IN in EU or OUT from EU

IN the EU or OUT

  • IN

    Votes: 275 50.8%
  • OUT

    Votes: 266 49.2%

  • Total voters
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Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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The National Farmer's Union just voted that it will be better for the Farming Industry and farmers as a whole to stay in the EU; do you know anything that they dont? Same thing applies for the Yachting Industry; just stick it out and get more efficient.

Do you really think that being in the EU will make us more efficient as a "global" economy rather than just an inward "EU" economy.
Personally I do not think it will . That is the problem with the EU. Over regulation just restricts our ability to compete outside the EU.
Whilst the EU is able to expand its economy that is not so bad , but whilst it stagnates & shrinks ( I cannot see that changing much in the future) then we are less able to operate competitively beyond it. We need to be able to extend our markets to other areas , not just the EU. However, I can see the problem of leaving the EU, which might ( temporarily) mean loosing a part of our main market- That is where the greatest risk lies. It might be even worse if the EU collapsed as a result, although I do not think that we are that important

I think the current issue with immigration will die down, It is great press at the moment & world issues are creating problems. Once things settle other issues will come to the fore. The Leave campaigners are failing to push these & i am convinced that we will stay - Unfortunately this will lead to greater forced integration which will be really bad & why I will vote to leave

I might also suggest that our farming community is ( for its land size- ie it does not have the acreage of, say, America) about as efficient as it can get. as for Yachting industry- What is it? Mainly a service industry & I cannot see how my local marina or chandler might get more efficient. There are a lot of small producers/suppliers who will never get more efficient if they live for another 100 years. Just drift along in a dream charging what they like - & us silly yachties are only too "happy" to pay


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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Possibly a bit over-political; but would it be entirely wrong to regard the EU as a sort of "corporate liferaft" if by chance a Jeremy Corbyn Govt ever came to power?


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28 Jun 2009
south yorks
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Now the BBC are normally so biased to project fear, it is really surprising to see what they think about Osborne's little book which he has made the tax payers fork out for.

Cut the "BS in Europe". Vote Leave..

Vote for leave stance councillors on May The 5th. Ignore labour councillors if they don't support leave they don't deserve a vote if they support Judas Corbyn show him you care

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Because it has nothing to do with boats or sailing? Tho the op did try and keep it there originally. ( and I'm as guilty too, sorry)
Maybe we should start threads on dog training?

Actually you are perfectly correct ----dog training really ought to go right at the forefront of ALL threads. Perhaps a thread for owners on how to control the d..d things in marinas might not go amiss as well


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14 Apr 2014
East Algarve
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No I'm not mixing issue I'm comparing. I'm not mixing the balance of trade with immigration or the balkans either. Percentages are meaningful to bean counters but not to sheep. They bear no relation to our relationship between the EU and us or between the individual countries and us. Trade will continue in Brexit.

Of course they bear relation! Dismissing it because you don't like that particular fact doesn't make it any less relevant.

To simplify, if you had £100k in taxed earnings and your outgoings were £50k a year, it would be far more significant than if your earnings were £500k and your outgoings were £50k.


Well-known member
24 Sep 2003
Le Roussillon (South of France)
Just because you may like or dislike a subject does not mean others do not wish to discuss it
& here is where it has been placed - presumably to come to the notice of a wider audience
Some of us (86 posts & rising) are enjoying the banter & hearing others views
So i give your proposal a "minus 1"

Why? Because!

Try posting a boat related thread in The Bilge. The usual suspects will come down on you like a ton of bricks.
Whilst this thread may well have started off with the best of intentions to keep it boat related it has long since degenerated into the usual Bilge-type rehashing of prejudices.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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& so it descends further :rolleyes: No wonder people want it moved to the Lounge.

What i am objecting to is the suggestion that just because one does not agree with an argument it automatically becomes bilge & should be discarded. i do not agree with all the points raised in this thread, but i do not object to the right of others to put them, neither do ,I out of hand, suggest that because I do not agree that i should adopt the communist/dictatorial obsession with eliminating it.
That is a trend that i am concerned is likely to appear even more so in the EU, especially if we vote to stay. Hence my vote to leave
So you can suggest moving to the lounge if you wish but I disagree !!!


Well-known member
14 Apr 2014
East Algarve
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Your implication is that the poster's opinion is less valid because they might might vote in or for JC is worthy of the Lounge.


4 Dec 2009
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It would be interesting to see the views of the forumites on the IN or OUT from EU imminent referendum. The Brits have always enjoyed spending holidays in the Med countries and many (many more than we think) spend more time there than here; most of them ending up working there on full time jobs in both the tourist and the professional industries.

I personally know many Brits who went to Greece to enjoy the sailing and the sun and soon moved there permanently. If the outcome is OUT, would this affect those who live there? or the whole thing is just a paper exercise?

Sounds to me like you are happy to sell this country down the drain just so that you can continue to live an idyllic lifestyle.How about the poor sods back here who can't afford those type of wonderful holidays & are struggling to keep a roof over their heads because of all the pressures of immigration?
Seems entirely selfish to me.We could travel to Greece & all round the world before the Common market & this sounds a little too much like scare mongering to me.

We need to take back our boarders before we become completely overwhelmed & have to concrete over everything.For that reason & that reason alone I may well vote out.At least I would if I wer'nt sure that the Conservatives won't immediately pull the rug out from under hard working people even more :disgust:


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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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As far as I can see the outs consist of arrogant racist blinkered know it alls who believe Brits are better than everyone else and when free of the shackles of the EU will be able to pursue an independent economic and political course unaffected by european considerations.

Others may disagree suggesting that we will end up international beggars slavering for crumbs from the economic giants of Europe, America,China and Asia Pac.

Realists know that international trade is vital to modern economies and to get the best bang for your buck you need to be in an economic group with major muscle. I've got a long enough memory to recollect why we tried to get in to begin with .. and why our attempted alternative at the time failed. I'd even venture to suggest some reading of economic history from the 40's to the present day might benefit some.
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Well-known member
15 May 2005
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I am officially 'on the fence' for now although I find it really, really difficult not to be disgusted by the largely illiterate and bigoted voices in the out camp. However I know there is more at stake than merely which group I wish to identify with.

I don't see a strong economic argument for removing all the immigrants. They are largely working age and per head contribute more than average to the national coffers. If this is not making its way into the services which are seen as under pressure due to the rising numbers, that is an issue for the government to sort out.
Remove the incomers and you have a nation of retired people who all own buy to let houses which no longer have any tennants.

Looking past the immigration smokescreen, I do think it is interesting how well Norway appears to do, though.


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28 Jun 2009
south yorks
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I am officially 'on the fence' for now although I find it really, really difficult not to be disgusted by the largely illiterate and bigoted voices in the out camp. However I know there is more at stake than merely which group I wish to identify with.

I don't see a strong economic argument for removing all the immigrants. They are largely working age and per head contribute more than average to the national coffers. If this is not making its way into the services which are seen as under pressure due to the rising numbers, that is an issue for the government to sort out.
Remove the incomers and you have a nation of retired people who all own buy to let houses which no longer have any tennants.

Looking past the immigration smokescreen, I do think it is interesting how well Norway appears to do, though.

I Read an article a couple of years ago I cannot think what it was in but the gist was that all of Norway has a 1million plus pension pot each something to do with not spending the oil money. Some body might come on and know what link it was
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