Lat Flow test needed for Soton Boat show.


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6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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Which were the big name exhibitors missing?

Did we go to different shows today? You didn't notice the huge areas without exhibitors? Missing included Jimmy Green, Kelvin Hughes, almost all the chandlers (YouBoat, MarineSuperstore, TCS) some of which usually have more than one stand hosting reps from lifejacket companies, musto, henry lloyd etc...Engines and sails there were for sure. Clothing and books and charts there were not. Plus there were very very few of the sailing schools: no hamble school of yachting etc. Consider my previous posts here: I'm not a confirmed whinger. I *like* boat shows. I liked excel. I love southampton. But this one was a wee bit sparse.

No matter....I got back to Gosport with the sun out. Fitted my new gas strut to the rodkicker (thank you SGS engineering and thank you to those that recommended them in the threads that I googled), did a couple more tasks and drank a rum and coke as the sun went down wondering what madness had made me consider selling this boat...[EDIT]...especially now Roger's efforts with concerto have inspired me to attack the woodwork in here...
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10 Nov 2007
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For a moment I thought you meant "Morgenster" (which I didn't go aboard because it looked lovely but a bit crowded) but obviously you mean the cars. We can make an exception for the Duttons but isn't saying the best bit about the boat show is a car a bit like saying the best bit was the garden furniture?
Guess its a reflection of how far the boating market and I have moved apart particularly in the last 5-10 years. I went to my first Earls Court in 1975 and actually bought my first "proper" boat (a Seawych) after seeing it there. Worked on and off at most shows right up to about 10 years ago and have been to every Southampton show since it started. Bit of trivia but the Morgan stand was in exactly the same location of the stand I worked on at the 1981 show when I worked for a boat builder. I always had a long list of boats to see, many of which were in my range to buy as well as those just to ogle. However in the last few years the number I could contemplate owning has progressively shrunk and this time I only went on or even wanted to go on 2 new boats. Compare with when I bought my last boat in 2015 where I started off with a long list of 8, all of them exhibited at the 2014 show and short list in spring 2015 had 3 serious contenders, one of which I bought. Now none of those, or even possible replacements were at the show and only 2 of the 8 are still notionally in production.

Of course the component, accessories, sails engines etc sectors are still going well, but I have little need of those, although I have just bought a new mainsail. I did spend some time catching up with old contacts though.

What was astonishing was the huge number and variety of power boats from small runabouts up to the luxury cruisers. One wonders where they all go and whether they will ever be used as they were designed.


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16 Jul 2014
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Now for an exhibitors point of view of the show so far. Friday the show was fairly quiet and there were long periods when I saw few visitors on Concerto, but those who did made very complimentary remarks (see earlier posts #137 and #138 for confirmation). Today by comparison was busy, busy, busy with I recon at least 5 times as many. I was so busy I lost count very quickly.

From the 9.30 opening time until 6.30 closing I never set foot off Concerto and was amost permanently down below chatting with the many interested visitors. There were Westerly owners, some interested in moving up or seeing a Fulmar like they or their family used to own, people who learned to sail on one and very importantly people who are thinking of buying their first boat, which due to finances cannot be new. I have talked all day and even whilst trying to eat a sandwich lunch at 2.30.

The WOA volunteers did a good job of trying to keep just one group or person with me down below at a time. They kept some waiting in the cockpit and quite a few people did queue or returned later. I do hope all of them did manage return to see Concerto.

Only one couple so far have wore masks when visiting. A surprising number of people wanted to shake my hand to thank me for the advice I have either given on a forum (including this one) or whilst on the Concerto. Quite a number of people seem motivated by my work to either improve their own boats or now make buying a Westerly their top choice.

I still remember on Friday a group of 4 young men in their early 20's from Parkstone YC in Poole. Initially only one wanted to come onboard as they have several Fulmars in their club but had never been aboard. Then they all came on to Concerto and their comments show that the modern offerings they had already been on did not appeal to any of them as they said Concerto felt like a real yacht that was solidly built and had a nice soothing cabin. Stangely, they were not the only ones to make comments like that from many different ages and sailing skills.

There has been one family who specifically want to buy a Fulmar and I gave them my email address as they live a bout 10 miles from me and I have promised to take them out for a sail to show them how she sails and I will advise them to the best of my ability on which Fulmar to buy as they come to market or if I know of one that is coming to market.

One thing many visitors were surprised by when I suggest they get a mobile phone out to use it's camera to take a photo of the only printed of the links to the 4 YouTube sailing videos (another one on the show will be available shortly) and the 4 PowerPoint presentations I have made on the renovation of Concerto and specific topics. All of these have been posted before, but here they are again if you have missed them.
Concerto under spinnaker
Ghosting on the Medway
Salcombe to Isles of Scilly and back
Sailing from Chatham to Portsmouth and back

I will be doing another Lateral Flow Test tomorrow to just check I am still testing negative and will be doing another one Monday morning if it is as busy on Sunday. Still do not know what problems a positive test will cause as I am staying on Concerto in the marina. Will I be restricted to staying on Concerto and not allowing visitors on board? My wife told me before I left if I tested positive she did not want me home until I was showing I was free of Covid. So, I could be in a massive pickle with no where else to go to and no way to leave as Concerto is locked within the marina and no car and no where else to stay. If forced to leave the show ground without Concerto, I would then have to trust some WOA members would look after her for me during the show and move her to a marina after it closes. I very much doubt if the organisers have thought of this possibility for any exhibitor staying on a boat at the show. Fingers crossed this does not happen.


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12 Jul 2020
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I’m coming next Friday for my first ever boat show.
I’m planning on buying my first boat in 12 years at retirement and think that the new offerings now, will be my likely targets second hand in 12 years time.
Do I need to pre-reserve to look around boats or just rock up & queue?


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
I’m coming next Friday for my first ever boat show.
I’m planning on buying my first boat in 12 years at retirement and think that the new offerings now, will be my likely targets second hand in 12 years time.
Do I need to pre-reserve to look around boats or just rock up & queue?
Unless you’re in the so called high end of the market, you can just rock up. They try to limit the number of gawkers going on the million £ stuff who are going to just gaze at how others live but for most boats you can go and look round (many with minimal queuing).


Well-known member
5 Sep 2010
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Just got the test from a local pharmacy in order to go to the show..


So I am not going to the show. Paying the (I am not allowed to use the language that describes how I feel) Chinese government after they infeced the world with Corona and then tried to cover it up is not something I am prepared to do.


Well-known member
5 Sep 2010
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Suspect you would have to withdraw from life completely if you refuse to use anything that originates from China. The test is free to you anyway and now if you don't use the ones you have think of the waste of resources.

I accept that it will be difficult. But principles are principles.

As to cost, I am paying through my. income tax. I object to my income going to support a government that has caused me so much hurt. We must leave it here least we fall foul of the fat.


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10 Nov 2007
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But you have already paid for it through your taxes and it makes no difference to the Chinese whether you use it or not - you have just wasted taxpayer's money.

Just seems an odd way to protest when the only loser is you as you can't enter the boat Show without taking a test.


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7 Sep 2011
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Paying the [...] Chinese government after they infeced the world with Corona
I object to my income going to support a government that has caused me so much hurt.



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17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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Notwithstanding shoddy service from Royal Mail who said it would on Friday by 3pm and it turned up after2 on sat now have the lateral flow test so all set for next Saturday. So apart from seeing a shiny fulmar and looking at refrigerator boxes what other stands and boats should be seen ? Any favourites new boats to be seen?


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Notwithstanding shoddy service from Royal Mail who said it would on Friday by 3pm and it turned up after2 on sat now have the lateral flow test so all set for next Saturday. So apart from seeing a shiny fulmar and looking at refrigerator boxes what other stands and boats should be seen ? Any favourites new boats to be seen?
HR57 and 400, Moody 41DS for possibly dreaming. Bavaria Vision 42 to remind you what top of the range mass production boats used to be like and something completely different the Viko S35 - plus of course the Morgans!


Well-known member
17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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Yes as a moody owner will certainly be looking over the DS41 but not certain for where we are in our sailing we would want to invest £500k plus In this model but maybe one for long term Med crusing. Have always been a fan also of Bavaria and hopefully the Vision is less angular than some more recent models. A new Southerly would be lovely certainly , perhaps our ideal longer term boat if more time on our hands maybe. Previous Discovery Southerlys have been on have always been so well finished visually but might be a case of looking at new ones and hoping a few 5 year old models come on market . Sadly no room in the garage for a Morgan -have to stick with completing the model Morgan and for real life keeping to the Audi V6 for now having just shelled out for some new shock absorbers . Davits is another area where I might be looking out to see what telescopic ones exist as these seem like a useful investment maybe.


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12 Jul 2020
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Its a shame none of the small cats will be there (Gemini/Broadblue) as the concept of a coastal cruising cat that would fit through the French canals definitely appeals.


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6 Apr 2011
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I’m sure the companies have done their sums and showing big boats yields maximum return on investment but it’s a shame the upmarket boat builders only show the bigger models at Southampton. Hallberg Rassey, Rustler etc. all make sub-12m boats I’d be interested in but were only showing 12m+. In fairness, I recall Hallberg Rassey did show the 372 at Southampton when it came out.


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11 Feb 2005
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Not sure what HR are showing this year but at the last show, 2019, their 340 was rammed. I suspect the builders are being cautious this year and they may have limited availability of boats they can actually show with order books full


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10 Nov 2007
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The days of bringing boats over specially for the show are long gone for many builders, particularly the smaller ones so they rely on recent customer boats. The UK market is for many no longer a prime target and the show no longer attractive (or accessible) for many international buyers. More than one exhibitor talked of imminent price increases, as much as 10% on boats. That is on top of the typical 30-40% increase over the last 5 years or so.


Well-known member
6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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Not sure what HR are showing this year

The 400 and (I think) the 57.

Had a brief conversation asking why HR always make boats slightly over 12m rather than slightly under (like Najad’s395) when slightly over significantly increases cost of ownership. I think they *wanted* to say “if you can afford a 12m HR you don’t worry about 2 grand a year” but the actually said “oh but 11.9something metre boats will always get measured and charged at >12m rates”. Well I question that, not least because in 11 years no-one has measured my boat other than the tonnage surveyor.