RNLI Rescue of Peterhead


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22 Sep 2008
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No absolutely not, but for the most part crews can get on with normal paid work. Someone who's a full time doctor clearly can't do that. Don't forget we do have volunteers in our frontline roles elsewhere, specials in the police, the TA, St John's, the air ambulance, mountain rescue, blood bank drivers.... probably loads of others that I can't think of right now.

This. Finding people to chip in a few hours a week to do an exciting job is easy. Finding someone to work full time isn't easy, in fact it's so difficult you have to actually pay them to do it.


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17 Dec 2003
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It's not hard to see where this venerable institution is headed. Ex US Supreme Court Judge, Louise Brandeis once advocated institutional and government transparency as an antidote to corruption and nativism:

"Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman."
Under its current leadership the RNLI has chosen a a near-reciprocal bearing to that advocated by Brandeis, seemingly blind to the financial rocks which lie ahead. Upon striking them, Dowie and Co. will no doubt seek to blame coronavirus and social change, while forgetting that a better managed RNLI has weathered much worse since its birth in 1824.

In the corporate world, shareholders would at this stage force change at the top. That's much harder with a charity, hence this slow motion accident.

I must say, it's not obvious how best to address this and get the RNLI back on track.


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22 Sep 2008
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Ah well Mr M 1 suggest that you are not circulating with the best persons then, perhpas you lead a sheltered life style, there are many of us out there who do our bit for a Charity or other organisation without charges, fees, salaries, payments, etc etc

"doing your bit" != "working full time"


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22 Sep 2008
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@Mark-1 Provided I was fed, clothed, had a roof over my head I'd be happy with a much reduced salary. (90% of my pay goes directly to bills so same diff).

Great, when you're ready you can go and work full time for the RNLI for token salary. In the meantime they have to pay people.


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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If anyone in this thread critiqued the front line crews... they need their heads sorting out.

A number of lifeboat crews have indeed come under severe criticism and been subsequently relieved of their duties.

Invariably good people, the very best of sorts, folk who put their lives on the line to save others, but who, alas, failed to address their unconscious biases and inner misogynism only expensive management consultants can absolve them from.

They're easy prey to a form wielding graduate from Poole, who can't and would never want to drive the boats the RNLI is tasked to provide.

I think we all agree that the RNLI is a fab institution. It is however in serious need of a new operating system and reboot to face the 21st Century.

Juan Twothree

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24 Aug 2010
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A number of lifeboat crews have indeed come under severe criticism and been subsequently relieved of their duties.

but who, alas, failed to address their unconscious biases and inner misogynism only expensive management consultants can absolve them from.

They're easy prey to a form wielding graduate from Poole, who can't and would never want to drive the boats the RNLI is tasked to provide.

The RNLI has explained previously why a few crew have been stood down over the years, and it is nothing to do with the reasons stated in the press.

You say that lifeboat crew are "invariably good people, the very best of sorts", which is generally the public perception, but is not always the case (and I'm far too modest to describe myself as such!).

I'll be very careful here not to refer to specific stations, or cases that appeared in the press, but do you think it's OK to bully and physically assault other crew members?

Or to go out on on a 25 knot lifeboat whilst steaming drunk?

Because I don't.

And that's nothing to do with graduates in shiny suits in Poole. It's to do with fellow crew on their stations saying that enough is enough, and they aren't willing to serve with them any more.
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9 Jun 2017
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.........PCSOs are paid 21k a year, but Police specials are paid expenses and are not expected to undertake the work that the PCSO is. Their roles tend to be limited to providing advice, making door to door inquiries.

You've either got that the wrong way round, or not expressed it very well.

Special Constables are warranted officers with all the powers that go with it. They are paid "expenses only", but do exactly the same jobs as full-time officers. PCSO's are salaried but don't have the powers of a warranted officer. It's the PCSO's who are more likely to be doing the routine door knocking.


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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The RNLI has explained previously why a few crew have been stood down over the years, and it is nothing to do with the reasons stated in the press.

You say that lifeboat crew are "............

I don’t think these kind of allegations should be thrown around in a public forum; it‘s not a court, there’s no right to reply, the people are easily identifiable, and that’s not on.

Might I respectfully ask that you edit/delete your post. We can disagree about this, or perhaps even agree, but dragging allegations like this into the open is not fair and may well cross a line.

Edit: that’s the worst of it gone, but these are still allegations untested in a court of law and therefore hearsay. I’d personally cut more but your call
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Juan Twothree

Well-known member
24 Aug 2010
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I don’t think these kind of allegations should be thrown around in a public forum; it‘s not a court, there’s no right to reply, the people are easily identifiable, and that’s not on.

Might I respectfully ask that you edit/delete your post. We can disagree about this, or perhaps even agree, but dragging allegations like this into the open is not fair and may well cross a line.

Fair comment. I've removed one of the examples I cited, as I'm only aware of it happening on one station.

Unfortunately, the other two examples have happened more than once, (and that's only the ones I know about), therefore no individuals can be identified.

I find it somewhat ironic that you feel quite justified in making baseless allegations about RNLI management standing down crew, for example.......

"who, alas, failed to address their unconscious biases and inner misogynism only expensive management consultants can absolve them from.

They're easy prey to a form wielding graduate from Poole, who can't and would never want to drive the boats the RNLI is tasked to provide."

but you don't think I should point out examples of where such sackings have been entirely warranted.


Well-known member
31 Dec 2007
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Fair comment. I've removed one of the examples I cited, as I'm only aware of it happening on one station.

Unfortunately, the other two examples have happened more than once, (and that's only the ones I know about), therefore no individuals can be identified.

I find it somewhat ironic that you feel quite justified in making baseless allegations about RNLI management standing down crew, for example.......

"who, alas, failed to address their unconscious biases and inner misogynism only expensive management consultants can absolve them from.

They're easy prey to a form wielding graduate from Poole, who can't and would never want to drive the boats the RNLI is tasked to provide."

but you don't think I should point out examples of where such sackings have been entirely warranted.
Agree, surely for fairness any posters who have said the above things should also delete those allegations
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