Sorry but "a Spanish MEP" and "some legistlation" does not convice me of the veracity of the assertion - WHICH Spanish MEP is proposing this in WHICH draft legislation , WHERE and WHEN is this being discussed and by WHO??
Since this seems to have been such a political post, this seemed the best place to put this.
What is the UK coming to!!! - <A target="_blank" HREF=></A>
Time to carry a ruler round with you.............
I wonder if they will clamp down on mooring rope lengths next?
Spanish Green MEP Josu Ortuondo Larrea, managed to slip it into an amendment on European Commission maritime proposals. UK MEP's will contest it at a plenary session.
There have been threads on the subject in these forums at least 2 or 3 times before, and there has been plenty of news coverage of it. If you really have no idea how to check the veracity for yourself (which I find is the best way) then I'll provide some links for you
<hr width=100% size=1>There is no such thing as "fun for the whole family."