For Mike Martin, CH16 in the Solent


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31 May 2001
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Is anybody in authority ever going to do anything about policing the use of Ch16 in the Solent?

If VHF-equipped we are supposed to listen on 16 in case of urgent or distress messages which might concern us, or allow us to come to the aid of others. But to have Ch16 on, on a summer's weekend in the Solent means listening to:

An endless stream of 'radio checks'

Doris calling Daisy once every 30 seconds until eventually it sinks in that maybe Daisy has stayed at home in Neasden this weekend

Stations trying to make contact without identifying themselves - "Golden Rain, do you copy?"

Calls to marinas - no that's ch 80 you idiots.

Many examples of people without sufficient brain cells who think because they've got a TV Licence they don't need a radio licence, attempting to play at airline pilots."Roger that."

Requests to move to working channels that are not working channels "OK, let's go to Ch 10."

Open carriers.

Surely it's time to crack down?

Surely it's time to liberate another channel as the calling channel and leave Ch16 for safety traffic.

Yours, Victor Meldrew (deceased)

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19 Dec 2001
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Its quite an easy mistake on an unfamiliar VHF to call up a marina on CH16 thinking you're on CH80, you know!!

However I quite agree, when I'm sailing in the Solent I turn the VHF most of the time because it does my head in ... particularly when the speak button is left on causing that incessant crackling .. yuck!

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19 Feb 2002
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You are SO right Ken. We were out in the Solent most of last week, and because of school holidays, so, it seems was everybody else. The most irritating thing is the constant calls to Solent CG for radio checks. I suppose they cannot say "no" for fear of any come back if someone was incapacitated, and their radio did not work after being refused a check.

Best one we heard was a Mayday call from a yacht in the Hamble entrance whose steering had "jammed" After CG questioning, it transpired that he was not in mortal danger having been securely anchored at the time. Shortly after, the boat radiod to say his steering was now OK - £ to a penny he'd left the autopilot on Auto!! The guys Mayday proceedure was appalling anyway, and it was pretty obvious he'd had no training.

Also, has anyone else noticed a lot of interfence on Ch16 in the Solent area recently - like a squelch that cannot be got rid of? Perhaps it's my radio, though it's OK on every other Channel

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1 Oct 2002
TRanmissions I wish I had heard....

(CH16 - In a plummy voice)

"Solent Coast Guard, Solent Coast Guard. Solent Coast Guard
This is Radio Check Dick Head, Radio Check Dick Head, Radio Check Dick Head,
I have traffic for you. Over"

"Errr... Radio Check Dick Head - I think it is - This is Solent Coast Guard; Channel 67 and wait my call."

"Solent Coast Guard, This is Radio Check Dick Head going to Channel 67"

Chop to CH 67

"Solent Coast Guard, Solent Coast Guard. Solent Coast Guard
This is Radio Check Dick Head, Radio Check Dick Head, Radio Check Dick Head. Over"


"Solent Coast Guard, Solent Coast Guard. Solent Coast Guard
This is Radio Check Dick Head, Radio Check Dick Head, Radio Check Dick Head. Over"

"Radio Check Dick Head - I know it is - This is Solent Coast Guard, How can I help?"

"Solent Coast Guard, Solent Coast Guard; this is Radio Check Dick Head, I wonder if I could have a radio check please?"

"Radio Check Dick Head, this is Solent Coast Guard ; You are Loud and a Moron. "

Solent Coast Guard;this is Radio Check Dick Head. Thank You Solent Coast Guard - Over an Out"

<hr width=100% size=1>A pontification from the Panjandrum of orotund bloviation AD2003


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19 Dec 2001
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At least with a crystal set you can tell what's going to happen!

I've noticed the incessant interference as well .. drives m potty.

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
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Looks like its Largs .. all these tight sScots gits! Must admit I've been checked twice when I've actually been on the boat.

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My official answer is that it would cost a very large amount of money to come down on these people as hard as I would like. However, at this precise moment there is an Unmanned Monitoring Station (UMS, I kid you not) in Southampton collating my evidence and justifications for the enforcement people here.

One of these days I may sign up with a different user name so that I can tell you all my "personal" opinions of these people.


<hr width=100% size=1>Manager,
Aeronautical & Maritime Services Section,
Radiocommunications Agency


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2 Apr 2003
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Don't you read peoples profiles?

Also, what's the problem? There are plenty of people who are quite willing to spend 10s(if not 100s) of thousands of pounds on a boat, thousands more for toys, yet they can't be ar$ed to pay the £20 a year for a license!

It's dead easy, once you've filled the forms in you can pay by direct debit FFS!

TT - In "Some people make me so angry" mode!


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16 May 2001
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Re: TRanmissions I wish I had heard....

Heard one lonely summer night on Ch16 in the Solent area:

"Anyone fancy a sh*g?"

"The gentleman who is feeling lonely - this is Solent Coast Guard..."

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Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Re: TRanmissions I wish I had heard....

"Station calling. This is Solent Coastguard, please report location of shag, and are you sure it's not a cormorant?. Over"

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16 Dec 2002
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Re: TRanmissions I wish I had heard....

I hear the well spoken mad calling woman around tremadog, seems she leaves the house and can't bear to be departed from her telephone.

The thing that she does, and many do, which winds me up no-end, calls the boat her gossip partner is on, waits 10 seconds calls again and again and again.

Ok, if someone calls me, it will take me over 20 secs to leave helm and go down to fixed radio, more if busy. But, I will always hear the call, I am sure most yachts are the same.

In Aberystwith the marina kept calling me on the radio while I was tying the boat up, they could see me through their window, they could see I was busy keeping my boat safe in the tightest berth I have ever been put into, about a boat length and a half behind me into the rocks, about 1ft of water between me a speedboat on the next finger. He wanted to tell me to pop up and sign in when I was ready, hardly an emergency.

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue> Julian </font color=blue>

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24 May 2003
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Hi Mike,

Interesting one from Jools of Top Cat,(below) tell them the times between transmissions, I know but do they!!

Mike (the wiss kid of DSC, but still no Licence) Keep the faith it will work.

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