Clancy Moped
Well-known member
Setur are an insurance company as well?I posted the following on another thread today and just repeating here in case it's of interest.
"I got a price for renewing my annual contract in Setur Kuşadası today - my current contract expires early May. I won't bore anyone with the Turkish Lira prices so in Euro my mooring fee has increased by exactly 50%. With 25% discount the new rate for my 10.4M x 4.45M powercat is €5,250. The discount is 2% per year subject to a max of 25% - I've had a boat there for 20 years. Without the discount the full price is €7,020. Don't let anyone tell you Türkiye is cheap.
By the way that price is only valid if I sign up and pay within the next 15 days. They are increasing the prices every month in line with Turkish inflation rates so God only knows what it will be in May."