Rules Of Engagement!!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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To the panel Or Kim (Still think he should be one of Richard and Judy though)!!So what are the rules,
For slagging Volvo? Seems no problem there!
Princess or Fairline, Well we would'nt would we?
Sealines seem fair game though!
Now its ok to slag Matt off'
and Colin, well enough said?
I've been slagged off more times than I care to remember and I knocked hell out of Gludy. The newby who strangley seems now part of the clique?
So wheres the clique and can anyone join?
Or can we have some rules from the eminant panel.
Or from Kim who's in charge of this motley crew.
I mean Is it like three posts and then gerruum or is it more subtle than that and dose it depend on who's advertising this month, as to how much stick they can get.
Now come on Kim, Matt, Nick, Byron and many others. Just what are the rules of engagement to be!!
We all need rules to live by so then we can break them you see!!
If we cant give advice about emulsion paint, flower pots or polyfilla? Then where can our expertice lie?? I mean we a'rnt experts. or are we, and what qualifications should we have??
You see now we need a new format, and a grail to be hunting
from now, and a quest cos you see that the spelling is'nt up to nothing much else.
So just how does the cookie crumble and just when do we throw oil over trouble waters (Cant see the environtment lot going for that) So you see my problem, just what are the rules??



Clique Rules OK!
1) No smoking, especially when supplying free fills of petrol
2) No slagging American boats, especially Carver which everyone knows are the best boats afloat
3) Thick skin unless already a clique member in which case it is OK to be righteously indignant
4) General recognition of the inherent superiority of Scots and everything Scottish
5) Unshakeable faith in superiority of own knowledge of everything nautical or alternatively, grovelling Manuel "I know nothzing!" approach.
6) TekDek expertise
7) Regular radio 2 listener
8) Thinks Meg Ryan is cute



Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Bit like boating itself really...a splash of commonsense and courtesy.

Despite all rumours to the contrary I don't intend lurking in here with the sole intent of exercising the 'nuke this thread' option at every opportunity or come beetling in with 'teacher says' put downs.

When running MBM events for real I was always pleased (and somewhat amazed) how quickly strangers became friends in the world of motorboating...perhaps the benchmark here should be the same (which doesn't necessarily mean the equivalent of catching someone's lines and promptly telling them that their boat is somewhat worse than the by-product of sea hound just scraped from your deckies).

Does that help?

Yours sincerely
Richard (or am I Judy)


Haydn, there are hardly any rules. But you whipped in too quickly on a newbie - there'll be few newbies (serious frown) and OTOH shorter lasting giggles.

As for Volvo, these are dreadful ,especially the cars. The seats are made of concrete, and all the engineering safety that they bang on about is under licence from Mercedes. Not sure of an ocean sailing race sponsored by a compnay whose name is the Latin for "I roll"


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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I can't agree with all your rules. For a start I need to smoke if filling a petrol boat, petrol is dangerous and smoking steadies my nerves. As regards Radio 2 - Terry Wogan is unmissable. Meg Ryan, well! I suppose I would suffer it if she forced herself on me but would much rather Claudia Schiffer in a military outfit saying "vell mein dirty kleiners schtinkpotter, ven I sprechen you vill schrtippen mein clothes offen und do vat you vill wiff me"



What's this about a clique and rules the two can't exist in the same sentence!!