Coronavirus and Greece

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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Is the block shut in the marina?
The toilet & shower block you mean? No, it's not. However, the only people who can get in there now (via the electronic lock) are residents. Staff and contractors have to use the public toilets in the car park outside. In addition they allow only one person per toilet/shower in at a time plus one using the laundry facilities.

The five boats that have people on who arrived after the 'new visitor quarantine' law was announced in Greece, cannot leave their boats at all. Those with holding tanks must use them and call for a pump-out when necessary (and pay for it) and the one boat with no holding tank has been loaned a chemical toilet to use. They also have to call to have it emptied and new chemical added (which they have to pay for).

Clancy Moped

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18 Jun 2019
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The toilet & shower block you mean? No, it's not. However, the only people who can get in there now (via the electronic lock) are residents. Staff and contractors have to use the public toilets in the car park outside. In addition they allow only one person per toilet/shower in at a time plus one using the laundry facilities.

The five boats that have people on who arrived after the 'new visitor quarantine' law was announced in Greece, cannot leave their boats at all. Those with holding tanks must use them and call for a pump-out when necessary (and pay for it) and the one boat with no holding tank has been loaned a chemical toilet to use. They also have to call to have it emptied and new chemical added (which they have to pay for).
Sounds grim but together!


Well-known member
31 Jan 2003
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Ithaki coast guard 'rescued' two occupants of the German flagged ELEFTERIA early this morning after it appeared to be grounded on the beach near the fishing shelter at Stavros. No marine pollution detected but departure prohibited until certificate of sea worthiness obtained. Captain arrested for violating the temporary restrictions on all types of ships.

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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Ithaki coast guard 'rescued' two occupants of the German flagged ELEFTERIA early this morning after it appeared to be grounded on the beach near the fishing shelter at Stavros. No marine pollution detected but departure prohibited until certificate of sea worthiness obtained. Captain arrested for violating the temporary restrictions on all types of ships.
I suspect that's going to be expensive for him.....


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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I suspect that's going to be expensive for him.....
I don't have any sympathy for him or anyone else who insists in carrying on doing what they like , we are all having a hard time some harder then others ,
There just one thing is being ask of everyone , to stay put and help not to spread the virus . Those who do can't complain when there are caught.


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15 Apr 2015
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The 63 year old owner of British Flag sailing yacht ABBY was arrested yesterday by the port authority of Sami, Kefalonia in violation of the temporary restriction of sailing of all types of ships and vessels.


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15 Apr 2015
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Between 23/03 and 28/03 there were 5206 violations of the temporary lockdown measures all over Greece and therefore the total of the 150 euro fines was 780,900 euro.
Since 12/03 there were 279 violations of the temporary prohibition of operating certain businesses resulting in the arrest of 289 persons.
By 26/03 there were 92 violations of 14 day quarantine after returning from abroad who were each fined 5000 euro.
Last edited:


Well-known member
31 Jan 2003
in limbo at the mo.
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They are getting a bit worried on Kefalonia, they had no cases of the virus, but now...

Update: Apparently the first known coronavirus case on Kef involves a man in his thirties, a summer season chef married to a native of Pyrgi but resident in Sweden with his wife and their three children. They arrived in Attica (greater Athens area) 17 March, instead of self-quarantining there they travelled to Kefalonia by car and ferry, arriving 18 March. That day he displayed symptoms and was tested at Argostoli hospital where he was strongly advised to isolate at home. When the result was known it showed positive.

Since arriving back on Kefalonia the adult female underwent surgery at Argostoli hospital. It's not yet known if she is carrying the virus. At least thirteen hospital employees who came into contact with the adult male are now in quarantine.

Their contacts on Kefalonia and residents in the villages of Pyrgi urged to self-isolate.


Active member
15 Apr 2015
Athens, Greece
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There is similar in Ikaria

A 25-year-old man is the first case of coronavirus in Ikaria and specifically in the Raches region. The 25-year-old reportedly returned from England last Friday but failed to comply with a 15-day foreign traveler's quarantine.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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They are getting a bit worried on Kefalonia, they had no cases of the virus, but now...

Update: Apparently the first known coronavirus case on Kef involves a man in his thirties, a summer season chef married to a native of Pyrgi but resident in Sweden with his wife and their three children. They arrived in Attica (greater Athens area) 17 March, instead of self-quarantining there they travelled to Kefalonia by car and ferry, arriving 18 March. That day he displayed symptoms and was tested at Argostoli hospital where he was strongly advised to isolate at home. When the result was known it showed positive.

Since arriving back on Kefalonia the adult female underwent surgery at Argostoli hospital. It's not yet known if she is carrying the virus. At least thirteen hospital employees who came into contact with the adult male are now in quarantine.

Their contacts on Kefalonia and residents in the villages of Pyrgi urged to self-isolate.
Just goes to show how quickly this virus can move . Just take one and before you know it an whole village can be lock down.


Well-known member
31 Jan 2003
in limbo at the mo.
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Just goes to show how quickly this virus can move . Just take one and before you know it an whole village can be lock down.
The thing is Vic, the island was already on lockdown, they are strictly enforcing it, but one got through the net!
Just shows how easy things can go wrong, hopefully they can contain it, we have donated to the hospital in the past, i wish the staff well.

Irish Rover

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5 Feb 2017
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There is similar in Ikaria

A 25-year-old man is the first case of coronavirus in Ikaria and specifically in the Raches region. The 25-year-old reportedly returned from England last Friday but failed to comply with a 15-day foreign traveler's quarantine.
Dreadful, especially with the high number of elderly on the island.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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It just not working to tell people self-quarantining , people should be put straight into quarantine as soon as they arrive be it by plane or car , it's the only way, even at this late date people still trying to fit the rules to suite them.
You just need to read posting here and on other sites .


11 Jan 2004
kefalonia ,greece
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Exactly , this man who ignored the rules and the medical adice , arrived and imported the virus which puts the whole Island at risk as he had been here without being tested or quarantined . This is criminal and should be dealt with using the current laws . He has also put thhe hospital staff at risk , 13 of whom are now in isolation and who kows how many people he was in contact with subsequently spreading the virus within the Island .

Lazy Traveller

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17 Feb 2020
ATH, Greece
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It just not working to tell people self-quarantining , people should be put straight into quarantine as soon as they arrive be it by plane or car , it's the only way, even at this late date people still trying to fit the rules to suite them.
You just need to read posting here and on other sites .


The most succesful country in the world in applying such measures is Taiwan... Just google and read how they protect their country from "imported" covid-19 cases and how they deal with the confirmed cases (compulsory home quarantine by mobile phone geofencing app). If all local or national administrations around the globe were able (and smart enough...) to apply this kind of measures, things would have been much different now.

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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The most succesful country in the world in applying such measures is Taiwan... Just google and read how they protect their country from "imported" covid-19 cases and how they deal with the confirmed cases (compulsory home quarantine by mobile phone geofencing app). If all local or national administrations around the globe were able (and smart enough...) to apply this kind of measures, things would have been much different now.
Western people, who live is less authoritarian states, would not put up with it for long enough. I agree that it's the wisest thing to do, but you have to work with what you have. Politics is the art of the possible.


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24 May 2012
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Western people, who live is less authoritarian states, would not put up with it for long enough. I agree that it's the wisest thing to do, but you have to work with what you have. Politics is the art of the possible.

Compulsory home quarantine by mobile phone geofencing app - might be worth a try everywhere.

If only 50% complied it would help with the isolating and identify those who were not prepared to cooperate.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Western people, who live is less authoritarian states, would not put up with it for long enough. I agree that it's the wisest thing to do, but you have to work with what you have. Politics is the art of the possible.
This reluctance for certain people to self quarantine is not all bad if the numbers can be kept as low as modelling would suggest. There are only three ways to defeat this virus. (1) do nothing and many millions will die because the health service will be overwhelmed. It would however be the quickest solution to herd immunity but unnacceplable. (2) is to slow or stop infection with a massive lockdown with no leaks until a vaccine is developed. This is the longest as it would take over a year. Also unnacceptable for many reasons. Herd immunity would have to wait for the vaccine to be given to half the population. (3) partial lockdown to allow a controlled leak of people to catch the virus which will develop a herd immunity of say 50% or more to bring the virus under some control. This is the safest way for the health service to ease the transition back to a partial normality to allow society to function.

I consider these deniers to be stupid heroes who are so bloody stupid they do not realise their stipidity is a factore in Government policy.

A Government must be very careful to not teven allow a hint that such a leak effectively throws some people under the bus. The way this is done is to insist that a lockdown is main policy and yet realise that the very people who will be thrown under the bus are the selfish and sneaky and stupid who do not appreciate the are fodder .for the development of a realistic herd immunity. The media would be doing hand stands at the potential to crucify any Government and cause a scandal and sell many papers.

My opinion has aways been that china were free to choose any option they wanted because they hsd the control to massage the published numbers. I reckon there were many more deaths than they admitted to. I don't think they used option (1) but they did clear the way to normality rather quickly. As before my opinion.