are supposed to run things
I'm far from England now but I have sailed in the Solent enough to get to know it , enjoy it and appreciate it quite well. I think ( might be wrong) that Southampton VTS keeps a pretty tight monitoring of traffic and vessels like the Prestige would be kept away.Having said that , many people will remember the banana boat that hit the Nab Tower some years ago...things happen.
I think the people who sail in the Solent should be amongst the first to care for it's protection


30 Nov 2002
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Re: Nice timing by the Old Ally

I am 100% sure it was co-incidence - but a fortunate one!

Anyway, let us hope that you have a warm winter with strong winds - not what one usually wishes for, but in this case it will be the best thing.


Surface drift

The Coriolis force in the northern hemisphere causes surface drift to the 'right' of the prevailing wind. This is likely to be 20 degrees angle. That is why when the 'Torey Canyon' was wrecked on the Seven Stones reef, no oil came ashore on the English mainland; some of that oil however did appear in north Brittany.


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16 May 2001
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I agree with the "Duty of Care" side of your post. From Valdez to Prestige and all points between, they have cost us dear. However Steffen points out that our own greed for comfort, convenience and new toys also feeds the monster that we hate. We all can and should demonstrate to take care of the Solent and anywhere else for that matter.

Yes we can make a difference to how it's handled but isn't it a tad hypocritical to say that those "b....rds" are 100% responsible for causing ever increasing storms etc? It's almost like theft. It's made profitable by the ready market that chooses to ask no questions.

I think Steffen did have a point.


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
I think you missed my point, Rob.

The oil companies want us to feel guilty . . .

They have governments on their payroll and are pretty much directly responsible for current transport policy.

They are behind the US government refusing to implement the Kyoto protocol.

We are not given any choices. We have to run cars, use plastic etc. That does not mean that we have to run cars on petrol. It does not mean that it is imperative to start drilling in the waters round St. Kilda. It certainly does not mean we are even slightly responsible when something like the Exxon Valdez or the Prestige happens.

That is exactly what they want us to think.

Sure, recycle, run smaller or fewer cars if it makes you feel better - but the average schmuck is powerless to resist the lure of advertising, the desire to conform and the constant assurances that the big boys know best.

Sadly, we can't make a difference by altering our lifestyles in small ways. The oil companies can. So - if we want tomake a diference, then they are the target - and don't for f...s sake feel guilty if you have to take your car to get to the demonstration!!

<pre><font color=blue>Nick</font color=blue>
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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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This is good stuff, webcraft!

Now, my own theory is that the climate ozone layer hole thingy as measured in antartica etc is actually brought about or at least excaerbated by large qtys of scientists trying to keep warm in big tents in anatrctica/arctic.

Or, it's a slight lie brought about by aforementioned bored scientists with naff data eager to spice things up a bit and hence conclusion= we're all going to die, prompting more large research grants.

You will surely have better info regarding climate change that me BUT pls bear in mind that
1 near aberdeen where you are the weather is often shite, nothing to do with climate change
2 The thames hasn't frozen for years and years . But then again, it hasn't exactly boiled down here in the smoke.
3 Should educationalists make a big thing bout greenhouse/climate change stuff? My kids are getting all worried about burning rainforests, digging oil and so on. I wonder if their teachers use the ooer environment question in place of flagging religion argument wherby classroom order is won by promising a beliveable (previously religious, now environmental) bogeyman.
4 In 1974 we were all gong to have no fuel in late 1980's. But now, loads more fuel than ever! Isn't the world there to mould to our whim anyway? Surelty the worried running out of fuel argument presupposes that we'd be in shit street with no oil. Whereas we would all envy and rave about whoever had the best bicycle, or canoe.

You are allowed to shoot me down in flames BUT wd appreciate you address your great brain to at least one of the above issues.


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001

I have attempted to address the very valid issues/questions you have posed . . .

You are right, around Aberdeen the weather has always been shite – or at least in my 30 year experience. Now though it’s a different sort of shite. Many more Easterlies, higher winds, much more rain in the Autumn, less snow for skiing – and the midge is moving East – we get chewed here now.

The non-freezing of the Thames is not really a convincing argument against the global warming theory . . . but please let us know when it starts to boil.

Yes, I do think it’s good if teachers terrify the bejasus out of the young re. climate change. If they grow up sufficiently worried then maybe they can make a difference for their great grandchildren. Ours are probably stuffed, though.

Re. The ‘world running out of oil’ theory – in actual fact the world is composed of 95% oil. The oil companies just like to keep prices up and hope that by putting the shits up us re. running out of petrol we’ll not notice that they are busy putting an end to life as we know it.

<font color=blue>Nick</font color=blue>
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Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Re: Do you ever get the feeling...

Actually Ken I'm pretty sure humanity will survive, unless a big rock hits us.

Thinking that we actually have the power to destroy ourselves is just another form of human arrogance.

What I DO think is that life is going to become steadily less pleasant for the vast majority of humankind and that is a shame, because we do have the potential to make it go in the opposite direction.

Have you noticed how many people now don't think twice before setting sail when the forecast is six or seven if it's not on the nose? Fives with a possiblilty of a six used to keep most people glued to the pontoon - now we know we have to go while the going is possible rather than good.

One of the reasons that I don't give a stuff about my own car use etc now is that I was seriously campaigning about this sort of stuff 30 years ago and nobody cared. The writing was on the wall in the early 70s - has anyone here read 'The Sheep Look Up' by John Brunner? It's rapidly turning from Sci-Fi to next week's Panorama report.

I feel sorry that my kids have inherited such a shitty prospect, but for myself I just want to get out there and do some serious sailing before it becomes impossible and we all start buying Submarine Monthly.

<font color=blue>Nick</font color=blue>
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<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by webcraft on 22/11/2002 01:15 (server time).</FONT></P>


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Huh! Lightweight, modern drone rant rave etc!

Hah. .Looks a bit flimsy, light and certainkly no match against a force eight pedestrian. Whereas I have a dyno coaster. Old-style long-wheelbase it may be BUT will easily ride over even quite large pedestrians etc you will see in due course!