Lat Flow test needed for Soton Boat show.


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16 Nov 2020
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We visited on Sunday and thoroughly enjoyed our day out.

The Lateral Flow test check was a bit of a joke - just showed my phone with the text visible and waved through - no scrutiny of the date or result or anything else. It could have been someone else's test result just forwarded to my phone.
Certainly, if Heathrow took this approach they would really cut down on the queues!

The boat we particularly wanted to see, Linssen 45, we were able to view without an appointment or queuing. And we saw three different generators and had a very useful chat with each of the three exhibitors, who seemed very knowledgeable about them. This was extremely helpful - just need to decide now.

Any members' experiences with Whisperpower vs Paguro vs Fischer Panda very welcome!

Time Out

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19 Dec 2015
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Went today having been at Cannes last week (four negative tests to hand !) I’m no fan of Southampton/ BMF or the security there BUT very well organised and the security guard checked date of negative test. QR code ticket and in.

I’ve done nearly 30 Southampton Shows and this was one of the better ones of late.

I wanted another inflatable paddle board but like all things had to order it off the net. No big deal as he gave me a 10% code and I ordered it on train home.

For a post COVID event sticking another swab up my nose and reporting the result was no issue. I’m fact I went from not going on principle to changing my whole attitude to it as it’s no big deal.

Yes Cannes had a COVID passport (which I am in favour of) to one that wanted a test in place of the passport.

It’s the world we live in so we may as well get used to it ….

Well done to the organisers of both shows.

I’m at Monaco next week and that’s compulsory masks ( and not fabric) changed every four hours inside and out … that’s going to be hell.


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16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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I’ve done nearly 30 Southampton Shows and this was one of the better ones of late.
Chatting with several other exhibitors, they are all saying it has been a good show for sales. Many could have sold more if they had capacity to build more. Many have said the are quoting for late 2023 and into 2024. There are certainly still plenty of buyers who can afford some of the boats that can cost far more than a house. Strangely there are some manufacturers who are offering marine credit at just over 4% over 15 years! Perhaps this is tempting people to order boats they could never buy outright.


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7 Jun 2010
On our way
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This isn't necessarily the case, unfortunately. The government has certainly made doses available, and in many locations, but it's not the case that those locations are accessible to everyone, neither is it the case that everyone knows how to go about booking. The demographics show that a large proportion of those unvaccinated cannot afford to attend a vaccination centre either due to time or money constraints. A large proportion are non-natives who will have varying reasons for not having been able to attend. I'm sure there is also a small proportion who have been misled by misinformation and who refuse it, alongside a small proportion who have weighed up the risks and chosen not to for perfectly reasonable reasons.
Unfortunately that doesn't make good copy, so all we get is the us vs them anti-vax rhetoric designed to drive ad revenue and fuel hate. Sadly, it's working.
So, do you think that these people who ‘cannot afford to attend a vaccination centre either due to time or money constraints’ will be going to SIBS?
26 Aug 2021
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I started this thread purely as a point of info. I wish I never had. Do some of you ever think how childish some of your posts are? I re-joined this place to ask the occasional piece of advice, but I think I shall leave again. Frankly, a lot of you just exemplify one of the reasons I am put off sailing.

Time Out

Well-known member
19 Dec 2015
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I started this thread purely as a point of info. I wish I never had. Do some of you ever think how childish some of your posts are? I re-joined this place to ask the occasional piece of advice, but I think I shall leave again. Frankly, a lot of you just exemplify one of the reasons I am put off sailing.

But they always come full circle.

Starts off meaningful, full of info, turns to turd and then steers back towards normal.

It's been like that for years, don't ask me how I know ;)


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28 Sep 2011
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Don't be put of sailing, just forums.
The trick is not to read the posts of those you think you will not want to read.

Or reading past page two on any thread. Nine times out of ten, the topic question is answered within the first few reply posts. Beyond page three the topic will be long forgotten and people will be arguing over which is the best anchor to be using to maintain our freedoms in a pandemic.


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
I thought the show was even quieter than last time in attended, 2019, but at least I could speak to lots of suppliers and was REALLY, REALLY put off supporting the RNLI by the number of 'chuggers' they had round the place, not the way to win hearts and minds, and I shall be writing to the top person to inform them that I for one am not impressed.


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12 Jul 2020
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Speaking to the guy manning the Hardy42 motorboat yesterday he said they had sold 5 boats this show, so whilst it was quiet footfall wise, there was plenty of money sloshing around.

The pal I went with (recently retired teacher) called up sunseeker ahead of the event to book a crawl around one of their big boats. They gave him a personal tour around all of them, and let him into their hospitality place for a drink
and nibbles!