So Cowes is now closed !


Well-known member
10 Jan 2012
South Coast
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Called into Cowes for lunch today, and having called Cowes Yacht Haven by phone last night to be told "no you can't book a short stay, but no problem we will fit you in" so ...

CYH "no room sir, try Shepherds", so I did despite the fact that at least 50 or so vacant pontoon spaces were obviously available and we simply wanted a 1.5 hour stop.

Shepherds same story, obviously a smaller marina, but clearly loads of vacant space "waiting for boats to come in sir" - due to the earlier rain there was virtually no bugger out there !

East Cowes - same, although however in their case not very many spaces available so clearly as a dormitory marina, the weather had put most off going out.

Thank goodness for the Folly where the HM made his best efforts to find us a slot for lunch where we with our dog could hop off directly onto the pontoon. The pub is a delight, excellent food and service, and so very accommodating. Love dogs inside and out, and even provide cash-back to settle the HM / Ferryman's fee.

Now is it me, or am I wrong in thinking that at least CYH and Shepherds are basically Public facilities and therefore should be available to the Public to use, and not as it seems run for the convenience of their staff !!!

When we passed by on our way back some 2 hours later still loads of vacant pontoons in both marinas, yet £125 spent at the Folly and not the Anchor our usual destination.

This attitude is killing casual weekend boating. After 40 years afloat I utterly fail to understand why this attitude of access denial over Public service is now so prevalent, and not just at Cowes. Next time back to Osborne Bay and our own anchor, with a picnic lunch for us, free access with no staff to bother bus, and no £20 parking fee !!!


Well-known member
9 Mar 2008
New Forest
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Sad isn’t it… Cowes only interested in big and corporate money……even in the “closed season” this winter they didnt have spot for a small 9 meter boat for short stat lunch on a sunday… shame but we had exactly this conversation Friday evening with some friends who couldn’t get in on Friday for lunch…

Chiara’s slave

Well-known member
14 Apr 2022
Western Solent
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It’s the Telegraph Bowl, and Cowes Classics week. My race boat needs a berth, when she’s not racing. Having booked it 3 months ago, I’d be heartily pissed off if they rented our berth to you cos we’d gone out sailing. It’s a big event. Pleased you got a berth at The Folly, but cruisers need to remember Cowes is a regatta town. It’s part of it’s sailing DNA. It wouldn’t be Cowes without it, please don’t whine!


Well-known member
8 May 2003
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I remember i my youth there were the trots fronting west Cowes and you steamed in and tied up to a suitable fellow yachtsman’s craft then it must have been 1969 or 1970 Groves and Guttridge decided to takeover the water space and build a marina charging much more than the trots ,it’s probably at that time yachting joined the new age of consumerism laying on hot showers and walk ashore and convienience three thingsyachtsmen didn’t know they needed……in exchange you gave up your freedom to raft up.Yachts became increasingly more valuable and locked gates and security appeared.


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22 Oct 2016
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That’s the reason I sold my boat, I got fed up with being told there’s no space for visitors and didn’t want to return to my home berth every night, for me boating was about going and visiting different places.
if things improve again I will certainly have another go.


Well-known member
14 Feb 2007
Poole, Dorset
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We stopped going up that way from Poole during high season years ago for this reason.
I am not sure that I would refer to marinas as public services though.


Well-known member
25 Oct 2020
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It’s the Telegraph Bowl, and Cowes Classics week. My race boat needs a berth, when she’s not racing. Having booked it 3 months ago, I’d be heartily pissed off if they rented our berth to you cos we’d gone out sailing. It’s a big event. Pleased you got a berth at The Folly, but cruisers need to remember Cowes is a regatta town. It’s part of it’s sailing DNA. It wouldn’t be Cowes without it, please don’t whine!
But there's also common sense. The OP only wanted a short stay - could the marina staff not accommodate him with strict instructions not to overstay?

Also context of  why they're "full but empty" - "we've got loads of boats coming in for xxx event later".

The marinas don't do themselves any favours sometimes.


Well-known member
10 Jul 2003
River Hamble
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Called into Cowes for lunch today, and having called Cowes Yacht Haven by phone last night to be told "no you can't book a short stay, but no problem we will fit you in" so ...

CYH "no room sir, try Shepherds", so I did despite the fact that at least 50 or so vacant pontoon spaces were obviously available and we simply wanted a 1.5 hour stop.

Shepherds same story, obviously a smaller marina, but clearly loads of vacant space "waiting for boats to come in sir" - due to the earlier rain there was virtually no bugger out there !

East Cowes - same, although however in their case not very many spaces available so clearly as a dormitory marina, the weather had put most off going out.

Thank goodness for the Folly where the HM made his best efforts to find us a slot for lunch where we with our dog could hop off directly onto the pontoon. The pub is a delight, excellent food and service, and so very accommodating. Love dogs inside and out, and even provide cash-back to settle the HM / Ferryman's fee.

Now is it me, or am I wrong in thinking that at least CYH and Shepherds are basically Public facilities and therefore should be available to the Public to use, and not as it seems run for the convenience of their staff !!!

When we passed by on our way back some 2 hours later still loads of vacant pontoons in both marinas, yet £125 spent at the Folly and not the Anchor our usual destination.

This attitude is killing casual weekend boating. After 40 years afloat I utterly fail to understand why this attitude of access denial over Public service is now so prevalent, and not just at Cowes. Next time back to Osborne Bay and our own anchor, with a picnic lunch for us, free access with no staff to bother bus, and no £20 parking fee !!!
We had a lunch stop at the yacht haven yesterday no problem.
There was room for another 5 boats my size around me. As we left a booked fleet of sunsails arrived with no proper fenders etc and all handled rather chaotically so was glad to get out.


Well-known member
17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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It’s my impression having visited Cowes for many years that perhaps some of the long term marina staff have departed of late maybe as part of a covid retirement or indeed that the marina have adopted a British airways retirement policy but that might account for a change of attitude by the Marino encountered. Shepherds certainly seem to have weeded out the greybeards on berth duty . As for east cowes aka boatfolk they have more permanent bertholders I suspect reducing visitor space. Also for staff once you let one casual lunch time stop where does the rot end. All sorts will soon be randomly alongside blocking your pristine rally site or where you have planned to put 15 fair view boats on charter to xyz. Professional jolly . Also a casual lunch stop closes that space to a overnight stay for some which often cannot so easily fit inside . That said I do think shepherds has become somewhat harder to berth at in recent years and even when booked sometimes they underestimate needs let’s say.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Seems to be becoming an increasing problem in the Solent. It used to be the case that you could always get into Cowes - you might be rafted out 5 deep on a mid river pontoon with no walk ashore access but you could always find somewhere to get in.

Having to plan your trips and pre-book totally changes the feeling of sailing - you can't spontaneously set out and see where you get to

Chiara’s slave

Well-known member
14 Apr 2022
Western Solent
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Yarmouth is a ‘turn up and hope’ port. If the harbour is full, there are outside moorings. If those are full, or if you’re a bit of a cheapskate (no shame in that these days) try ringing the Royal Solent. They have a few moorings for reasonable sized boats, think they’d take s 40 footer, the harbour taxis will still pick you up from there. They’re just east of the pier.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Hampshire / Solent
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It never used to be a problem, but in recent years I find it difficult to either book or just turn up in Cowes and other marinas such as bembridge. Last year tried to book island harbour and was told it is fully booked for the next three months. I have changed my boating style, now anchor overnight or do day trips, but in the autumn/winter visit all the marinas as I please. It would appear summer staff can't be bothered to help or do their best to accommodate you.


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30 Dec 2015
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Probably they were all awaiting rallies to fill the empty spaces -it’s a common problem at Cowes unless you book in advance.
Had the same last Thursday as 90 French boats were due in at West Cowes so no room. Had new experience on mid medina pontoon opp Folley and v enjoyable. At anchor all day at Colwell Bay Friday and saw a fleet of black sail sailing boats heading out past Needles, ? over channel.


Well-known member
31 May 2007
We use Cowes Yacht Haven quite a lot for charters and I feel compelled to jump to their defence. Here’s the issue:

Short stay berths are a bit of a pain in the backside. The people staying begrudge paying more than a few pence - just look through the number of complaining posts on here including The Folly moorings which many people think should be free for short stays!. So in many respects you’ve all shot yourselves in the foot.

The main revenue is from overnight berths and even then people moan about the prices. So the marina doesn’t want people paying a couple of quid for a short stay getting in the way of selling more valuable overnight spaces. Imagine turning up at 2.00pm to be told we’re full of short stay berths, come back later, maybe 5.00pm or 6.00pm ?

People lie. “We’re only going to be a couple of hours” then 5 hours later they’re still there.

When we have guests ashore for lunch we are happy to remain on the boat at all times to move it straight away if required. This ensures we are able to get short stay berthing more often. We are also happy to pay the going rate and be friendly. We understand the problems and work with marinas, they in turn trust us to do as we’ve promised. As has been said already boats may be out racing and expect to be able to return to their paid for berths.

I do agree that in the summer especially on weekends Cowes can fill up. We’ve had to go elsewhere in the past and we are very flexible in terms of moorings. Mid river, piles, whatever. Ultimately a solution needs to be found because local businesses suffer. Our 12 guest lunchtime booking could potentially be worth 4 figures to a restaurant and even when we stay privately it’s not unusual to spend getting on for that once we’ve eaten, bought some clothes and so on. I once bought a grandfather clock in Lymington back in the days when we could berth in the town. Sadly we are no longer able to with the new moorings so only use it for work bookings at LYH. Lymington’s loss is Yarmouth’s gain.