IN in EU or OUT from EU

IN the EU or OUT

  • IN

    Votes: 275 50.8%
  • OUT

    Votes: 266 49.2%

  • Total voters
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Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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It will interesting to see how well the British yacht industry will perform in the near future, bearing in mind that Italy builds 50% of all superyachts, the balance is met mainly by France and Germany.

Unsurprising that Italy is the biggest builder as it is the biggest market in Europe. However, Sunseeker, Princess, Oyster (and maybe the revitalised Fairline) are still in the hunt. The main reason why UK no longer produces mass market yachts is because it is no longer a significant market in volume terms and the style of yachts built for the local market did not have international appeal.


Well-known member
15 Jul 2009
Bristol Channel
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I wonder what is like being a Foreign Secretary (Boris) knowing that others know that you are a prat, you feel like a prat, you behave like a prat and at the same time you have to steer the UK to remain in the EU because Boris never wanted the UK out of the EU , he only wanted a job for himself, and he got one now.

Capt Popeye

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30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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I wonder what is like being a Foreign Secretary (Boris) knowing that others know that you are a prat, you feel like a prat, you behave like a prat and at the same time you have to steer the UK to remain in the EU because Boris never wanted the UK out of the EU , he only wanted a job for himself, and he got one now.


someones having another bad day, I see, :rolleyes:


might I ask if Matron is around to put him back in his pram, with his toys, and park him somewhere quite for a while :eek:
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Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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someones having another bad day, I see, :rolleyes:


might I ask if Matron is around to put him back in his pram, with his toys, and park him somewhere quite for a while :eek:

Actually Captain Fantastic has summed up in a couple of lines pretty much what The Times today has said over five pages.

PS Can I be a Captain too?

Capt Popeye

Well-known member
30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Actually Captain Fantastic has summed up in a couple of lines pretty much what The Times today has said over five pages.

PS Can I be a Captain too?

Err, The TIMES, pardon me, but why not read or quote a quality paper, instead of THE TIMES, cripes

Oh yes of course, Captains are readily available these days, in any country or the EU :)

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Actually when Boris arrives to meet other diplomats he may be met with a friendly atmosphere rather than what might usually be a stern one. He might actually catch them on the back foot. One only has to look at the video of the American when it was announced that Boris was to be Foreign secretary. It was with humour -but not rejection. More a case of welcome & up for a laugh.
That can be a good starting point when meeting someone
It also has to be pointed out that he does have a grasp of several languages & has spoken on French radio for a while so he is not actually going in green.
I suspect he may be a bit better than some expect because the other side may be under estimating him


Well-known member
15 Jul 2009
Bristol Channel
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Actually when Boris arrives to meet other diplomats he may be met with a friendly atmosphere rather than what might usually be a stern one. He might actually catch them on the back foot. One only has to look at the video of the American when it was announced that Boris was to be Foreign secretary. It was with humour -but not rejection. More a case of welcome & up for a laugh.
That can be a good starting point when meeting someone
It also has to be pointed out that he does have a grasp of several languages & has spoken on French radio for a while so he is not actually going in green.
I suspect he may be a bit better than some expect because the other side may be under estimating him

So, Boris Johnson held his first news conference as foreign secretary alongside US Secretary of State John Kerry. It was humoristic but pretty dreadful too. Good starting point?. I dont think so.

Also, I am aware of a company that relies on European Funding to carry on with research on composite components made of Kevlar, for the aero, auto and yachting industries. The project and the production has stopped because the money flow from Europe sources has been cancelled. Naturally, the UK is not prepared to fund it. This is a typical example where Engineering and Science will suffer until and if, a new funding stream is identified; from experience I know that it will not happen.

Yet again the UK Yachting industry will miss out.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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So, Boris Johnson held his first news conference as foreign secretary alongside US Secretary of State John Kerry. It was humoristic but pretty dreadful too. Good starting point?. I dont think so.

Yet conversely, reports of his first meeting with EU representatives was that he was good
The Luxembourg minister is quoted as saying he was formidable
As for money flow stopping, I would remind you that we are still in the EU & are still able to apply for funding so i would suggest that it may well have stopped anyway. It is up to industry to go out & get it whilst it is there not just sit & whinge about Brexit because they did not vote for it.
Furthermore they have ample time to prepare, so I hope they will not complain that they have been caught on the back foot if it does actually happen


Well-known member
13 Jun 2006
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As for money flow stopping, I would remind you that we are still in the EU & are still able to apply for funding so i would suggest that it may well have stopped anyway. It is up to industry to go out & get it whilst it is there not just sit & whinge about Brexit because they did not vote for it.
Furthermore they have ample time to prepare, so I hope they will not complain that they have been caught on the back foot if it does actually happen
Snag is, the cycle time for new EU research funding is typically 4 to 5 years. It has to be applied for by consortia of multiple EU legal identities. The British ones are already out of favour with the rest EU, as they don't want their bid for funding to be rejected after Article 50 is triggered. So Brexit has already started there.
On the plus side, the EU research budget is created by each EU member state submitting about 3% (IIRC) of their national R&D budget to the Commission for redistribution. So 97% is still spent at home. The procedure for extracting R&D money from HMG is somewhat different that extracting it from the EU. It pays to have friends.


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18 Dec 2012
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(leave voter)
the goverment seems to be playing chess, gov -v-people, cameron lost the brexit vote ,theresa may steps up ,The major gov players bbc, bank of england etc play the, were doomed, come close to the exit date she will renegotiate terms and put it back to the people to vote what a farce there was never (in my opionion) any exit from the EU


Well-known member
13 Jun 2006
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(leave voter)
the goverment seems to be playing chess, gov -v-people, cameron lost the brexit vote ,theresa may steps up ,The major gov players bbc, bank of england etc play the, were doomed, come close to the exit date she will renegotiate terms and put it back to the people to vote what a farce there was never (in my opionion) any exit from the EU
More likely a delayed Article 50 and in 2020 an election. The mixture of party politics, weak Labour, UKIP single policy politics and FPTP could put the Tories back to do as they please.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Snag is, the cycle time for new EU research funding is typically 4 to 5 years. It has to be applied for by consortia of multiple EU legal identities. The British ones are already out of favour with the rest EU, as they don't want their bid for funding to be rejected after Article 50 is triggered[/url]

With the greatest of respect--What you are saying is not stacking up.
if we are talking of a 4-5 year cycle how come funding has suddenly dried up. How did the EU know 4-5 years ago we were going to vote for out a few weeks ago?
I would suggest that perhaps funding was already drying up & the timing just happens to coincide with Brexit.
So I would suggest that you may ( note may) be distorting the facts a little
On the BBC last night a research Co said they immediately had to lay off 2 research employees.
Once again- whilst i can accept that some time in the future funding may be a problem ( & I am not denying that could be the case in the future -I am talking about the current state) it has not dried up so suddenly that 2 staff get the push so quickly.
Another article was about an astronomer loosing funding. Well i am not so sure I am that worried. There was comment about grants for development into rocket engine parts & that would be a concern- but gawping at stars is not really that high on my list of priorities
Project fear is already proving a big con -so can we try to be a bit more positive please
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Well-known member
15 Jul 2009
Bristol Channel
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It will be wrong to take the UK out of the EU on a basis of a glorified opinion poll (referendum). The final decision will/must be taken by the parliament; therefore, the parliament should vote to decide IN or OUT. The referendum should only act as a triggering mechanism for a vote in the parliament.

In regard to money flow from the EU, forget the theories or what is right and what is wrong, the fact is that money for research is drying out permanently; the impact will be felt in a few years.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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It will be wrong to take the UK out of the EU on a basis of a glorified opinion poll (referendum). The final decision will/must be taken by the parliament; therefore, the parliament should vote to decide IN or OUT. The referendum should only act as a triggering mechanism for a vote in the parliament.

In regard to money flow from the EU, forget the theories or what is right and what is wrong, the fact is that money for research is drying out permanently; the impact will be felt in a few years.

Seems to me that people have already begun to forget how bad the EU really is & how important we dump it ASAP


Well-known member
13 Jun 2006
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With the greatest of respect--What you are saying is not stacking up.
if we are talking of a 4-5 year cycle how come funding has suddenly dried up. How did the EU know 4-5 years ago we were going to vote for out a few weeks ago?
I would suggest that perhaps funding was already drying up & the timing just happens to coincide with Brexit.
So I would suggest that you may ( note may) be distorting the facts a little
Project fear is already proving a big con -so can we try to be a bit more positive please
You clearly have never attempted to extract research funding from Brussels.
If you had a new and good idea and wanted the EU to partly fund the research needed, it would take you about 4 to 5 years to get the subject on the agenda, form consortia, win contracts and complete the study. So the Brexit threat will reduce your chances for getting funding for a new and good idea. For existing ideas, already on the EU's agenda, Brexit threat will inhibit UK participation in consortia and reduce chances of winning contracts. Existing contracts will probably be completed prior to actual Brexit.
The EU R&D budgets are long term budgets and the declared aim is to try to ensure that each country gets back financially roughly what they put in. Over the thousands of projects this is usually achieved. It is new contracts that will diminish because of Brexit. Research employees may be losing out now because they, or their employers, see little prospect of winning further contracts, so are saving money now.
With an EEA like agreement it would be possible for UK contributions to EU consortia, provided the UK government funded the UK participants' activities directly. Norway does some of this.
At the moment, uncertainty about what the UK will or will not do effects decisions. Switzerland has/had a similar agreement but their referendum on limiting free movement of peoples caused the Commission to withhold this participation.
This is nothing to do with positive or negative view, or any "project fear", it's just the way it works.
Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
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It may be simplistic, but if UK research is good and gets the job done within the allocated budget surely the end users of the results of the research will push for the UK research centres to continue to research.

If they are no better than other research centres based in Europe the answer is in their hands...................................

If we leave the EU as it looks like we will, alternative methods/sources of funding will no doubt appear.


Well-known member
13 Jun 2006
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It may be simplistic, but if UK research is good and gets the job done within the allocated budget surely the end users of the results of the research will push for the UK research centres to continue to research.
If they are no better than other research centres based in Europe the answer is in their hands...................................
If we leave the EU as it looks like we will, alternative methods/sources of funding will no doubt appear.
It's not really about quality of research, it's about money. Researchers are in competition, they need money. Is it a good thing to abandon a source of cash to your competitors?
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