Salcombe this weekend


Active member
14 Jun 2002
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Alston Farm is good for camping. A farm type site but with reasonable facilities. A couple of miles inland from Salcome (just off the main road in). I'm only aware of the main slip in Salcome (by the long stay carpark) but there may be others. You can also launch at Hope Cove if the tide is right.


Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
You can launch at South Sands Beach as well, but getting a trailer down the road to the beach could be a test of your driving abilities!

It's a lovely spot.



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31 Aug 2002
Stratford upon Avon & S.Devon
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Very large slip, up Batson Creek in Salcombe itself, along with large trailer park.
As previously mentioned - South Sands but access by road is rather tight.
Large slip at the head of the estuary in Kingsbridge - not the little one by the toilets but at the far end of the Quay Carpark. Road access very good but tidal (HW +/- 2 to 3hrs). There's also a sudden drop off the end so best to launch reasonably close to HW.

Hope Cove also has at least one slip but I don't know how good it is - looks awkward to get to with a trailer.

There may be further details on the Salcombe Harbour Website.

Hope you have a super time - I'm stuck with moving house at the moment.

A trip worth doing is up South Pool Creek on the tide to the good little pub with decent grub - forgotten its name but it's the only one there. Tie up at the dinghy pontoon and it's a 5 min. walk - follow the brook.
Also, weather permitting nip round from Salcombe to Bigbury/Bantham and go up the River Avon (approx 2hrs either side of HW). Entrance is "interesting" and Spring Tides rush through the narrow opening and through the moorings.

There is a reasonable campsite inland from North Sands which would be the nearest to the Salcombe launching places. There are others dotted about the Kingsbridge area but I've no idea how good they are.
There's one in Frogmore at the head of Frogmore Creek and it is possible to launch close by, but it is very restricted by the tide I think.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Take Wispers advise, he is very local and knowlagable. Bateson creek option. Think it's all tides, or just about. Easy and a trailer park. Not tried it myself, as have only visited by boat. A bit much for me as a slip way, but have tried to get up it. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Ring Salcombe harbour for details.


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Hope Cove is fine for smaller boats, especially ribs. You'll find it busy with ribs with divers setting off on bank holiday weekends so may have as long a wait as at Salcombe slip.

Fun things to do, apart from going to Salcombe, where there are no end of sandy beaches to land a rib on both sides of estuary. Turn left out of Hope Cove towards Salcombe and when you come to the big rock in the sea, near Soar Cove let loose the fishing lines. Turn right out of Hope Cove and head to the Yealm. Haydn and Whisper can tell you all about it. Wonderful place. Read the pilot notes first. There are some great lunchtime anchorages enroute in amongst the rocks, but probably not for first time visit.