The problem seems to be in the Solent and from all of my experience that is certainly the case. By definition it therefore has to be the Solent I suspect.
I've got some thoughts on a couple of hosts who might be interested. Let me float the idea to them and I'll get back.
Would stress that MkI, if it is to happen this year, would be a pretty informal affair. But then perhaps that would be best anyway...?
Again, from experience of similar things, the ideal venue will be one where we can easily get to all of the boats on foot, one that is not too far from open water and one where the boats can be cast off and moored throughout the day. That way people can get out and sample as well as get in (each others' drinks lockers) and sample.
Jaw jaw only would be constructive but a bit of activity possibly better?
I'd say Chichester Yatch Club - big marina. Easy access from the sea and road. Trouble is it's a 40 min run to the Solent. Mind you great chance to show the low speed / wash problems.
So you unscrew this, and put it safely here, then oopps...
I'd say Chichester Yatch Club - big marina
and a golden opportunity to watch lunatics in small dinghies tack across your bows while you are stuck in a narrow channel...
Its 'kin miles away for a start, and the weather wont be as good as down here.
Chichester sounds ok, but not really central solent, for me Cowes/Medina is obvious as will attract from Chichester to Poole, if at Chi then too far for Poole raggies. Wot about East Cowes Marina?
Needs to be where can go out into open water for 30mins and come back. Chichester River too long imho. Busier the better, with dinghies, sailboats, MBs and ferries. Pubs needed of course. So has to be, in order of pref