My info is that you have got it wrong... checked with Farecla they have no plans to shut down, but interested in where you got your (mis)info?
BTW they are not cleaning products, they are refinishing products - ie they are part of the process of putting the shine back, by cutting back, not cleaning.
<hr width=100% size=1>Black Sugar - the sweetest of all
Farecla changed the (excellent) formulation of their Boatpride Hull Cleaner, which is now just a plain rubbing compound - hard work and useless by comparison. I spoke to one of their techies and discovered that the original which contained ammonia could be made up by buying a 3kg tin of their G7 compound (which still contains ammonia) from an auto supplies dealer (about £30) and diluting it with water which I did this winter. We now have enough for about 10 years but it works very well and is also cheaper in the long run! Your chandler was therefore right in part at least.