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      Looks like some great experience on offer. Something to look forward to in 2025, perhaps. Happy to help or crew as and when and do have...
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      Aurai replied to the thread 50 year old sailboat.
      As an owner of a 59 yr old GRP boat. A surveyor with their tap, tap, tap hammer to check the hull, will soon provide a report. Inside...
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      Navathome Diesel Engine Course - Navathome! A little bit left field but a very good course. Saves on travel.
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      Aurai replied to the thread Gas connector.
      If the has locker is the other side of the laminate, the pipe is ought to be secured and sealed. Please consider a longer copper pipe...
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      Aurai replied to the thread Gas safety cert Medway.
      My own curiosity kicked in when I bought a new regulator and noticed it had a label saying “Not for Marine Use”. Then enquired further...
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