Well-known member
As previously mentioned by #Doug748 and others, the Whale-pal……
So this is as i had sort of guessed.
Fishermen want to avoid by-catch.., and so do porpoises....
Porpoises are pretty smart, supposedly.., and it seems like they have learned to associate the pings with nets, which they know are dangerous.., and so they stay far enough away to avoid getting caught.
It's a warning.., but not something they find uncomfortable in any way..,
From the "research" page:
"The porpoise-PAL apparently increases popoise awareness. It does not act as a deterrent: the distance of the animals to buoy 3 was only slightly higher than to the other buoys. Presumably, PAL enhances porpoises to acoustically detect the deadly nets early enough to be able to avoid entanglement.
The problem with the Orcas is different; they _want_ to engage with and damage sailing vessels...,
So, what's needed is something that makes the local environment uncomfortable for them.., uncomfortable enough that they stay away.
I think some sort of fireworks thrown in the water will probably have the best chance of deterring Orcas once they are on your trail.
These pingers are just an advertisement.
full disclosure: I was on a boat last fall that carried pingers (obtained from a fishing supply company) leaving Gibraltar and on the way to Grand Canary.
We didn't trail them behind, but thought we would put them in the water if we saw any Orcas; we didn't see any.