Gary Fox
You must be fun at parties.If you bothered with MGN's and had any understanding of them, you would possibly have known about ClassXII leisure vessels needing to comply with Merchant Shipping regulations and their dispensations. Rather than saying elsewhere on this thread that Liferafts are not compulsory on ClassXII vessels (that's one longer than 13.7m) "round here".
Perhaps being sure of your facts before sounding off would be wise?
Carrying or not carrying a liferaft on a leisure vessel is still entirely voluntary, other than a Class XII vessel. On any commercial vessel it is mandatory.
That's how it should be. People are entitled to make their own choice and that is for them to decide. Oh and by the way quite a few light aircraft carry liferafts too. But if people think that rafts aren't needed on boats, I cant think why you'd want one on a light aircraft! But then again I am not a pilot and have no knowledge of ditching in the sea