so maybe its me who should be looking for that bloke with a big yacht who wants to swap now and again who can also fix things /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
/forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif You lot are bonkers. Im leaving now to spend an evening in Cromer with old rugby friends. 07771 596755 if anyone will be around but will need to know Sat 3ish.
Good weekend all.
I'm out from tonight till monday afternoon completing a coastal skipper course. Looks like it could be exciting out there! We're starting from Harwich so might see you whizzing by.
Sorted the rudder (!!!!!!) and made it round to Bradwell so didnt make Harwich in the end, but yes it was lumpy out there. Met FullCircle (many thanks Jim!) and Trevera25 which was great. Now resident at Bradwell and very much looking forward to the season.