What would you say to a man, who, through know apparent fault of his own, had his little boat rammed on his mooring by this nice gent and his 40ft motor boat, who didn't stop, but continued to france for his holidays, leaving the little love of my life hanging by a thread and a damaged bow spit, with bent roller reefing and floating forestay, with mast swaying in the breeze, disconnected lighting and other sundry problems, who when confronted (fortunately a bird watcher saw the incident),claimed that he was making a cup of tea at the time, 'there was a loud bang but I was told it was only a bouy' was the statement.
Oh gentle readers, this is not the end to my troubles. When having moved to this nice repair yard, and tying to the required pontoon, I took my leave with a tear in my eye, knowing the next time we met, things would look different. How right I was. The pontoon boke away that night and flipped over the side of the yacht, gouging the fibre glass in a number of places.
Now, are boats jinxed, are sailors jinxed or is this just bad luck.
( I must give thanks at this time to the Harbour Master (area with held) who helped me sort the first problem out)
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Oh gentle readers, this is not the end to my troubles. When having moved to this nice repair yard, and tying to the required pontoon, I took my leave with a tear in my eye, knowing the next time we met, things would look different. How right I was. The pontoon boke away that night and flipped over the side of the yacht, gouging the fibre glass in a number of places.
Now, are boats jinxed, are sailors jinxed or is this just bad luck.
( I must give thanks at this time to the Harbour Master (area with held) who helped me sort the first problem out)
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