New member
I realised this was getting too long, so I have put the question first and the pre-amble last:
For year round Solent / coastal cruising with a couple of friends (SW coast) and
possibly Channel Islands/France (Summer) I am thinking of buying something like a Contessa 26 / Halcyon 27 / Trintella 29 - as the boat is going to be old (pre 1980 for sure) I want to go for the best quality I can on my budget (c.£10k + a bit more on tick) seakeeping/sailing qualities far more important than accomodation to me - what would the panel advise (possibly in light of pre-amble below).
Thanks in advance
Pre amble:
I have spent the last few weeks researching my ideal second boat - (not a spare one - I will be selling boat number one!).
Initially I was preoccupied with the fact that my mooring is more mud than water but now I have established that a reasonable cost solution to this would be a deep water swinging mooring Apr-Oct and in the local marina Nov-Mar.
Having got over that hurdle the choice of 'possible' boats in my budget range (£10k cash, and the rest on the tick) has expanded exponetially.
My main criteria is to get something that can face the Needles Channel / St Albans / Portland in worse than forecast weather - I would normally avoid venturing out in more than a forecast F4 and would obviously avoid wind against tide in these areas and per pilotage instructions in Macmillans etc.
I have been sailing an 18ft bilge keel (just under a tonne) in the Solent to St Albans area and have felt 'uncomfortable' in F5/6 (particularly when some of our motoring friends have passed close by, and especially when the fast cat ferry from Southampton did!! boat became 'sub' for short while). The wind has never been a problem in itself, just steep waves. Basically I want a faster, safer, bigger, more solid boat suited for the sort of choppy seas found in these areas.
For year round Solent / coastal cruising with a couple of friends (SW coast) and
possibly Channel Islands/France (Summer) I am thinking of buying something like a Contessa 26 / Halcyon 27 / Trintella 29 - as the boat is going to be old (pre 1980 for sure) I want to go for the best quality I can on my budget (c.£10k + a bit more on tick) seakeeping/sailing qualities far more important than accomodation to me - what would the panel advise (possibly in light of pre-amble below).
Thanks in advance
Pre amble:
I have spent the last few weeks researching my ideal second boat - (not a spare one - I will be selling boat number one!).
Initially I was preoccupied with the fact that my mooring is more mud than water but now I have established that a reasonable cost solution to this would be a deep water swinging mooring Apr-Oct and in the local marina Nov-Mar.
Having got over that hurdle the choice of 'possible' boats in my budget range (£10k cash, and the rest on the tick) has expanded exponetially.
My main criteria is to get something that can face the Needles Channel / St Albans / Portland in worse than forecast weather - I would normally avoid venturing out in more than a forecast F4 and would obviously avoid wind against tide in these areas and per pilotage instructions in Macmillans etc.
I have been sailing an 18ft bilge keel (just under a tonne) in the Solent to St Albans area and have felt 'uncomfortable' in F5/6 (particularly when some of our motoring friends have passed close by, and especially when the fast cat ferry from Southampton did!! boat became 'sub' for short while). The wind has never been a problem in itself, just steep waves. Basically I want a faster, safer, bigger, more solid boat suited for the sort of choppy seas found in these areas.