Is this the way YBW members normally behave?


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31 Oct 2005
Me: South Oxfordshire. Boat, Galicia NW Spain
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I recently made an offer for an item on the For Sale forum.

Hi ****
I offer £100 for it posted

Reply from ****
maybe if it doesnt sell, but only been on there 10mins! give it a week if it doesnt sell, its yours.

Next reply from ****
Ok so i decided 100 is ok posted.
If you BACS it to sort code ** ** ** , acc number ******** i can sent it out right away. Or we could do a cheque if you prefer.

Hi ****
not sure if you got my PM
Could you send me address to where I send cheque for *****

Reply from ****
ah, sorry, someone PM'd me and was local and came round right away with the full amount to collect it, so sold now, i should have updated you apologies.
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Well-known member
6 May 2005
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Psalm 15 v 5 applies.
He that sweareth unto his neighbour, and disappointeth him not ,though it were to his own hindrance.

We are all neighbours here.

Perhaps it is time for a sticky to remind vendors that it is first come and committed, first served ?


Well-known member
26 Jul 2007
I recently made an offer for an item on the For Sale forum.

Hi ****
I offer £100 for it posted

Reply from ****
maybe if it doesnt sell, but only been on there 10mins! give it a week if it doesnt sell, its yours.

Next reply from ****
Ok so i decided 100 is ok posted.
If you BACS it to sort code ** ** ** , acc number ******** i can sent it out right away. Or we could do a cheque if you prefer.

Hi ****
not sure if you got my PM
Could you send me address to where I send cheque for *****

Reply from ****
ah, sorry, someone PM'd me and was local and came round right away with the full amount to collect it, so sold now, i should have updated you apologies.

It was me, the seller, please do stop moaning on here....

I had it up for sale for £120, you offered £100 posted, i said ok then 5 minutes later some else PM'd me and said they would take it for the full £120 and come and collect it the same day with cash as they were nearby....It would have just been plain silly for me to have said no sorry to him and mess about with a cheque and posting it to you for £20 less.....

As with everything i sell second hand, the first person to give me the payment in my hand secures the item, there is too many time wasters around otherwise...
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Flying Penguin

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18 Feb 2011
In an office, wishing he was sailing...
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As with everything i always sell second hand, the first person to give me the payment in my hand secures the item, there is too many time wasters around otherwise...

Generally, unless you say that in your listing, the contract (verbal one) occurs at agreement, not at performance (by either party).

For the value, not worth stressing over but unless you said that in your listing you are in the (legal) wrong.


Colvic Watson

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23 Nov 2004
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It was me, the seller, please do stop moaning on here

As with everything i always sell second hand, the first person to give me the payment in my hand secures the item, there is too many time wasters around otherwise...

Fine if you put that in the advert but otherwise I think it's rude and shortsighted. I've never met a time waster on the for sale forum BTW but maybe you've attracted a few.

Flying Penguin

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18 Feb 2011
In an office, wishing he was sailing...
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What complete nonsense, this is the sort of rubbish that has landed this country in such a mess, a typical legal approach to everything, it winds me right up!
The was no contract and it would never get anywhere in court, everyone needs to get over it, i have a million more important things to do. (like go sailing)

I buy and sell a few bits here so they dont clog up my garage, if people are going to get so stressed about it, suggesting i am doing anything wrong and do not conduct business correctly then I just wont bother anymore. This forum seems to be full of people making little or no "practical boat" contribution and just moaning at others.

Of course there was a contract, this was a run of the mill private sale. Laws apply whether you want them to or not and whether it's worth litigating or not.

If you can't stand by your word, and you did say ok, don't be surprised when people "moan".

Alternatively just don't sell stuff and chuck it in the bin, that will wind you up less.

Edit: Notice original post has gone... :rolleyes:
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Flying Penguin

New member
18 Feb 2011
In an office, wishing he was sailing...
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Funny how it's 'rude and ungentlemanly' to take a £20 additional cash-in-hand deal on a piece of boat equipment but gazumping someone in the middle of a chain of house sales and purchases is considered to be the norm.

No, that's still rude and ungentlemanly, but perfectly legal as offers are all "subject to survey & contract" etc. so parties know where they stand.

If Matt had said "first one to get cash in my hand gets it" upfront, no qualms whatsoever.


1 Sep 2006
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I know that it's splitting hairs, but you had a legally binding contract to sell that for £100. Contract law states that there must be agreement and consideration to create a legally binding contract. You agreed to sell the object for £100. You also had no clauses to state that the object could be sold to someone else
If the OP was to be petty in all this, he could take you to a small claims court for breach of contract and would win hands down as you have admitted on here that you agreed to initially sell it for £100.
However as we are discussing gentlemanly conduct i'm sure the OP would not ever consider such a thing.
It is however "bad form" and possibly not a very nice thing to do. It also seems as if the majority of people on here agree.Just my opinion.
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New member
23 Jun 2004
Me: Castle Douglas, SW Scotland. Boats: Kirkcudbri
There is no qualifying exam to be a YBW member. Most people here are, in my experience nice, friendly and helpful - and if there is the occasional paranoid fruitcake (don't I know it :rolleyes:) or broken promise around, that's just the grand scheme of things and not worth worrying about.

For what it's worth, I think the seller made a mistake in not continuing at the agreed price, but if he changed his mind quickly (as seems to be the case), and since the agreed price was less than he asked, it doesn't seem like the Crime of the Centrury.

Kiss and make up, guys. Life's too short for pointless online vendettas (vendetti? vendette? vendettæ?).

Yrs pacifically
