Recommendations Boatyards in Denmark or southern Sweden?


31 Jan 2003
Wandsworth and Geneva
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Weilandt in Fehmarn is good. The price for my Jeanneau DS 50 to haul out in August, take down mast, spray off, store in unheated shed,relaunch in May this year, reinstate mast and electronics was Euro 3250. This was a pleasant surprise after Mercury Marina and Hamble Yacht Services. Bill for anodes, anti foul and hull clean and polish has just come in - Euro 1,150. Detlef Weilandt pleasant to deal with and speaks serviceable English.

Baltic is a great place to cruise: we did the Baltic Arc as featured in YW. I know the article comes over as a bit of a puff piece for World Cruising Club but it really was that good. The rally is not a potter though: distances are quite long(c.200 miles on most legs) but the ports are interesting, the social aspect good if you like rallies and the organisation exemplary.

Fehmarn is about 3 hours by rail from Hamburg airport.
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24 Jun 2004
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If you want some reading in the cold winter months, here are two blogs of our last two trips to the Baltic. The second is a bit short of pictures, but they may give you an idea of how we managed a couple of wanders around Denmark and Sweden. We met the people organising the Baltic rally that another poster mentioned, but could not really see why anyone would do that - long passages to prearranged destinations, with no chance to stop on a whim and explore - but everyone is different, I guess.


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15 Aug 2011
the Nederlands
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Neither of those two operations linked to are commercial marinas. The first one is run by municipalities in the area and provides services to residents only. The second one is run by three local boat clubs. There is a waiting list at both locations.
Don't want to sound too negative though, there are several commercial marinas around that would welcome foreign boat owners, but the OP said Denmark wound be his first choice.

Regarding the toilet discharge issue: Discharge from a sea toilet, porta potti or holding tank will be illegal in Swedish waters (12 miles out) following the new law
from April 1st.
The fact that "bucket and chuck it" is not covered by the new law does not make it a legal practice, as it is already considered illegal by existing law.
How visiting yachties from abroad chooses to deal with this is another thing.

Sorry in Denmark I do not know so much.
I have been helped by Grefab but never lived in Goteborg,I have also been helped by the club in Limhamn Malmo.
Maybe they do not help sailors anymore.
I am sorry I did not know that.
I left Sweden 6 years ago,so a lot is not like it use to be.

But you are a little wrong about Sweden toilet law I think.
In the new boat toilet law it say that emptying a bucket or chamber pot is excluded from the law.
This have been discus a lot on Swedish boat forums and I have read the law and Swedish forum for the latest update on this today.

Do you have a link maybe so I can help the Swedish boat community to understand this,because no one in Sweden got a clue.
And we have some impressive armchair sailors there to.:)
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11 Sep 2006
Oslo, Norway
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But you are a little wrong about Sweden toilet law I think.
In the new boat toilet law it say that emptying a bucket or chamber pot is excluded from the law.
This have been discus a lot on Swedish boat forums and I have read the law and Swedish forum for the latest update on this today.

Do you have a link maybe so I can help the Swedish boat community to understand this,because no one in Sweden got a clue.
And we have some impressive armchair sailors there to.:)
The "owner" of the rules are
The general info on toilet waste

The definition - direct link
Toalettavfall omfattar allt utsläpp av avloppsvatten och annat avfall från varje toalett eller urinoar, enligt definitionen i TSFS 2010:96 Bilaga 1. Det omfattar även portabla båttoaletter som exempelvis Porta potti.
Tömning av toalettavfall från hink, potta eller liknande omfattas däremot inte av definitionen av toalettavfall. i TSFS 2012:13.
Det är dock förbjudet att släppa ut även detta avfall enligt Miljöbalkens allmänna hänsynsregler. Av 2 kap. 3 § framgår att alla har skyldighet att vidta de försiktighetsmått som behövs för att förebygga, hindra eller motverka att verksamheten medför skada eller olägenhet för människors hälsa eller miljön, den s.k. försiktighetsprincipen. Även att vistas i en båt räknas som verksamhet och att släppa ut övergödande ämnen i vattnet kan inte anses vara förenligt med gott miljötänk. Vad många inte vet är att det faktiskt är just urinen som innehåller högst halter av näringsämnena fosfor och kväve, så om man ser till att det hamnar på land istället för direkt i vattnet är mycket vunnet då marken kan filtrera det på naturlig väg.
What is basically say is that a bucket is not a toilet with regards to these rules, but it's illegal to throw human waste into the sea under general anti pollution rules.


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15 Aug 2011
the Nederlands
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The "owner" of the rules are
The general info on toilet waste

The definition - direct link

What is basically say is that a bucket is not a toilet with regards to these rules, but it's illegal to throw human waste into the sea under general anti pollution rules.

here Transportstyrelsens Lina Petersson say it,s still leagal to bucket and chuck it.

but you do not help the baltic then.

just saying.....

Colvic Watson

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23 Nov 2004
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Thanks for all the advice. SWMBO got the job so we're marina hunting in Denmark now. One recommended here has six months heated shed, six months afloat, all masts and lifts for the same price as reasonable 12 months East Coast marina afloat so it's clear it's only going to cost the ferry tickets extra for an amazing new cruising ground.