scrubbing piles itchenor



Has anyone ever used these. If so could you tell us what you do. I know this is pathetic but thats me. I wanted to take te boat out for a day or so to change a seacock and scrub the bottom and clean my badly fouled prop. Apparently Peters boatyard are too busy so I was thinking of drying out between tides.


The piles are easy to use at Itchenor, they cost me £12 for my 29 footer for a tide. See the conservency office at Itchenor to book them. The set nearest the public jetty are the best as the bottom is more level.

Have fun.


The HC office number was 01243 512301 last time I used them.
Agree about using the inside piles. Try and arrive so that you are on the shoreside.
A dinghy is useful. Take a screwdriver and adjustable spanner - I needed them for the water line.
Big fenders are useful. I hang mine so that they are horizontal where my bow and stern are in contact with the piles. It isn't a difficult job to pick up the piles- I am invariably single-handed. Try and choose a quiet day as otherwise you will spend a busy hour adjusting fenders and lines as the boat takes the ground.
A cheap (£5 from a builders merchant) set of plastic oilskins are a useful thing to have as I inevitably get dirty or splattered with anti.fouling.


thanks rogerw i;ll try and get the job done early september.