New tax for foreign yachts based in Greece from 1st January 2014????


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18 Apr 2006
Greece in Summer, Southampton in Winter
Back from politics . . .

The CA ( has just updated its news item on the subject of the boat tax to clarify some details. The items in blue are recent changes.

Other comments:
1. The "Stay" tax is a separate payment from the imputed income tax ("wealth tax") which applies to those resident more than 182 days pa in Greece
2. As the text stands, boats laid up ashore do not have to produce a receipt for the tax; the tax only applies if boats go afloat.
3. The tax has still not been "gazetted"; it is an "add-on" to a big omnibus bill dealing with very controversial Defence procurement (!) matters and this has delayed publication.


New member
6 Jan 2009
Back from politics . . .

The CA ( has just updated its news item on the subject of the boat tax to clarify some details. The items in blue are recent changes.

Other comments:
1. The "Stay" tax is a separate payment from the imputed income tax ("wealth tax") which applies to those resident more than 182 days pa in Greece
2. As the text stands, boats laid up ashore do not have to produce a receipt for the tax; the tax only applies if boats go afloat.
3. The tax has still not been "gazetted"; it is an "add-on" to a big omnibus bill dealing with very controversial Defence procurement (!) matters and this has delayed publication.

Thanks for the latest information, Jim
23 Jul 2012
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I got hold of the reality of this short sighted move as soon as it was announced. Just did not think it was enough of a problem to rant & rave ,unlike you .
All you have done is alienate yourself ,from a large group of people with similar views .Which imo is folly.

If someone is intending to use the protection of law to rob me blind, I will rant and rave as much as I see fit. I have no interest in people I don't know, nor care what they think but this has no bearing on the issue. To clarify, I will note with interest other people's views on a subject but unless proved factually incorrect, will not alter my own position just to be popular. Anyway, having sought the views of my UK neighbours in Corfu, they are of much the same opinion as myself.

We may well end up having to pay out on this but do NOT expect me to do so with good will. If the Greeks have got themselves into difficulties it is not MY problem but theirs. I consider it very cowardly of them to rob me to get out of it and I wish them to know that and have no doubt of it. Those who take the view of "Come on lets help the poor Greeks out of this" are nothing but crackpots IMO but then I have met quite a few of such people over the years Ive been cruising - you can usually identify them by lots of facial hair, sandals and a general air of scruffyness about their boats.
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22 Sep 2008
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If someone is intending to use the protection of law to rob me blind, I will rant and rave as much as I see fit. I have no interest in people I don't know, nor care what they think but this has no bearing on the issue. To clarify, I will note with interest other people's views on a subject but unless proved factually incorrect, will not alter my own position just to be popular. Anyway, having sought the views of my UK neighbours in Corfu, they are of much the same opinion as myself.

We may well end up having to pay out on this but do NOT expect me to do so with good will. If the Greeks have got themselves into difficulties it is not MY problem but theirs. I consider it very cowardly of them to rob me to get out of it and I wish them to know that and have no doubt of it. Those who take the view of "Come on lets help the poor Greeks out of this" are nothing but crackpots IMO but then I have met quite a few of such people over the years Ive been cruising - you can usually identify them by lots of facial hair, sandals and a general air of scruffyness about their boats.

Steve you have put many good posts on this web site and also a few bad ones.

What is detrimental to your intellectual capacity is the irrelevant and shambolic rhetoric in which you seem to blatently divulge yourself. I was of the oppinion that you were a free thinking and free spirited sailor along with most of the others who use this forum.

Well my oppinion of you is very slowly changing and I have no doubt that others may be forming the same oppinion.

Steve just think a little and stop "shooting from the hip" back off and think before responding with your semi-derogatory remarks

In kindness



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31 Dec 2007
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If someone is intending to use the protection of law to rob me blind, I will rant and rave as much as I see fit. I have no interest in people I don't know, nor care what they think but this has no bearing on the issue. To clarify, I will note with interest other people's views on a subject but unless proved factually incorrect, will not alter my own position just to be popular. Anyway, having sought the views of my UK neighbours in Corfu, they are of much the same opinion as myself.
We may well end up having to pay out on this but do NOT expect me to do so with good will. If the Greeks have got themselves into difficulties it is not MY problem but theirs. I consider it very cowardly of them to rob me to get out of it and I wish them to know that and have no doubt of it. Those who take the view of "Come on lets help the poor Greeks out of this" are nothing but crackpots IMO but then I have met quite a few of such people over the years Ive been cruising - you can usually identify them by lots of facial hair, sandals and a general air of scruffyness about their boats.

Serious question, you have a yacht, it can be moved. If you are so unhappy there then why do you not go elsewhere.
23 Jul 2012
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Steve you have put many good posts on this web site and also a few bad ones.

What is detrimental to your intellectual capacity is the irrelevant and shambolic rhetoric in which you seem to blatently divulge yourself. I was of the oppinion that you were a free thinking and free spirited sailor along with most of the others who use this forum.

Well my oppinion of you is very slowly changing and I have no doubt that others may be forming the same oppinion.

Steve just think a little and stop "shooting from the hip" back off and think before responding with your semi-derogatory remarks

In kindness


Do you mean "indulge" and only one "p" in opinion.


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17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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If someone is intending to use the protection of law to rob me blind, I will rant and rave as much as I see fit. I have no interest in people I don't know, nor care what they think but this has no bearing on the issue. To clarify, I will note with interest other people's views on a subject but unless proved factually incorrect, will not alter my own position just to be popular. Anyway, having sought the views of my UK neighbours in Corfu, they are of much the same opinion as myself.

We may well end up having to pay out on this but do NOT expect me to do so with good will. If the Greeks have got themselves into difficulties it is not MY problem but theirs. I consider it very cowardly of them to rob me to get out of it and I wish them to know that and have no doubt of it. Those who take the view of "Come on lets help the poor Greeks out of this" are nothing but crackpots IMO but then I have met quite a few of such people over the years Ive been cruising - you can usually identify them by lots of facial hair, sandals and a general air of scruffyness about their boats.

You obviously hate it so much there it beggars the question why you stay.

If I may remind you of an apt truism for this situation:- Some people know the price of everything but the value of nothing."

If you value it stay and if required pay.

If you take the opposing view vote with your mobility and leave.

You may not be missed too much........................
23 Jul 2012
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You obviously hate it so much there it beggars the question why you stay.

If I may remind you of an apt truism for this situation:- Some people know the price of everything but the value of nothing."

If you value it stay and if required pay.

If you take the opposing view vote with your mobility and leave.

You may not be missed too much........................

What an amazing bunch of cobblers when you know nothing of my circumstances in Greece and don't seem to have much experience of the place yourself!


Active member
27 Jan 2013
I'm getting fed up with all the sh* t slinging going on. It doesn't matter whether you love the Greeks or hate them, if your boat is in their waters you have to play their rules, good, bad, fair or outrageous. So please give us all a rest from the playground stuff.
Question for Jim .
Am I right in interpreting your notes as boats over 12m have the option to pay the tax monthly but only when it is in the water. So if you pay monthly in advance but only spend 90 days in the water then only 3 months fees are paid, so only €360 for 90 days vs €1200 less 30% €900 for a full year.
If that's how it works I stay but less time in harbours, cafés and tavernas.


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25 Jan 2004
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So its okay for you to post something nothing to do with the thread ,but not others?

What on earth are you on about? miyagimon entered a request -- no more than that -- that the thread return to its 'meat', or original tenets. You responded by accusing him of presuming to tell others what to post. I suggested, politely and entirely in context, that you may have been a little over the top in your characterisation of what he wrote.

We've not crossed swords before, Bob, and I've no desire to do so know, but come on...


30 Jul 2009
Greece ,Cheshire .Abergwyngregyn
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What on earth are you on about? miyagimon entered a request -- no more than that -- that the thread return to its 'meat', or original tenets. You responded by accusing him of presuming to tell others what to post. I suggested, politely and entirely in context, that you may have been a little over the top in your characterisation of what he wrote.

We've not crossed swords before, Bob, and I've no desire to do so know, but come on...

No desire to cross swords but after 475 posts we have no more information than after the first. There is no meat!!!!

As i posted previously

Lets go back to the start of the thread. Has anyone posted one fact? Is there going to be a tax on the Ist Jan, if so ,how much ,to be paid by whom, to who and how.?
No ! Mostly conjecturer which has maintained the thread at the top of the page .....

At least for me the the politic and economic situation was interesting.
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Well-known member
25 Oct 2009
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If someone is intending to use the protection of law to rob me blind, I will rant and rave as much as I see fit. I have no interest in people I don't know, nor care what they think but this has no bearing on the issue. To clarify, I will note with interest other people's views on a subject but unless proved factually incorrect, will not alter my own position just to be popular. Anyway, having sought the views of my UK neighbours in Corfu, they are of much the same opinion as myself.

We may well end up having to pay out on this but do NOT expect me to do so with good will. If the Greeks have got themselves into difficulties it is not MY problem but theirs. I consider it very cowardly of them to rob me to get out of it and I wish them to know that and have no doubt of it. Those who take the view of "Come on lets help the poor Greeks out of this" are nothing but crackpots IMO but then I have met quite a few of such people over the years Ive been cruising - you can usually identify them by lots of facial hair, sandals and a general air of scruffyness about their boats.

Steve - "...just to be popular...." you must know that your not popular !

If you "have no interest in people you don't know, or care what they think", why bother inputting your views to this forum. I'm sure you can have something positive to say about your cruising life - but I have yet to read it. I may end up meeting you sometime/somewhere but I can't say I'd be looking forward to it based on most of your posts I've seen. Your rant about Greek/EU officialdom is just that, and I'm already feeling sorry for the marina staff or Port Police that you no doubt will moan at once the tax arrives. Unfortunately the fact that the Greeks have this "problem" (your words) does becomes your "problem" as well because you own (I assume) a cruising boat in their country. I'd be agreeing with you if this situation was occuring here in the UK, but when in Rome (or Corfu)..................

To Rob Blind - "To cheat someeone in an unusually deceitful or thorough fashion". Do you really believe this is the case ? No one is cheating you, they are proposing that you pay your way in their country and are being pretty upfront about it. You may not like it so make your choice.....