STUDLAND - How much do they want???

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22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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The rare species is, I believe, the tentacled lagoon worm.

As to who is threatening it, delete as appropriate:

Coalition Government/Met Police/Al Quaida/The Tea Party/Militant Seahorses/Colonel Gaddaffi/Illegal Immigrants/The Banking Sector/Global Warming/Global Worming/MRSA/Bavaria Keels/Japanese Nuclear Radiation/Giant Knotweed/Scots Nats/Revolting Students/Rocna Anchors/Grey Squirrels/Binge Drinking/Charlie Sheen

Sounds as good an explanation as any to me.I just wish they would sort out who is doing all the threatening because at the moment I feel I am being tarred by the same brush.Life is a risk & you are the cause of it!:confused:
These "conservationists" are even onto a better wicket than weather people.They can never be wrong.There will always be something that they can latch onto.


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3 Feb 2009
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From the anchorage here, it looks like the usual British solution will be applied--- hit the easy targets, who are presumed to have money to pay fines,i.e leisure boats,and ignore the difficult ones,like hairy-arsed baitdiggers.


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30 May 2001
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Not a lot to report at the moment though there is a lot going on.

The Regional groups have produced their 'Third reports' which effectively conclude the 'data gathering ' part of the MCZ exercise. This stage has attempted identify the areas in which the listed species/habitats etc occur, and to define areas which they believe should become MCZs. The various groups are now working on these to ensure they meet the requirements of the legislation, and to resolve problems that may arise if they are - like the Studland debate.

Various meetings have taken place recently in the Finding Sanctuary and Balanced Seas areas as they 'sharpen up' the recommendations. There are no clear indications yet what will happen on the East Coast Balanced Seas area, but there are still real concerns about what may be proposed in some of the main Boating centres in the estuaries. There is also a major problem on the Isle Of Wight NE coast around Bembridge, Wooton and Osborne Bay where many rare and protected species occur.

New proposals have appeared for Studland, and have been referred to the MMO who are holding a 'stakeholder workshop' on it next week. These entail a much higher level of protection than was previously envisaged for the Bay, and if enacted would result in a full no anchor zone in at least part of the Bay. I will be representing BORG at the workshop, and MMO will be using our recent response to Finding Sanctuarys latest prposals as a starting point. My complaint at the lack of local boat owner representation at previous MMO workshops has been taken seriously too, and most of the Poole Yacht Clubs will be represented there this time where previously it was just me.


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13 May 2007
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Huff and puff as much as you like the end is near!
discussions are not the answer targeting your MP's is, remind them that their nice little earner can come to an end if your views are not taken into account.
Our anchoring zones down in Cornwall are gone forever now, as no one is really arsed to lobby the MP we will lose some very lovely spots.
As a poster here says it's more legislation for those who can pay.

On a lighter note just received the new penelties for submitting late tax returns, mmmm yet another increase.


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13 May 2007
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I have contacted my MP. Not sure what if anything will happen but as they say votes count.
My MP knows I will not vote for her if this goes through!
This is the thin end of the wedge which I believe will spread to other areas to produce revenue nothing else!
Areas in sheltered esturaries will fall to the 'lesser spotted fan tailed squirt' or another obscure organisms, so that ALL watercraft users will be forced to used specified CHARGING areas ( more for the coffers) and policed vigorously.

The boat is the new extention of the car and boaters will pay more because they are rich and easily hit.
The boater will be treated like Car drivers and herded into crowded areas so that the revenue can easily be collected. Fines for any breach will be collected by the boys in blue to boost the coffers yet again.
Anyone remember when they could drive to the coast and park look at the view without the ticket machine and it's ugly 'Pay Here' signs well soon dear boaters this will be an accepted part of our freedoms gone.
I recently attended a meeting about the future of Falmouths Coast Guard station with the official from the government, what an absolute farce printed on his core head was 'Not interested ' it is a fore gone conclusion that Station is closing, not only at night but soon completely!

To reply to you down here there is no vote power such as yourselves up there, make it known to the MP's they are losing your votes that's the only argument they understand that their jobs are at stake. MP's love their job so place it in jeapardy like theyhave to thousands of other less fortunate.

I am not decrying what's being done so please don't get me wrong I applaud you, I am trying to give another angle to the fight against our freedoms which are very quickly being erroded.



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29 Jan 2008
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I take it back. No one posting here now?

I for one am keeping a keen eye on developments on this thread, the efforts are greatly appreciated and I do what little I can from the advice given.

Thank you for you're input, following a similar comment (I think one of the other threads) I have already commented to our MP, who was probably not bothered due to our location, however there are more folk than me that travel to sailing areas so I was hoping I would't be the only one he hears from.

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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One thing anyone can do, wherever they live in the country, especially if you travel to the South West, or for that matter ANY part of the coast, is to lobby your MP. Why? Because information that is being used to establish the socio economic effect of any MCZ, is only taking into account local people. So if you are part of the Birmingham navy for instance, or if you keep your boat in Brixham marina but live in Bristol, your existence has not been counted. This may not be because of any malicious attempt to massage the figures, it's because no better data exists.

Lobby your MP, and get anyone you know to do the same.
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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One thing anyone can do, wherever they live in the country, especially if you travel to the South West, or for that matter ANY part of the coast, is to lobby your MP. Why? Because information that is being used to establish the socio economic effect of any MCZ, is only taking into account local people. So if you are part of the Birmingham navy for instance, or if you keep your boat in Brixham marina but live in Bristol, your existence has not been counted. This may not be because of any malicious attempt to massage the figures, it's because no better data exists.

Lobby your MP, and get anyone you know to do the same.

That's a fair point about only local people being represented but....what's to stop "eco warriors" fighting back & lobbying their MP's?The lesser spotted mud shrimp shows all the signs of having more "Human Rights" than us.Why not just refuse to pay any fines en' masse?
At the moment car thieves & petty criminals seem to get away with it so there must be a limit before the entire court system collapses!:rolleyes:
If decent honest citizens make a stand surely they will have to take notice?
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23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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the 'well I won't pay' response was among the more printable ones when all this first started.

A little investigation by BORG revealed that IF restrictions should be implemented, 'policing' would be rigorous and fines VERY large indeed ( the funding of the policing being another part of the scandal of course ).

Non-payment is not an option, but as you say the other lot will use every trick in the book and will almost certainly lobby their MP's - probably en masse, remember their organised block voting on the BORG poll - so it is vital we do the same to counter it and get the true message across.
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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the 'well I won't pay' response was among the more printable ones when all this first started.

A little investigation by BORG revealed that IF restrictions should be implemented, 'policing' would be rigorous and fines VERY large indeed ( the funding of the policing being another part of the scandal of course ).

Non-payment is not an option, but as you say the other lot will use every trick in the book and will almost certainly lobby their MP's - probably en masse, remember their organised block voting on the BORG poll - so it is vital we do the same to counter it and get the true message across.

Seajet,it occurs to me that this is an issue for the European MP's & that our MP's will be powerless as with most other issues these days like immigration.....
Is this a possible situation where the alternative voting situation could possibly prove useful?


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30 May 2001
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The first 'consultation stage' of the MCZ programme is now nearly complete. The next step in Finding Sanctuary is setting up proposed management protocols to acheive the conservation objectives in each designated MCZ area. FS has defined the areas it expects to recommend for MCZ status, and is currently engaged in final discussions about what they want to do.

One very good piece of news is the proposal to create a Reference Zone in Studland, which would automatically exclude any anchoring activity has been dropped by the Inshore Working Group, where previously they seemed fairly set to create one there. However, final recommendations have not yet been agreed, and anything could happen still!

Balanced Seas seem to be further behind, and have yet to publish their conclusions about the east Coast estuaries, and the N.E. Wight coast, including Osborne Bay, Ryde, wooton, seaview and Bembridge, all of which have a high concentration of 'FOCI' - Features of Conservation Interest, and which conservationists are anxious to see protected.

Between now and the end of August, when all the recommendations have to be submitted, it is unclear whether much will happen while they work on final arrangements.

BORG in the meantime continues to monitor the siutuation closely, and to consider other ways forward outside the 'official' structure of the MCZ programme. Writing to MPs to ascertain levels of support will certainly be a key thing we will be asking for your help with over the summer: we already have one or two openly supporting us. More on this later.

We are also exploring possibilities for involving the National press, but that is the 'big cannon' we can only fire once, and feel it would be wasted if we use it too soon. Kristofercolumbus suggests involving Brussels and I can report we are already putting out feelers in that direction to see whether we can get support , as well as at higher levels in the UK government.

If we are not saying much just now, its not because we have all gone sailing, but because a good deal of 'networking' is going on as we build contacts and plans for the next stage.

I think that the key time now will be when the 'White paper' appears next winter , with a 12 week 'public consultation period. That is the time when we will need all the support we can get both from you, and the 'high ups' we are now establishing links with, together with all the MPs we can get 'on side' over the next six months.

Thank you everyone who has supported us over the winter, and is continuing to do so.
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7 Mar 2010
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Legal Loop hole ?

Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act , we are constantly told by the Seahorse Trust, that Seahorses habitats are protected .
So I have concluded that the Studland Bay fixed moorings, all 51 are protected under this .
Now, before the otherside start going on about what rubbish this theory is just take these points into account.
It is well know that Seahorses are attracted to manmade structures underwater.
The Seahorse Trust has mooring ropes and buoys in its seahorse aquariums at its Escot stablehouse and from their own video the SHT have clearly shown seahorses happily perched on mooring ropes suspended from buoys in these tanks in their recent video of the Studland Bay Seahorse Tagging Project.
The SHT have never denied that Seahorses are often seen attaching themselves to moorings and ropes .
Therefore the ropes, chains and weed growth around the Studland Bay fixed moorings is part of the Seahorse Habitat and these should remain in situation , and not destroyed .
The Seahorses are happy to habitat around these moorings even when in use , and this is the main location where they have been spotted during the summer.
So I would say that these fixed moorings, which have been in the bay for many years are safe to remain and should not be replaced with eco ones under the current Act.
As for yachts anchoring within the bay , then this again,it could be argued,
provides an attraction for the seahorses , anchor ropes ,anchor chains etc etc and this activity could again be protected under the current Act.
Its an interesting situation don't you think ?

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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So, in banning anchoring, say, it would effectively be harming the habitat and in such case the ban would be contravening the act that the ban is aimed at satisfying?
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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So, in banning anchoring, say, it would effectively be harming the habitat and in such case the ban would be contravening the act that the ban is aimed at satisfying?

Sounds good to me,who's going to be the first to tell good old Niel that he's got the wrong attitude & that he needs to encourage more anchoring in Studland Bay :D


19 Jan 2011
West Sussex
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I'd suspect that seahorses would prefer to hang about an eco mooring surrounded by eel grass to a conventional moorring surrounded by a scoured area. They are ambush predators and also prey animals so they will like to have cover.
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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I'd suspect that seahorses would prefer to hang about an eco mooring surrounded by eel grass to a conventional moorring surrounded by a scoured area. They are ambush predators and also prey animals so they will like to have cover.

The conventional moorings are so few in number as I understand it that they don't pose a threat.......they have been there for donkeys years.
What poses a threat is idiots covering our lovely bays & inlets with uniform visitors moorings,thank God I won't be round long enough to see it!


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30 May 2001
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Some have been there since before the war. There are 51 registered moorings there - now registered that is by Crown Estates, who will not allow any more for the time being. Of those I think 38 or thereabouts are actually in use at present.

The 'damage' is that the ground chains scour round them: a fixed, static area totalling what? 75 sq m total out of an area of over 1 square Kilometer? Big deal.
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