Well-known member
No. But NGM said yesterday they could only find half the number they 'usually expect' and only one mature male. So they have mved oiutr of that corner of the Bay, whic is under cliff close inshore to the left of the pic. BTW, yes I have seen 350 boats in the Bay, on a fine August Bank Holiday saturday 20 years ago before there was all the fuss. 8 Years later NGM was dancing with excitement at sighting over 40 in the Bay. So if the boats didnt scare them away then, what has changed? NGM own figures, (discounting the 90 boiats he saw between 28th and 30th February one year, and the 350 he saw mid week one November, show that there are normally around 120 boats as above ona fine weekend, and mid week May - Aug around 35. WHn the weathre goes back this drops to a small handfull. Reality is that when there isa good summer the Bay is busy so are the seahorses, when the weather is bad (remember the disasterous run of cold wet summersa few years ago? Visiting boat numbers dropped to near zero for weeks on end (I havea local observer who walks there most days), as everyone stayed away. So did the seahorses!