Magazin's article about Bavaria?


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3 Jun 2003
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Magazin\'s article about Bavaria?

Hi There,

a friend of mine told me, he heard about an article in one of those magazines:
"British Boat Owner" or "Yachting World" or "Yachting Monthly" in the last few months. The topic should be the questionable quality of Bavaria Yachts.
Does anyone of you know this article? I would be happy if you could provide me with a copy or a link.



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5 Nov 2002
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Re: Magazin\'s article about Bavaria?

Both Yachting Monthly and Sailing Today have done (last month) an article on how do they (Bavaria) do it for the money and show pictures of the production line. Don't expect to see a boatyard!

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19 Feb 2002
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Re: Magazin\'s article about Bavaria?


I know you've got a dispute with Bavaria, but the articles I've seen over here have been fairly complimentary about the Bavaria range. The only negatives concerning build quality have centred around the interior fit/finish. Being a mass production boat, there is, as you know, some mastic filling the gaps around the bulkheads, and some bare screwheads, but no report I have seen has mentioned any concerns about hull integrity. Along with Beneteau/Jeanneau and the like, there is some concern over the ability to remove large items of furniture etc that are fitted before the deck is attached. The recent tests are, as I say complimentary about their general build and quality control, and particularly so about their sailing performance. Of course no modern mass production boat is going to match the strength of the 20/30 year old heavy displacement designs, but most people do not want that type of boat these days - hence the huge success of the French and German Manufacturers. There has also been some negative comments about the BenJenBavs (and many others) relatively low Angle of Vanishing Stability (usually in the low 120's), but that seems the norm for most modern boats.

You will see from my other postings that all UK Bavarias are brought on lorries, with the full weight resting on their keels, and many Bavs over here winter with full weight on their keels with absolutely no problems whatsoever.

To quote from this month's Sailing Today of the Bavaria 38 test their verdict was as follows "Well appointed below, and comfortable accomodation. Fit out is not bad for a modern production boat, although there are naked screwheads and the usual mastic around the bulkheads - her performance however makes up for it. Good value, but a very low standard inventory."

Yachting Monthly's review of the 36 (like mine) also mentions the mastic filling the bulkhead gaps, but with regard to overall build quality states "..the mouldings are well finished and are properly laid up - the internal stiffening is good, and the keels securely bolted to the hull"

Heaven knows what has happened to your boat, and the situation is very distressing for you. I can honestly tell you that knowing many other Bavaria owners over here, they, like me, are generally very pleased with their boats. One I know well (a Bav 34) was caught out in winds gusting to F11 mid Channel - the boat slammed a lot as you might expect, but came through with no problems, though it did frighten the crew.

I fear there will be several more misleading postings on this forum from the usual anti-Bavaria bashers, most of whom sail older style, heavy displacement boats, and are generally negative about any modern design, but particularly Bavaria. Most, if not all, have not even set foot on a Bavaria, and sadly your problem is giving them an opportunity to get the knives out again (I could name them before they reply to this post!!)

I am not in any way trying to belittle your problem, it must be agony for you, but to the many Bavaria owners in the UK, they simply cannot align their boats to your type of problem.

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