Revised list of extras for my new boat.

I apologise in advance for anyone who's already read this post in JeremyF's thread, but I feel it's important, what with the safety features I'm intending to purchase that I get some feed back. (For those of you that don't know. I'm a complete novice and I'm ordering a Moody 38 now, because if I don't I wont get one cos they've stopped making 'em!)

Here is a revised list of extras with my reasons for getting rid and keeping in


Teak deck (Looks shabby if not maintained regularily)
Electric winches (Was always teetering on the edge of being booted anyway!)
2 pushpit seats (Why spoil her beautiful lines!)
Water maker
Aircon (Was never going to be used until the 3/4 season of sailing anway, can be just as easily retrofitted at just the same price. Whilst installing them now means extra maintenance and extra weight.)
Engine spares kit (I'll get 'em when I can't sue!)

Cental heating
Extra galley console and microwave (Gc got to be their for retro extras swmbo=mw)
Blue Hull (I really like it!)
Electric Winlass (I've given up the winche what more do you want!)
7ft Dinghy with centre console and snap davits (Kids toy and it's shrunk 2ft)
Autopilot (Generally I' ve been advised to keep it.)
GPS plotter and radar with receiver at helm (I've gotta have 'em so why not have the best ones!)
Extra 12v sockets (Hair driers, Mobile phones, do I need to go on?)
VHF Radio (Essential.)
Toilet discharges to holding tank/overboard ('cos I wanna shit in the marina without shitting in the marina!)
Interior locking box (money/passport/credits cards!)
15" tft screen with cd player and PS2 (6 speakers below deck none above(No one wants to listen to level 5 of Tekken 4 whilst sipping G and T)
Horseshoe buoy (Essential.)
Liferaft. (Ditto.)
Lifejackets and Harnesses (Already have these.)
Radar reflector (Have you seen the size of some of those container ships!)
Navtex and Weatherfax (Another useful GADGET!)
Sprayhood (Essential)
Additional battery capacity and smart alternator regulator
Handheld GPS/VHF/Flares/Binochulars (Just in case!)
Set of his and hers foul weather gear (Posey ones; Mustoe for me. Henri Lloyd for her!)
Warps (So I've still got a boat!)
About 6 Fenders (No fender baskets though. To go in anchor locker and lazerette)
Good medical kit. (For hangovers. Joke.)
2 Buckets (For hangovers!)
Acrylic board for tender outboard. ('cos wooden ones snap. Don't they Phil!)
2 Bilge pumps (God forbid!)
Gold pseudo joined up lettering "Careless whisper" (Because it'll look great against the blue match the gold ticking and It's always been my dream!)

If I've missed ANYTHING let me know. I don't think I've been too frivolous this time do you?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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I saw this today. Your list is pretty good, drifting into chandlery really, so I'll stick to speccable stuff from the builder.

a) Didn't think the sulking seats (pushpit) were too bad really, quite a larf to sit in these whislt belting along?

b) The 12v sockets - at least one of these should be at the helm, for night-time lights.

c) is there a sprung mattress option- or are they standard?


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19 Jun 2002
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Shiney new boat (especially with blue hull !) plus novice sailor needs more fenders ! And you might as well get fender socks whilst you're at it !

Believe me - you can't have too many fenders !

(from a fellow novice, especially in tight spaces !)


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20 Nov 2001
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Suggest you ask Moodys if the mast is optional. If it is - get rid of it and get bigger engine. I think youll be much happier. Sorry I didn't contribute to your last thread, I've been sailing for the last few weeks.


Looks a good list, not much missing there for boating safety and comfort.

Also consider:

Longer warps - difficult to have too many.
Dan buoy/light
MOB equipment of some sort eg a Lifesling.
Second anchor.
Boathook (s)

Look hard at liferafts, some are very basic, if not very difficult to climb into.



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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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I'd keep the pushpit seats. We charteres a Hunter 410 a couple of years ago which had them & the kids fell in love with them. I had to fight hard with the family when we got our boat because it did'nt have them. They're also useful for sitting depthcharges on when you want to do a spot of fishing.



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16 May 2001
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If you are going to the Caribbean, you might need a Bimini top, or staying in the UK, what about a full cockpit tent?


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29 Apr 2002
andros bahamas
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boat will be hotter with a blue hull, may need to reconsider A/C no mention of feathering prop,especially if its a brunton,calorifier? Bin the telly you don't need it, put in bookshelves instead, i learnt more in four years of cruising than i ever did at school (you can concentrate, when its quiet) 2bow anchors+small kedge,navtex..good idea but don't call it a gadget, gadgets are worthless. otherwise the list isn't to bad......keith


30 Nov 2002
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Kedge anchor and warp

somewhere where you can use it IN A HURRY, otherwise its useless.

Boathook. Preferably two; a little one for picking up buoys with and a big ugly one for fending off dock and lock walls with.

An echosounder would be good.

The bigger the dinghy the better. A 7ft dinghy is not a lot of use, an 8 footer does ever so much more and a 9 footer is a serious bit of kit. This applies regardless of whether the dinghy in question is a RIB or a clinker pram dinghy.

A diesel can and a water can (you may not always be in marinas)

Sail covers

Blue is not a long lasting colour; it fades and chalks fast, so be prepared to repaint in just a few years.
Books, now your talking! I love to read. Unfortunately with running the business and learning all I can as quickly as I can I don't read as much as I'd like to. Probably about 12 books a year, but with 6 weeks solid on the boat a year (Summer holdays.) I'm going to catch up on all the books Ive bought in the past and not gotten around to reading yet.

PS2 and DVD's are for our children and they are only allowed a limited amount of each. Although I must say, they both prefer their books and games. James especially enjoys jumping off the transome into the water when at anchor! (Even when it's cold. The nutter!)


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9 Jul 2001
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I'd rethink the cockpit speakers. You can wire them up to receive your VHF, which is nigh on impossible to hear when it's down below and when you're under engine - can be wired to receive musak plus VHF and use the fader adjustment to turn sound down to cockpit or cabin and vice versa. When out of earshot of others, blasting out some music when sailing can be good fun.

You'll need bolt croppers in your emergency gear.

If your engine breaks down just by the harbour entrance (as they always do!), sueing someone won't really help - get a basic 'help kit'.

I'd also look carefully at whether a combined radar and plotter is right - some reviews I've read are less than positive -separate bits might be more practical in use.

A few torches might seem obvious, but I'll mention them anyway.

Engine compartment light

Fire extinguishers (including auto one for engine) and fire blanket for galley.

Fog horn

Finally, I didn't see flares on the list.


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8 Feb 2002
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Definately a larger dinghy, a 7' dinghy can only just hold 2 people, a 8' dinghy 3/4 people at a push and a 9' dinghy 4 people safely.
Don't forget Flares, 2 x Jack stays(webbing type, they don't roll underfoot), Bolt croppers.
Engine light very useful,
On the engine sea water pump fit a Speed Seal - makes changing the impellor very easy and quick - believe me, one day you will need to!
Oh, and 2 spare impellors and make sure you know how to fix your engine in a an emergency...
Oh, another thing - you'll need some SOLTRON - make a search on this subject if you don't know what it is!
VHF cockpit speaker almost essential as it usually can't be heard when below.
Most of this stuff can be retrofitted easily as and when you get more experience, only have fitted by the builder if it is essential, easier and cheaper.
Has any one suggested a Rope Cutter yet? Fit a Stripper type - if you have a shaft drive make sure the builder leaves sufficient room for the cutter between the P bracket and prop.
Horn - get/make a 'plug in' 12v type for all your Fog signals - much better than the aerosol type.

I'd rather be sailing... :)


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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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Take no notice of the people whom are without - GET a bow thruster and an Aerogen.

Believe me, when you about to moor up and the wife is looking after the kids down below using 12v power and water like it's going out of fashion you'll need both!

Enjoy this time - ever heard of post purchase depression?
Flares are already on there. Why will I need bolt croppers? Seperate speaker for VHF at helm already having just not gone into detail. A lot of people are suggestin a spares kit (Kinda worrying!) Do I just ask for a spares kit for a Yanmar 4JH3 (and this is the dinger!) Is there such a thing as a "Haynes" manaul for the Moody38 (We've all had one them for out Ford Sierra, come on admit it!)
Auto extinguisher for engine and light is standard. Torches, got loads! Fog horn I forgot and will add to "Revised list #2"

