Saved from the project!

Iain C

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20 Oct 2009
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First coat of Toplac done. One more to do, then finish the fit out, re-spray the mast, and fit a carbon compression post under the foredeck (need the mast out first though). Nearly there!

Oh, and the name? What it was beforehand...bad luck to change...simple as that!
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24 Feb 2003
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First coat of Toplac done. One more to do, then finish the fit out, re-spray the mast, and fit a carbon compression post under the foredeck (need the mast out first though). Nearly there!

Oh, and the name? What it was beforehand...bad luck to change...simple as that!
Wow! respect! and the name? says it all!

Iain C

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20 Oct 2009
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Very close now! Second coat of Toplac on and a load of fittings put back where they should be (with a lot of systems modifications along the way) Even going to allow my self the luxury of a "still to do" list!

Fit spinny chute, new control lines, splice up a new kicker, fit toestraps, bouyancy bags, compression strut under the foredeck, sikaflex the keel join, fit twinning lines, jib cleats, varnish the tiller, forward bulkhead hatch and paddle. Insure her and go race!


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Iain C

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20 Oct 2009
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Fantastic! I've enjoyed following the rebuild. Did you manage to find some decent sails in the end? Will sorting the rot out and chainplates etc etc mean that she will be a little stiffer in the hull and more competitive again?

Yes, I got some decent second hand sails so we'll see how she goes with those and I'll keep my eye out for some really good ones if I get into racing the boat. She should be an awful lot stiffer now...lots of bracing around the mast gate and carbon tube bracing the rig loads into the front bulkhead. She also now has the new style rudder (already had a modern keel) so she should be quick. She does have a reputation at my club for being very fast in lighter weather anyway...she probably won't keep up in a real blow.

Apparently during one open someone who had spent 15k on a new boat lost his rag when 797 quietly rolled him...the comment was "FFS...THAT F&@@ING OLD BOAT!!!!!!"

I really hope he's still doing the circuit somewhere...bring it on!

Iain C

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20 Oct 2009
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Well, if you're wondering why it all went quiet, we had a minor hitch. Or to be precise a minor crack following lots of rig tension and me "testing" the new toe straps in the garden. Essentially, where the planking joins the hog just above the keel, it was starting to open up a small amount on one side. So nothing for it apart from keel off (boat dangling in a ratchet strap, fire up the sander, dig out a teeny cigarette sized area of nastiness, epoxy and several layers of strengthening glass to the keel area. Keel back on (great fun on my own, using all kinds of levers, trolley jacks, Spanish windlasses and only one slightly squished finger) and re-paint. Well that was about 2 months wasted then!

But then, last weekend, this happened...


And then tonight...shock horror...this happened!




If I'm honest the boat needs a lot of sorting...some of the controls were just bodged together last minute tonight and we just threw the boat in the water and went racing. The rig isn't even slightly tuned, the kite halyard is about 2 metres too short, and there's no settings to speak of, so a DFL was hardly surprising. However she's actually back on the water, and a good days tinkering should sort all the little issues. I'm delighted with the new rudder set up, it's finger tip light, a far cry from the bending tiller of before!

Well, it's been fun (ahem), she doesn't look quite as pretty as I'd hoped, and I'm never ever doing a wooden boat again, and certainly not in my back garden without a workshop. But she looks a damned sight better then she did, and at least she's back on the water rather than being the star of the next club bonfire night. And next year she celebrates her 50th birthday from measurement (although there is a rumour she was actually built in 1963. Can't be bad. And more to the point although SWMBO likes yotting she went off smaller stuff a few years ago (and let's face it the 49er isn't ideal for a lass) but she loved it tonight and is happy to crew!


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You just get to the point that you don't want to find anything else to do.

Good on you for hanging in there.

Just get out in a bit of breeze....
