Looking for a Manual for a 2007 Bavaria 50 Cruiser


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15 Feb 2014
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I'm hoping to find a manual for a 2007 Bavaria 50 Cruiser to download.

2006 50 Cruiser manuals are available on the web but I'm unable to find one for 2007 and up. I am thinking that even a manual for a smaller cruiser of the same make and year would tell me what I need to kn ow.

In 2007 Bavaria changed their house wiring system to a digital distribution board (Panel 301) rather than the normal traditional breaker panel.

It's a great idea when it works, but when it doesn't work it's a real headache.

I've been able to find a manual for panel 301 but I don't have a full wiring diagram for the boat and that should be in the 2007 manual.