STUDLAND - How much do they want???

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23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I'd suspect that seahorses would prefer to hang about an eco mooring surrounded by eel grass to a conventional moorring surrounded by a scoured area. They are ambush predators and also prey animals so they will like to have cover.

Blimey ! I thought Great Whites were bad...still it may teach divers who try tagging them...

Cut to sorry figure covered in bandages in the Bankes Arms, Studland, " We need a bigger boat, those things have got a vicious streak a mile wide I tell you ! "

Environmentally Friendly Moorings are spiffing if they can be proven seaworthy, and actually proposed more nowadays by sailors than conservationists, who go off the idea as soon as the awkward question " who is going to pay for EFM's and fund policing ? " is mentioned.
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17 Jan 2010
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I just want to be the first to congratulate the man most responsible for the fact that STUDLAND will NOT be a "reference area"!!!

Old harry, you've hit the first milestone - and a nice defeat for the "ban everything" crowd. Gladriel, Seajet, and I are happy to be your spear carriers...

Seriously, for those following, OH has mastered the arcane and highly technical processes that are being deployed against us boaters, and frankly the defeat of Studland as a reference area (and the a priori ban of ALL anchoring) has had a great deal of influence from him.

There is still a large fight up ahead to see how Studland will be treated as a conservation site, but by taking the dreaded "reference area" designation off the table, any suggested remedy will likely be a bit softer.
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21 Mar 2009
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I just want to be the first to congratulate the man most responsible for the fact that STUDLAND will NOT be a "reference area"!!!

Old harry, you've hit the first milestone - and a nice defeat for the "ban everything" crowd. Gladriel, Seajet, and I are happy to be your spear carriers...

Seriously, for those following, OH has mastered the arcane and highly technical processes that are being deployed against us boaters, and frankly the defeat of Studland as a reference area (and the a priori ban of ALL anchoring) has had a great deal of influence from him.

There is still a large fight up ahead to see how Studland will be treated as a conservation site, but by taking the dreaded "reference area" designation off the table, any suggested remedy will likely be a bit softer.

Well done OH


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Well done OH

A Well Done indeed to Jon, and wider readers might be amazed by just how far his endeavours range; all will be revealed one day, hopefully soon...

It takes a particular skill and patience to wade through all the fathoms of sub-government speak text Old Harry has put up with - if ever there was proof of psychic powers of premonition, it must be 'Old Harry' choosing that particular name !

I would however caution everyone not to relax their guard;

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning".

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Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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I just want to add my personal congratulations to Oldharry, I know many of the meetings OH attended he had to fight his corner and it was one man against a very well organised group of career conservationists, 'conservation for the sake of it'. Now common sense has prevailed.

However, whilst Studland is not being put forward a reference site, which would have meant an outright ban on just about any human activity, it still will be put forward as a MCZ, so what level of management it has is still up for grabs.

I dont want to put a dampener on it, but these are the recommendations of Finding Sanctuary, these will be put forward to Natural England and the MMO who will make the final decisions. Its still a long way to go.

There will still be an opportunity to be heard, during the public consultation that will take place later this year. We will keep you informed.


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14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
There are other fights elsewhere in YOUR own waters too, wherever you are around the UK. This link, while extremely biased is the only one I know that shows all the proposed sites around the UK. Check out your own area & vote against, but do not comment as comments are apparently counted as "yes" votes.

If an area is important to you, contact your local RYA rep & get involved like Old Harry did. The more people we have representing boating with a commonsense approach, the better. Don't rant, just explain.


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7 Mar 2010
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The Seahorses Return to Studland and the BBC

I've had a good study over the latest blogs,facebook sites etc and reports show that a hand full of Seahorses have returned to Studland Bay .
This year they were first spotted around 8 May which apparently is very late.
Last night I was shocked to see a trailer for BBC's Chris Packhams latest series THE TRUTH ABOUT WILDLIFE which is screened on BBC 1 South and SouthWest 7.30 pm Mondays . The trailer showed Old Harry rocks ,Studland Bay and a Seahorse, so I investigated and have found the Studland programme will be shown on 6 June .
The Truth About Wildlife ? yes thats what I thought , bearing in mind said presenter is a patron of a certain Seahorse Trust .
I don't think any locals or boatowners were involved in the making of this programme so you might like to get your BBC complaint forms ready.
Britain's Secret Seas on BBC Sunday 29 May will be showing another film about Studland Seahorses and anchoring -mooring impacts, and again I am informed no locals were involved (can't blame them really.. look at the patrons of the Seahorse Trust 4 BBC Wildlife presenters so they were probably aware it had a very slim chance of being a balanced production).
So there's a couple of dates for your diary if the first week of June is not suitable for heading out on the wet stuff .
Sources - Studland Bay Preservation Association Blog , Save Studland Bay Group on Facebook, The Seahorse Trust Group on Facebook, Seahorse Trust website and the BBC's Britain's Secret Sea's website all easy to find on GOOGLE.

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Thanks for the information, this is important, as many as possible must watch these programs, and complain if it is a weighted report (which it will be). I'd say write directly to the Director general rather than the 'complaints' mechanism, which will only send the compliant to the director of the program, which will be a waste of time.


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5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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I've had a good study over the latest blogs,facebook sites etc and reports show that a hand full of Seahorses have returned to Studland Bay .
This year they were first spotted around 8 May which apparently is very late.
Last night I was shocked to see a trailer for BBC's Chris Packhams latest series THE TRUTH ABOUT WILDLIFE which is screened on BBC 1 South and SouthWest 7.30 pm Mondays . The trailer showed Old Harry rocks ,Studland Bay and a Seahorse, so I investigated and have found the Studland programme will be shown on 6 June .
The Truth About Wildlife ? yes thats what I thought , bearing in mind said presenter is a patron of a certain Seahorse Trust .
I don't think any locals or boatowners were involved in the making of this programme so you might like to get your BBC complaint forms ready.
Britain's Secret Seas on BBC Sunday 29 May will be showing another film about Studland Seahorses and anchoring -mooring impacts, and again I am informed no locals were involved (can't blame them really.. look at the patrons of the Seahorse Trust 4 BBC Wildlife presenters so they were probably aware it had a very slim chance of being a balanced production).
So there's a couple of dates for your diary if the first week of June is not suitable for heading out on the wet stuff .
Sources - Studland Bay Preservation Association Blog , Save Studland Bay Group on Facebook, The Seahorse Trust Group on Facebook, Seahorse Trust website and the BBC's Britain's Secret Sea's website all easy to find on GOOGLE.

Could you send out a reminder closer to the time about it?
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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BORG have been looking at this and we will put out a reminder, but anyone feel free to do the same, more the merrier !

Direct links to all the websites & blogs or whatever you call them would also be useful though I have got reservations about complaining to people with vested interests of the promotion of these one sided views.


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9 Jan 2005
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Direct links to all the websites & blogs or whatever you call them would also be useful though I have got reservations about complaining to people with vested interests of the promotion of these one sided views.

I was going to ask if there's somewhere other to complain to (assuming there is something to complain about of course) that's more effective than the BBC wastepaper bin. Does OfCom cover this sort of thing?
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