Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - is this the beginning of the end?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

What happened to your T-Shirt give away ?

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Oh Pete, if you wanted a t-shirt, you are surely gonna pay good money for an Ocean Deep bathrobe ? you fancy blue or white? /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Didn't these go the same way as Mrs Gludy's clothes /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif?



Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

If I had not bought OD:-
1. I would have sold Drumbeat anyway because i saw that such boats were going to depreciate more rapidly and argued that on this very forum.
2. If I had kept Drumbeat then yes, I would have suffered the depreciation but I would have had the use out of her for that 18 months. Given that the use is denied I cannot be expected to pay the bill for the depreciation! The bill without the use!!!! So the depreciation is owed to me in any event.

For 16 months my weekends have been a constant bind trying to sort out OD. Nothing TC can do can compensate me for what I have been through unless he can do a deal to add two more years to my life!! I am asking that he does the decent thing so that I can get on with my life and leave him alone.

To do that I am using the Internet and media to apply pressure so as to counter the complete lack of resources in Tarquin’s balance sheet to cover the boat and so prevent the normal rejection route.

At least now the wheels are creaking ……. Its just that you have to fight for every single inch to move it forward.


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

Once this is over.
I may auction some OD towels and blue bathrobes most of which have never even been used and donate the proceeds to the RNLI.

I wonder if there would be any interest? /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

Didn't these go the same way as Mrs Gludy's clothes

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She was blinkin mad throwing away all her tops that day. I reckon I will have to buy a dozen or so new tops if i ever get refunded /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
She will not forget the tops so TC better watch out for a lst minute addition to any expenses.


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2 May 2005
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Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

FWIW - your claims for loss of use and interest look a little bit like double dipping. Either you paid the money for an asset but have not had use thereof, or you have lost the use of the money for a period of time.

Under no circumstances would you have had both the money and the use of the boat. I suggest you claim the interest - easier to calculate - (plus all your other costs).

Good luck.


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

You are partly right and that is the result of simplifying on the thread.

I am claiming the interest and other expenses as a breach of contract. There is an element over and above that involving loss of use because you only get the time once but I am not too concerned about that .... I am all for making it very simple and my proposal to TC in public was for the refund of the total cost of the boat and expenses. Those expenses included interest but they do not include any loss of use.

I am willing to discuss the matter on any logical basis but I am not willing to play games and have delaying tactics.

Major Catastrophe

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31 May 2005
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Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

You are partly right and that is the result of simplifying on the thread.

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Paul knows us so well.....we are all simple. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

As usual Paul, give TC hell.


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

What i am seeking is some straight talking so that the basis of a settlement can be reached - no tricks - no delaying tactics - if he wants to settle what is so difficult about that?

I will not print any 'Without Prejudice' contacts.

I will agree to have confidential face to face talks if required.

Once an agrrement is reached I will cease all publicity activity but I cannot stop matters already actioned outside my control.

If TC is reading this:-

1. You delayed my boat 16 months not 10 as you have claimed to ITV. It is totally unreasonable to ask for a customer to pay for the boat November, have it delivered December and then keep fixing and fixing the boat until 13th May!!!! Even then it was left with major faults as detailed in survey report number one. So to stop you in your tracks - interest should be based on 15 months up until now. You see points can be made very quickly and I can even anticipate your delaying tactics as I have to struggle through a lawyer who has no historic records..

2. You have already accepted the principle behind most of the expenses in any event – they should not take long to clear up.

3. All these points can be established in principle either on the phone or at a meeting – there is no need to make a meal over it.


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

ITV are starting to film withn the week.
They wrote to him and his response was as I outlined above.
In that response he made some very 'silly' claims.

The result is that the issue is being filmed for a show.


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21 Jun 2003
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Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

ooh cant wait to see that. You will make sure we get to know when its on in good time wont you ?


Active member
16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

will they get Peter Cunliffe to do the slot? /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif

more seriously I wish you well Paul - having looked over the boat with you in Poole, and having had a saga of my own which only ended when I settled an amount I felt right just before the dealers went tits up, I know how draingin any situation can be (but in no way pretend to have experienced your situation). Can you put a fincial figure on such suffering - fortunately courts are there to do exactly that; and the law has recognised a need for such for many centuries.


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18 Jun 2001
In a state
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Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

Paul, I cant see how the wheels are slowy creaking. You are doing all the talking and TC is not answering. What makes you think he would entertain any kind of refund, or have I missed a response from him. I realy do sympathise with your plight, PhilF


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24 Aug 2005
Here, yah fule
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Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

Paul , it may be worth pointing out to TC how much of a diference Mr Kemp of Kemp Sails has made ( Scuttlebutt ) by responding to comments against his lot . He has earned a lot of respect from loads of people that were having a right old pop at him ( me included ) and he chose to respond professionally to the comments and not keep quiet . I don't think you'll get much of a response from TC but maybe he'll see what a difference it could make and decide to reply here

Maybe not though /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Put me down for a sweatshirt though /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif or a bathrobe /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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25 Apr 2005
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Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

Hi Paul,

I have been following your saga with interest and with a huge amount of both respect and sympathy. I admire your resolve and thoroughly applaud your descriptive manner. Before your publications about Trader, I had the impression that the company had huge integrity and amazing business acumen and could have even been a craft for my later years, not too far off now though.

A number of boat manufacturers seem to have gone down the route of producing a very successful craft only to alter it in some way to end up having major problems. This of course is no excuse for the disgusting, arrogant and deceipt manner you have been subjected to.

As you are now seeking closure it seems appropriate to suggest the "Criminal Intent" and one of greater punch, that of "Deception" dealt with under the Fraud Act. There must be several occasions that you could prove "Deception", I'll help with one...."Evasion of Liability". Studying law is a hobby of mine and not an occupation, therefore it is logical to go straight for the kill and not billable hours. This will have to be argued so without proof you may not convince a court. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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23 Jan 2005
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Re: Tarquin Ocean Deep Saga - ITV Filming to start

Only a small thing but last week I bought a shower sump with an integral pump and for some reason before I fitted it in the boat I slipped the bottom cover off the pump and found the inner housing was completely missing…..I took it back to the chandlers (15 miles) and the first thing he said was, “you took it to pieces” after a few choice words he swopped it..
Why is it that we in the boating fraternity are treated with such contempt by chandlers brokers boat builders marina operators ect…they wouldn’t stand for it in most other countries … there is legislation to protect us from this sort of thing..so why should we have to put up with this belligerent attitude?
I have watched your saga unfold from day one and can only sympathise with the disgusting treatment that you have received from this man and his tin pot company.

Chin up Paul one day it will all be resolved and you will be able to get on with your life …..As for TC ….perhaps now it’s his turn to have a few sleepless nights.


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
Been reading all this with great interest, I cannot believe how TC can trade like this, how he dare say your 59 has pre osmosis is beyond a joke! as his boats are renown for the big O when they are surveyed, as for most UK built boats quite the opposite to his. Good luck with your fight when you get paid out buy a Broom 530 with the change.