Need some advice here please. Our fenders are looking v. grubby. How do I persuade Mrs B and/or child no. 4 to clean them this weekend Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Knowing the real MrB and knowing that he is not computer literate I'm thinking that this is MrsB pretending to be MrB. Anyhow, happen to know that son no 4 has many weaknesses, money, computer, any item of clothing with a certain branding, re his coat, oh and more money. You could try any of these methods, computer is the one I suggest. Take it away from him, make him spend his time cleaning like the rest of us! (Dad before you reply, I clean sometimes)
It was Sam's 16th birthday last Sunday and we bought him all the kit so he could build his own computer and I know Jon's currently at home with him. Pxx
Cor blimey PaulineB, when I asked in a post a week ago who knew/was related to who, your reply only scratched the surface. From above it seems that loads of people are actually your children, suzanne's someone's daughter, ChrisP still in there somehow, etc etc. Repeat request for organogram in MSPowerpoint please
Chris and I went to a psychic fair and while he was having a reading done, I went over and asked if I could have some money. He quickly explained to the woman that I wasn't his wife and she said oh is it your daughter then. So Crispy IS my father