fab engineers, airfilters, fuel etc


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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An engineer chap tu8rned up to the boat to have a good poke about. Also, to flog us some spares since we didn't have any, ahem.

While he was down there he tut-tutted at the lagingon the exhaust, sort of breaking down with fluff and dust everywhere, cloging airfilters. So, we bort new airfilters. And the next day the boat went 3-4 knots faster! Hurrah.

After that I wanted to hear all his advice. He suggested using synthetic oil, but not until the boat had done 300 hours or more. OK. He also found a pinhole crack near the exhaust, and that got sorted too. A very excellent chap, and he sorted out the dinghy throttle, so that was fab as well.

Then, he suggested some fuel additives. With a big broomhandle close at hand, I asked him darkly if he recommended S*ltron. Luckily for him, he said he recommended Fuel Set (?) but I will admit that he said it was all much of a muchness. Bugger!


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7 Sep 2001
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Yo! Matt, I use fuel set, its very good and even Dom said so! I'm still in St. Antonio, or rather Englander is, I'm offshore Norway, but on my way home in about two weeks, looks like I will catch up with you, when you return end of august, to pick the boat up! I'll ring you!