Off to france, spain, portugal this july and august, and it wd be quite good having someone on board who can help out - like a chalet girl sort of person. Crew, hostess, whatever you want to callem. They live on board and look after things, we turn up a week or a bit more at a time.
Some of you may have met emma who was on board for two seasons but she now works for her dad, darnit, but she'd done chalet girl stuff before and was used to the sheer drudgery er oops ...but this is a summer job and just one boat of four peeps (us lot) instead of a load of new people each week. No axshul exp of boating needed BUT not a very good option if u get seasick. But you do need a can-do attitude, be able to cook things including rubbish food for teenage kids and slightly nicer food for us, make drinks, find people to fix the boat, be nice to people so they fix the boat sooner rather than later and so on.
Obvioulsy, none of the shower that reads these forums fits the bill, BUT mebbe you know some youthful whizzy person who would think nothing of rushing over there to buy some rope, or standing on the radar arch to clean it up, or shopping, or other stuff, and if so, send me a pm or ask for an email address (don't like to put emails up on this bit cos the spam machines catch them).
It's a big powerboat innit - so no, they do NOT need to be able to drive it or even THINK they can drive it. But they can have a go if i am around. RYA mile-hunters can do almost 1000 tidal miles...but then probably only make bacon sarnies (badly) ...but mebbe not?
It is *likely* but not imperative that the ideal person is a girl rather than a boy. Dunno why. Boy are praps rubbish at cooking, or if they aren't rubbish at cooking they are too old and do it for a job in a restaurant, and we don't need that really.
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Some of you may have met emma who was on board for two seasons but she now works for her dad, darnit, but she'd done chalet girl stuff before and was used to the sheer drudgery er oops ...but this is a summer job and just one boat of four peeps (us lot) instead of a load of new people each week. No axshul exp of boating needed BUT not a very good option if u get seasick. But you do need a can-do attitude, be able to cook things including rubbish food for teenage kids and slightly nicer food for us, make drinks, find people to fix the boat, be nice to people so they fix the boat sooner rather than later and so on.
Obvioulsy, none of the shower that reads these forums fits the bill, BUT mebbe you know some youthful whizzy person who would think nothing of rushing over there to buy some rope, or standing on the radar arch to clean it up, or shopping, or other stuff, and if so, send me a pm or ask for an email address (don't like to put emails up on this bit cos the spam machines catch them).
It's a big powerboat innit - so no, they do NOT need to be able to drive it or even THINK they can drive it. But they can have a go if i am around. RYA mile-hunters can do almost 1000 tidal miles...but then probably only make bacon sarnies (badly) ...but mebbe not?
It is *likely* but not imperative that the ideal person is a girl rather than a boy. Dunno why. Boy are praps rubbish at cooking, or if they aren't rubbish at cooking they are too old and do it for a job in a restaurant, and we don't need that really.
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