Looks my old Ford FSD engine is coming to the end of its life. I am looking to replace it with a beta 60.
Is there any reason not to go reconditioned?
Is there any reason not to go reconditioned?
The reconditioned would also be a Beta 60. I believe it would be factory reconditioned with a 2 year warrantyNever a simple decision - too many variables. First depends on the value of the boat to you and particularly how long you expect to keep it. Pros of recon are that it is usually about half the price of new and less hassle to install as you don't have to change anything else, although you might use the opportunity to replace some of the ancillaries. Cons are that you end up with an obsolete engine which is likely to become increasingly difficult to keep running through lack of spares.
Pros of new engine are usually smaller lighter, much more refined and higher level of certainty about service and spares support for the long life of the engine. Cons, apart from price are usually related to installation on 2 fronts. First making it fit the existing space, or rather sitting on the beds and lining up with the shaft and second the number of other items that will need replacing such as exhaust, electrics, stern gear, prop because either they won't work with the new engine or they are worn out.
Have just been through this and decided on the new route which will work out at just over twice the cost of rebuilding the old plus the cost of new sterngear and prop, although they were partly choice rather than absolute necessity. Could also have got away with the original exhaust, but like much of the rest of the old installation it was poorly executed.
The result is an infinitely better setup with an engine much better matched to the boat and everything - fuel system, exhaust, electrics new and properly done.
It would be a Beta 60 factory recondition with a 2 year warrantyWhat does reconditioned mean. Complete rebuild, sleeved bore new pistons and bearings, replace all seals, acid clean internal cooling channels, etc etc, or mash in some banana skin to stop big end rumble and give it a nice paint job?
That was not clear, perhaps because of the reference to your existing engine, hence my reply. Really depends on why the engine needed such major work and what the work involved, plus the price differential and the strength of the warranty. These engines normally go several thousands of hours before the actual engine starts to wear, so often "reconditioning" occurs after a failure or is little more than a service and respray! Pleasure boat engines rarely get those sort of hours although some commercials may. There is no formal definition of the word. Certainly need to know more about the history of the engine.The reconditioned would also be a Beta 60. I believe it would be factory reconditioned with a 2 year warranty
Me neither. I know there’s very long waits for (new) engine deliveries, so perhaps it is a new measure in light of that? A Beta factory recon would be a very different prospect (warranty wise etc.) to a third party respray job. ??Didnt know that Beta UK reconditioned engines.Is there a web link to what they offer ?