Orca attack map (Portugal/Spain/Gib)


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24 May 2012
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I still reckon the underwater view of a seperate spade rudder has a similarity to a whales dangly bits. I mean to a whale, not me. My concern is for my Aries steering paddle. A playfull or horny whale could rip the lot off my transom.

EDIT. Just googled an underwater video of two whales going at it. Yup, definitely a spade rudder. About two meters long and a bit wobbly. Normally retracted to stop barnacles so may indicate an unwanted attempt to mate if extended.

Attacks hundreds of miles apart, on the same day, suggests some very high speed orcas?

ps Please can you post the link of humping whales or would this earn you time ashore?


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Attacks hundreds of miles apart, on the same day, suggests some very high speed orcas?

ps Please can you post the link of humping whales or would this earn you time ashore?
I cannot do links from my tablet. So from my history a few hours ago it was filmed by the "Pacific whale Foundation" title "Underwater footage of humpback whale reveals penis extrusion" 1 million views.

It is just a guess. A foriegn looking breed of whale on the Orca's patch looking for sex may incite a defence reaction . I cannot think of any other reason a living mammal will attack an intruder of similar species. Food is out as I guess cannabilism is an intrinsic faiure of evolution. Or whatever.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Attacks hundreds of miles apart, on the same day, suggests some very high speed orcas?

ps Please can you post the link of humping whales or would this earn you time ashore?
I believe whales can communicate with each other over hundreds of miles. Beeps and whistles. They can certainly organise themselves to attack in a pack. We cracked enigma to anticipate the Germans using their squeeks and blubberings, should be childs-play to do the same with whale speak. Perhaps we already have and the present attacks are interferance from our OECF as payback for Spains attitude with Gibraltar.


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24 May 2012
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I believe whales can communicate with each other over hundreds of miles. Beeps and whistles. They can certainly organise themselves to attack in a pack. We cracked enigma to anticipate the Germans using their squeeks and blubberings, should be childs-play to do the same with whale speak. Perhaps we already have and the present attacks are interferance from our OECF as payback for Spains attitude with Gibraltar.

So over to GCHQ to sort it❓


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22 Aug 2008
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I believe whales can communicate with each other over hundreds of miles. Beeps and whistles. They can certainly organise themselves to attack in a pack. We cracked enigma to anticipate the Germans using their squeeks and blubberings, should be childs-play to do the same with whale speak. Perhaps we already have and the present attacks are interferance from our OECF as payback for Spains attitude with Gibraltar.
When you say whales are you referring to orcas ? Can you please quote a source for the hundreds of miles which is news to me and I would like to learn more.


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22 Aug 2008
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Then learn to use google. Whales can cominicate to 10,000 miles with their low frequency sounds.
Thank you for your suggestion which I have followed and found that whilst the songs of some species may travel hundreds of miles these are not direct communication. Wiki says "Killer whale long range calls are from 10-16km (6.2 - 9.9m). short range from 5-9 km (3.1 -5miles".


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29 Sep 2001
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Just in case anyone’s still interested in where these interactions are happening, I’ve just posted an update on my experience of travelling through ‘Orca Alley’ in the last few days. It’s on the thread started by Halcyon entitled ‘More encounters with Orcas…’

We didn’t encounter Orcas, but others did….


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15 Mar 2007
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Just in case anyone’s still interested in where these interactions are happening, I’ve just posted an update on my experience of travelling through ‘Orca Alley’ in the last few days. It’s on the thread started by Halcyon entitled ‘More encounters with Orcas…’

We didn’t encounter Orcas, but others did….
Neither did I a couple of weeks ago....

Mr Cassandra

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5 Nov 2001
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Don't let your lack of humour spoil your enjoyment .at one time most posters had a laugh and a leg pull .Gammons now rule.
We lost Vic because of the removal of fun on here mostly nit pickers and criticism of someone that constantly sailed the Med laughable coming from some that spend most of their time tied up on a pontoon ?, lighten up! .
I know you are all worried about a large dolphin eating you up,but,it's not Moby Dick.
It seems if its now a forum for grumpy old men
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Well-known member
29 Jun 2004
west country uk
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Don't let your lack of humour spoil your enjoyment .at one time most posters had a laugh and a leg pull .Gamons now rule.
We lost Vic because of the removal of fun on here mostly nit picking and criticism of someone that constantly sailed, mostly coming from some that are tied up on a pontoon , lighten up! .
I know you are all worried about a large dolphin eating you up but, it's not Moby Dick.
It seems if its now a forum for grumpy old men
Killer grumpy old men ?


Well-known member
29 Jul 2007
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Don't let your lack of humour spoil your enjoyment .at one time most posters had a laugh and a leg pull .Gammons now rule.
We lost Vic because of the removal of fun on here mostly nit pickers and criticism of someone that constantly sailed the Med laughable coming from some that spend most of their time tied up on a pontoon ?, lighten up! .
I know you are all worried about a large dolphin eating you up,but,it's not Moby Dick.
It seems if its now a forum for grumpy old men

Also deluded Forum Squatters or really Old Welsh Wind Bags, Since when did you get a sense of humour:D:D:D;)

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
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Also deluded Forum Squatters or really Old Welsh Wind Bags, Since when did you get a sense of humour:D:D:D;)
It came back when I saw your little boat ?and for your information I was born in Singapore .My father was a military police man you wouldn't have wanted to get on the wrong side of him, by calling him names , or me??I have a step brother who was selected to kick a football in the Olympics 1956 Melbourne park, I was selected to kick the shit out of people a few years later .
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Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Back to thread, juust when it all seemed to have all gone quite.

From Spanish Salvamento Maritimo (Thursday 5 August):-

Merchant Navy limits the navigation of sailboats up to 15 m in length between Cape Trafalgar and Barbate to avoid incidents with the Orcas.

The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma), through the Maritime Captaincy of Cádiz, dependent on the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine (DGMM), has issued a resolution restricting navigation to sailing vessels of equal or less than 15 meters between Cape Trafalgar and Barbate, in an area of approximately 2 and 9 miles from the coast.

This resolution is issued to prevent further incidents with orcas, since, since last March 27 - the date on which the first encounter occurred -, cetaceans have starred in 56 interactions with small sailboats, sometimes causing they lose the rudder. In up to 25 cases,

Maritime Rescue services have been required to tow as many vessels affected by the encounters to port.

The Maritime Captaincy of Cádiz of the DGMM establishes the prohibition for sailboats of length equal to or less than 15 meters propelled exclusively by sail or exclusively by motor or that use both means of propulsion and also prohibits the anchoring of these boats in the bathing areas unmarked located within the coastal zone.

They will be able to access the exclusion zone when they want to arrive at a port or an anchorage located in the coastal area or leave it with a destination to the sea. In these cases they will use their mechanical propulsion exclusively and, as far as possible, they will travel the minimum distance through the exclusion zone.

Sailboats with a length greater than 15 meters are urged to use exclusively mechanical propulsion within the zone restricted to navigation and the rest of the vessels are asked to refrain from carrying out whale watching activities.

If anyway any boat has an unexpected encounter with the killer whales, whenever possible and does not generate a greater danger, it is recommended to stop the machine, lower the sails, leave the rudder on the track, disconnect the probe and prevent people on board get closer to the gangs.

The coastal stations will periodically issue radio warnings to inform sailors of the prohibitions and limitations established by the resolution of the Cádiz Maritime Captaincy, which will initially be in force until the 20th of this month, although its extension or its cancellation, as events unfold.

The second time that the DGMM issues a resolution of this type.

This is the second time that the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine has issued a resolution of these characteristics. The first took place in September 2020 in the waters of the Galician coastline and lasted for several weeks with the same objective: to guarantee the maritime safety of sailors and their boats and to protect marine biodiversity.

Edited to remove typos.?
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