Is your boat legal?


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16 May 2001
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Law is not as simple as letter of law

Eek. Scary stuff. I suspect no boats at all comply with these rules. Ours doesn't.

There's a piece of UK law (MFK Underwriters, mid 80s, a tax case axshully) that sort of says public authorities like MCA must treat public in accordance with established practice, which is not necessarily the same as the letter of the law. If the MCA pursued me over this stuff I would be inclined to pursue them for "picking" on me. There are zillions of non compliant boats, and MCA know this, so (I would argue) they must pursue a policy of prosecuting non-conformers generally, not pick on me (I would argue). Else lack of due process, public authority misusing its powers, etc etc. Not sure if this would work, a sympathetic Denning-esque judge would help, and not many solicitors in Lymington/Weymouth etc would be onto this. But worth bearing in mind if you get pulled over.


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: jets again

I very much appreciate your concern and you raise some interesting points.

Having taken the advice of my mentor, I will not be having green carpets, in fact no carpets at all. My mentor;s advice being spotted by the wife has made certain that there will be light wooden floors ..... so there is no problem there.

I have done night trips already ( and in zero visibility fog) , albeit more by accident than design. so I have already clocked the fact that night trips will have to be done very slowly - in my displacment hull potter along mode, just making the occasional diversion to run over the odd lobster buoy. Hence, it is understood, if I make too many such night trips I will become insolvent.

"Fire-wise there is of course no danger at all cos it'll be pissing down unless you get to the med. " ... how can you say that after the great weather we have enjoyed so far this 'summer' in the Bristol Channel? I will have you know that to date we have had at least 4 hours of sunshine with low winds! This is why I need a fast boat to zip everywhere during those our 'summer'. I can reach any destination 2 hours away - spend a minute there and then zip back.

The only reason we have lots of space up here is because no one has heard how good it is here .... at least I think that's the reason no one else is ever out.

You are probaly right about those tight turns, I will have no sixpences left after buying this boat. Hence I will never be able to show you how tight it turns .. that's unless you come along and throw your sixpences off the bow.... dont. forget to bring some when you come!

I read in a mag some months ago about a new boat wash - just like a drive through car wash. Another advantage of the jets is that I will have my own built in boat wash - I just anchor with the stern to the harbour wall and let rip with the jets - the rebound of the wall would probably wash mine and a few boats around ... another thing you cannot do with props!



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Aha. Another dramatic courtroom scene.

This time, in the Court of Appeal in nice comfy London. The errant stinkpotter wins his case on account of the fact his previous lawyer was crap, the judge was a bit of a raggie git, and Portland breakwater is easily missed as it is much bigger than Big Ben but has hardly any lights on it. MCA have to pay costs, including free nice proper lights and not these poxy rubbish red/green thingys, and nice new non-Birchwood boat for Mr Shipman. I mean Shipley. Hurrah!


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15 Jun 2001
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I reckon you'll find that the CE mark only indicates that the vessel meets the requirements of the Recreational Craft Directive, and not necessarily any other requirements laid down by MCA, BSS or anyone else who can enforce their two pennarth legally.

Daft, yep! But that's Brussels for you. I would mind betting somewhere in this RCD, MCA, BSS mess there are mutually exclusive requirements.

Old Chinese proverb 'Man who sail boat into rice field, soon get into paddy'


New member
30 Jan 2002
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Hang you have missed out on and then

Crew , competent crew both qualified able and sufficient for the craft.
Also light duties and pilots fees.

Most of the detention orders are because the crew are not competent .
I think that bloke who rammed his huge great big boat up the break water should have been prosecuted under the health and safety reg's .
Because he acted in a manner likely to cause actual harm to his party and others .
He should be held responsible for his gross negligence and a prison term would be appropriate .
How often do we all complain about people storming about with total disregard to the safety of others .
Just because some one has money should not entitle him her to be above the law .

Supposing your son daughter grandchild was in that area where shipply was playing at being captain to his mates ,sailing a small dingy !!!
would you then say its not his fault .

There are two sides to this .
I want a big steel ex trawler / tug v / cheap or swap for tug


Re: mtb don\'t shoot messenger

Can't say that I understood a word of what mtb was on about. Assumed he meant to have a go at tcm for feeling sorry for Mr Shipley, but who knows...?


New member
30 Jan 2002
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Re: mtb don\'t shoot messenger

Yes your right but we had stuff on this back at the beginning of the year ,
I my self, stopped short of buying an ex trawler because of the huge expense of making sure it was up to the legal requirement.
Then I would have had to do the masters ticket and employ crew , pay light duties pilots fees .
One of the Barry's pointed out where to get the information and saved me a lot of money !!.
So its not news really
Also I wanted to high light the irresponsible and negligent attitude of people like that fella at Weymouth.
I want a big steel ex trawler / tug v / cheap or swap for tug


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Re: mtb don\'t shoot messenger

I am with MTB on this one how many people did this p**t have to kill with his total lack of paying attention.He got away lightly .IMHO.