Poss abandoned Yacht in Cove Dawlish

Capt Popeye

Well-known member
30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Hi I was driving past t oday and noticed a Yacht , in apparently fair condition , tied up to the Breakwater wall in Boat Cove , Dawlish

Its certainly NOT a good place to tie her up , when strong winds are onshore the waves will o/top the Sea Wall so cover Her in white water

So tomorrow will get down there and take photos of her , and her name , post on here asking if its anybodys

What should I really do , report to local Coast Guards , if so where ?

My guess is that this Yacht has been there some time , so maybe abandoned , lost , stolen ? who can tell at this stage ?


Well-known member
21 Feb 2023
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Sounds crazy! I know how exposed that location can be. With the wind today from the north east, it might already be in trouble.

Capt Popeye

Well-known member
30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Sounds crazy! I know how exposed that location can be. With the wind today from the north east, it might already be in trouble.

Hi KeithMD yes I know , that Boat Cove is quite an exposed locality , a Large part of the Cove ground is actuall a very large flatish Hard Rock , most unsuitable to moor any boat rhere ;

So its a morning job to go down and inspect it plus take photos of it


Well-known member
9 Jun 2017
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Hi KeithMD yes I know , that Boat Cove is quite an exposed locality , a Large part of the Cove ground is actuall a very large flatish Hard Rock , most unsuitable to moor any boat rhere ;

So its a morning job to go down and inspect it plus take photos of it

Check if there's a body inside before you phone Police or CG, they like to know these details.


Well-known member
9 Jun 2017
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Yea , humm , that would bgr my day I think , but if a body inside , then their life is bgrd

So will do p3

Seriously, how often do people complain about but otherwise ignore the abandoned tent, boat, camper van? Quite possible someone is unwell or whatever. Worth checking before its too late.


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Something to do with the Black Swans maybe?
What with Dawlish being famous for Black Swan events and all that.
The origin of the term Black Swan is quite interesting. The first pub named the Black Swan was in Lincoln in 1660. As most people could not read properties that brewed and served beer used a pictorial sign outside, now known as a pub sign. But why a black swan as there were only white swans in the UK. The first black swan was discovered in 1697 in Australia, but none were brought to Europe until the early 1800's. The traditional meaning of black swan was the local description for a man trap as the swan wings were a similar shape. So a pub called the Black Swan was the haunt for poachers and thieves. There was a series of 4 UK stamps in 2003 and one depicted the Black Swan. Here endeth the history lesson.


Well-known member
21 Feb 2023
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Black Swan events are usually associated with the finance market. Nassim Nicholas Taleb famously made a fortune betting on Black Swans (difficult-to-predict events), and then a career as an author. "The Sunday Times called his 2007 book The Black Swan one of the 12 most influential books since World War II"

Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Wikipedia

Being safe moored to the sea wall in Dawlish is now also a Black Swan event.


Well-known member
4 May 2007
Cambridge, UK
Seriously, how often do people complain about but otherwise ignore the abandoned tent, boat, camper van? Quite possible someone is unwell or whatever. Worth checking before its too late.
I once came across a car in a local ditch, down an unfrequented country road. It took quite a bit of gritting my teeth to go and investigate, not knowing what I might find, but knowing that if I did find anything, then it might not be pleasant! Fortunately, there was no one in the vehicle, and on closer inspection, there was a police-aware notice that wasn't visible from the road.

Capt Popeye

Well-known member
30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Ahuoy all ; yep visited theYacht today , its been blown ashore , further up the local sipway , onto another derilict boat ; no sign of anyone , alive or deceassed ; looks as if its been broken into some time as thelock intact but seperated from thcabin ; gear spread around , displaying 2022 Tor bay mooring lables ; will report to Coastguard in morning


Well-known member
16 May 2004
Azores, Terceira.
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Seriously, how often do people complain about but otherwise ignore the abandoned tent, boat, camper van? Quite possible someone is unwell or whatever. Worth checking before its too late.
I can be a dilemma. Late one winter afternoon, walking the dog on the west side of Shetland, we saw a largish inflated liferaft washed up at the bottom of a gully. Time was short as it would soon be dark. I opted to make the climb down, about 15 metres or so on a slippy vegetation covered cliff. Wife and dog sensibly stayed at the top.
Fortunately, the liferaft was unused with everything stowed. Noted serial number etc and drove to the CG station to report (long before mobile phones). Turned out it had been on an unmanned barge under tow and the first the owners knew of the loss was when their maritime authority contacted them with the CG report.

Capt Popeye

Well-known member
30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Ahuoy all ; yep visited theYacht today , its been blown ashore , further up the local sipway , onto another derilict boat ; no sign of anyone , alive or deceassed ; looks as if its been broken into some time as thelock intact but seperated from thcabin ; gear spread around , displaying 2022 Tor bay mooring lables ; will report to Coastguard in morning

well now downloaded pics taken this aftenoon of the Yacht in Boat Cove Dawlish

Cannot see any water inside her cabin etc ; nor see any holes in her hull ; cockpit has whats left of a berth cusion plus various decorating materials in a bin ; Inside is a mess , but nothing Human like at all