Stuck top swivel Harken Furler.


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17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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I posted on here some time ago asking if any one else had suffered this problem. No reply, I did find one US Sailor who had the same issue with a different furler.

The Harken Cruiser furler on our boat had the jib removed, without issue, every winter. Unable to remove it during Covid it stayed up for over two years. Upon attempting to take it down last October, no go. The rigger went up the stick to release the shackle, down came the jib leaving the top swivel jammed tight at the top of the foils. He attatched a line to the lower shackle, I put a block below and I managed to winch it down. It was bloody tight all the way. Yesterday I disconnected the lower forestay fitting from the deck and removed the furling drum. This allowed me to take the short section of foil off, with the jammed top swivel on it. I removed it by tapping gently with a softwood block.

Upon inspection the internal bore is lined with three nylon bushes, now badly distorted and with signs of dragging. I am led to believe that the furler is obsolete and parts are no longer available.

If this IS the case, I shal find a fix. Watch this space............................................... :)


Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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Harken UK are checking with the factory in the USA for parts. Due to the time difference I wont know till later. Carl at Harken UK was very helpful and professional.

While waiting I cleaned it all up in hot soapy water and dried it. I could clearly see something untoward in the bore of the swivel. It was embedded into the nylon bushing. A bit of prodding with a thin but long electrical screwdriver bought out a few pieces of gummy, stickyish rubber type stuff. This is what had 'smeared' onto the inside of the top swivel bore causing it to stick. I cleaned it all up, made a polisher from a bit of 1 inch broomhandle and a bit of M8 studding. The broomhandle was slotted and by inserting a bit of wet and dry, wetting it and spinning it in the bushes in the electric drill it polished up beautifuly. Slides up and down just like a new one.

God knows what the foreign matter was-or how it got in, 47 feet up the forestay!

Anyway, problem solved and if Harken can get the new bushes I shall have a decision to make - buy and fit them or use the polished ones that are now working. :)


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20 Aug 2022
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My pants need changing. I have just ordered a new Harken Ocean Furler yesterday and sods law, your post turns up! Glad you got it sorted and even gladder it is not a general issue.
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Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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It is an old system, boat was fitted with it as O/E in 2007 during build. The bearings and everything else are A1.

See my OP - I asked on these pages plus the IPHomeport and no one else has suffered the issue.

Harken is good kit, dont worry! :)