New member
I have recently bought a boat for restoration and have been digging around trying to findout more about her. Any info or opinions (or anything!) that people can give will be very welcome. Particually on my theory at the end.
Here is what I know:
Current Name: Shaskeen
Current LOA: 18ft
Designer : 99% sure it is Alfred Westmacott
Engine: Stuart Turner P5 purchased in June 1947 by L. Gale (99% sure this isn't original)
In 1953 a sail plan I have was going to convert her from Gaff rig to Bermudan rig. This never happened. The plans are marked Hamble, River O.D. Class by Port Hamble Ltd.
Pictures can be found here:
Now try this theory and tell me what you think:
If you had an XOD and wanted to fit an engine (for some reason best known to yourself) you would have great difficulty. The rudder would be to low to allow you to get a prop shaft behind it and up to the engine. No, you would have to replace the rudder so that it was higher up the transom. To do this you would need to remove all the hull behind it (about three foot). However, if (and it is a big if) you do this you would be left with a boat 18ft LOA. With the modifications I state you would also be left with a transom just like mine. By comparing my boat to so plans I find on the internet (In accurate I know - but good enough as a start. They can be found at: http://andrew-campbell.members.beeb.net/id70.htm) I can see that every thing would be in the right place. The mast (which would, I suspect, have been in the wrong place had she originally been 18ft), the length of the boom, the cockpit position among others.
If this is what happened then it still leaves a couple of questions. My boat has a bowsprit, which XOD's don't have, there is no plaque or engraving.
What do people think? Possible?
I really need to get a set of plans so that I can compare them to my boat.
I look forward to responses.
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Here is what I know:
Current Name: Shaskeen
Current LOA: 18ft
Designer : 99% sure it is Alfred Westmacott
Engine: Stuart Turner P5 purchased in June 1947 by L. Gale (99% sure this isn't original)
In 1953 a sail plan I have was going to convert her from Gaff rig to Bermudan rig. This never happened. The plans are marked Hamble, River O.D. Class by Port Hamble Ltd.
Pictures can be found here:
Now try this theory and tell me what you think:
If you had an XOD and wanted to fit an engine (for some reason best known to yourself) you would have great difficulty. The rudder would be to low to allow you to get a prop shaft behind it and up to the engine. No, you would have to replace the rudder so that it was higher up the transom. To do this you would need to remove all the hull behind it (about three foot). However, if (and it is a big if) you do this you would be left with a boat 18ft LOA. With the modifications I state you would also be left with a transom just like mine. By comparing my boat to so plans I find on the internet (In accurate I know - but good enough as a start. They can be found at: http://andrew-campbell.members.beeb.net/id70.htm) I can see that every thing would be in the right place. The mast (which would, I suspect, have been in the wrong place had she originally been 18ft), the length of the boom, the cockpit position among others.
If this is what happened then it still leaves a couple of questions. My boat has a bowsprit, which XOD's don't have, there is no plaque or engraving.
What do people think? Possible?
I really need to get a set of plans so that I can compare them to my boat.
I look forward to responses.
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