I have had a problem with a 18 month old Four Winns 268 with high moisture content in the hull. I would appreciate contact with any other reader who has had, or knows of, this problem.
Family illness has forced sale and buyer's surveyor highlighted very high moisture content of hull. I had this confirmed by independant marine. Four Winns attitude is that this is normal and there is a protective membrane. However, samples cut out of the laminate show moisture has penetrated through. The survayor, who is well respected in this field, has said that this should not happen in a young boat. He spoke with Four Winns in USA and was not satisfied with their answer. I have spoken to two Four Winns dealers in UK who have both denied coming across this situation before. As this has forced a reduction in the value of the boat, I am interested if any other owner has had this problem.
Although out of warrenty I think you must have some comeback under 'not of merchantable quality' Sale of goods Act and all that. I hope others on this site will know more than my amateur babblings...lets see
I take it that you bought new from UK agent 18 months ago.
It was my understanding that Four Winns came with a 5 year hull warranty, so you should be covered, go back to the dealer who sold you the boat new and complain, you could threaten court action.
I looked at a 258 Vista 2 years ago it had high water content also, but I did find many other problems so pulled out of deal.