HF Radio frequencies?


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15 Mar 2002
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My elderly father who is a very keen radio enthusiast was recently given a Target SSB receiver for his birthday - its a great little set and he is delighted with it!
He likes to listen to other amateur radio enthusiasts corresponding but would now also like to hear radio traffic between yachtsmen.

Can anybody tell me the HF public correspondence or ship to ship frequencies commonly used by yachtsmen on ocean crossings etc.

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29 Dec 2002
Jersey to Jersey via westward Circumnavigation
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Questions to pose: Is it a trans/ceiver and where is it installed?

If it can transmit, is he a qualified radio ham or with some other radio certificate?

The ships radio licence is displayed on the port side of a yacht, if it is within his house, probably will have to be placed "in the front window"! Not really seen any information on SSB, when it is installed in a land based situation. Perhaps Martin at the RA can assist here.

<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.mpcee.co.uk/katoema.html>http://www.mpcee.co.uk/katoema.html</A>


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24 Jul 2003
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I cannot recommend any specific frequencies applicable for UK as I am half a world away. However, a Google search on "maritime mobile nets" will give you plenty of lists of amateur and some marine frequencies and times upon which yachtsmen meet. Look for recent lists if possible as some of them are old and inaccurate.


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16 Dec 2002
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The Target SSB is a reciever only, so no licence reqd.

<hr width=100% size=1>Julian

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16 Dec 2002
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15 Meters
1130 UTC South Atlantic Net 21.325 Mhz
1300 UTC Transatlantic Net, wrsmyth@hotmail.com 21.400 Mhz
2200 UTC Pacific M/M Service Net 21.402 Mhz
20 Meters

0200 UTC Pacific Seafarers Net 14.313 Mhz
0400 UTC Maritime Emergency Net 14.310 Mhz
0400 UTC DDD Net - Pacific for Canada 14.115 Mhz
0500 UTC Tony's Net - Kenya 14.316 Mhz
0630 UTC M/M Net - South Africa 14.316 Mhz
0700 UTC Mariana - Guam 14.310 Mhz
0800 UTC U.K. M/M Net 14.303 Mhz
1000 UTC Robby's Net - Australia 14.315 Mhz
1130 UTC M/M Net - South Africa 14.316 Mhz
1245 UTC Mississauga Net 14.121 Mhz
1700 UTC Maritime Mobile Service Net 14.300 Mhz
1730 UTC DDD Net - Pacific for Canada 14.115 Mhz
1800 UTC Maritime Emergency Net 14.303 Mhz
1800 UTC U.K. M/M Net 14.303 Mhz
1900 UTC Manana M/M Net 14.340 Mhz
1900 UTC Confusion Net - Monday through Friday 14.305 Mhz
1900 UTC Mariana Net - Monday through Saturday 14.340 Mhz
2000 UTC Italian Maritime Mobile Net, IK6IJF@hotmail.com 14.340 Mhz
2100 UTC Tony's Net - New Zealand 14.315 Mhz
2300 UTC Robby's Net - Australia 14.315 Mhz
2300 UTC California to Caribbean - Mondays 14.285 Mhz
2310 UTC California to South Pacific - Mondays 14.285 Mhz
2400 UTC S.E.Asia M/M Net 14.320 Mhz
As needed Hurricane Net 14.325 Mhz
40 Meters
0000 UTC Caribbean Net 7.158 Mhz
0030 UTC S.E.Asia M/M Net 7.085 Mhz
0630 UTC M/M Net - South Africa 7.045 Mhz
0700 UTC Mediterranean M/M Net 7.085 Mhz
1100 UTC Caribbean Maritime Mobile Net 7.241 Mhz
1100 UTC Caribbean M/M Net - Saint Croix 7.230 Mhz
1130 UTC M/M Net - South Africa 7.045 Mhz
1245 UTC Waterways Radio Cruising Club 7.268 Mhz
1300 UTC Central American Breakfast Club Cruisers Net 7.083 Mhz
1530 UTC Chubasco Net, Mexico West Coast 7.294 Mhz
1530 UTC Baja California M/M Net 7.238 Mhz
2230 UTC West Coast Admirals Net 7.190 Mhz
"All Day" SE Alaska Mariners Net 7.265 Mhz
Marine SSB
Amateur radio license not required to participate in Marine SSB nets.
0830 UTC Russell Radio - New Zealand 12.359 Mhz
1215 UTC Caribbean Safety and Security Net 8.104 Mhz
1230 UTC Caribbean Weather Net Note: 8:30 a.m. Eastern DST 8.104 Mhz
1330 UTC Cruiseheimer's Net 8.152 Mhz
1330 UTC Panama Connection Net 8.107 Mhz
1400 UTC Sonrisa Net 3.968 Mhz
1400 UTC Cruisers Southbound Net 4.051 Mhz
1400 UTC Papaguayo Net 4.030 Mhz
1400 UTC Northwest Caribbean Cruisers Net 8.188 Mhz
1630 UTC Russell Radio - New Zealand 12.359 Mhz
1930 UTC Herb's Weather 12.359

also here <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.wunclub.com/files/mar_band.html>http://www.wunclub.com/files/mar_band.html</A>

<hr width=100% size=1>Julian

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.topcatsail.co.uk/movies.html>Dolphin Movie From Top Cat</A>


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15 Mar 2002
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Thanks everybody, particularly Jools - the list is great and it'll keep him very happy.
Just to confirm its only a receiver so no issues with licenses.
I will also check the maritime mobile nets.
Merry Xmas

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29 Dec 2002
Jersey to Jersey via westward Circumnavigation
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Thanks for this, but I was curious. I used to have a B&G Homer (receiver only) and when, a couple of years back, in a renewal of my Licence, I sent a covering letter explaining that it was on Katoema (at the time under German Registry) and licenced. I was informed in the reply that it had to be included in the list of equipment as she was being transferred to the UK Registry.

It was removed when all the equipment was updated with Icom technology.


<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.mpcee.co.uk/katoema.html>http://www.mpcee.co.uk/katoema.html</A>


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16 Dec 2002
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Well I carry one for receiving weatherfax and navtex, my ships licence did not request a licence, I mean you can buy SW SSB radios everywhere. You do not need a licence to use a dedicated navtex or the nasa weatherman, which are only ssb receivers at the end of the day.

I could I guess be wrong, I don't think I am, I would accept any knowledgeable answer on this one.

A transceiver <s> would definitely need a tax, er, licence.

<hr width=100% size=1>Julian

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.topcatsail.co.uk/movies.html>Dolphin Movie From Top Cat</A>


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1 Jan 2002
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He'll need a blinking good ariel for that lot! Seriously, I wonder if he wouldn't do well to do the Novices' Licence (I did!) which will only take a weekend, from which you learn a lot and believe me, age is no bar. You never know, the gentleman might meet fellow listeners and a few broadcasters. Take a look at the RSGB site for details.

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