Compass Watersports



Well that was interesting! As the boss of Compass in the UK and having worked my socks off for 6 months to write and load 8000 items as well as advise, research and price the products notwithstanding the fulfilment system and how it would be able to handle the increase in business (I hope!) it didn't take long for someone to have a go at us (see YBW on line thread further down Scuttlebutt, this post being allowed as a right to reply to that thread - Kim)

We thought we'd done pretty well - an attractive site that loads pretty quickly with secure encryption (Thawte 128-bit), a huge range of products and stock availability on-line.

The problem with electronics is that the pricing is very political. Everyone goes to have a look at the price of your Garmin 12 and if that's cheap you're regarded as OK! If not everyone has a whinge and a grumble. When we set our original pricing last December, we had no idea what our competitors were going to do, so we set out our prices to be low but fair and at the same time allowing us enough margin to keep a full time technical department and call centre - and that's getting pretty rare these days! But because small electronics are so politically priced everyone is trying to take the 'low ground' to prove they are the cheapest.

It always amazes me why some customers will spend 1/2 day or more trying to save £3 when they probably bill their time at £30/hr or more!

Compass source directly from factories all over the world, only stock them in one central warehouse and then ship them directly to our customers in 6 European countries where we have sales offices as well as the rest of the world. We do not buy these products through wholesalers or other retailers thereby saving a margin.

We are also very proud of our collaboration with and would not want to offer any poor service that might jeopardise their standing. That is why we immediately changed the wording on the opening page. But hey, guys, give us a break. We are growing so fast and I am really proud of my team here who have sweated blood (along with some of the guys at ybw) to raise the game.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on Thu Jan 24 11:24:37 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


New member
3 Oct 2001
cornwall, UK
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Just got your catologue today, that breathable 3 piece is even cheaper at £159.99 sounds fantastic value! Hope the quality is up to it and wish I hadn't bought those Henri Lloyds at the Boat show! Did buy some Steiner bino's from you which were well priced and superb to use, keep up the good work.


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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The derog remarks were made on the motorboatyforum. They are curently having something of an identity crisis which is why I'm staying here for a while. I think your brochure and your site are attractive and informative little numbers offering a vast range of products at what seem to be competitive prices. A bargain is only a bargain if it is something you need and I suspect that the comments which have caused you some distress are probably made by people who don't really need some of the "bric-a-brac" bits and pieces which you sell. Well its a free world and you can't suit all of the people...etc. No point in musing over the whims of purchasers - none of us will live long enough to ever make sense of that one and you'll probably lose the will to live if you try.Keep up the good work
John S


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16 Sep 2001
S. Wales
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Liked your answer - but don't expect to be given any quarter. All seller's use 'headline' products to attract us to their company - that's no different on the Internet than on the High Street - and if you use them you must want people to look at them! Any buyer with commonsense knows GPS's and similar items evolve & change price regularly. If you want to use these to bring in customers then you have to expect flak if you are not up to the minute.
I've bought stuff regularly from you and apart from the fight I had with your Website - see earlier message - have always enjoyed good service and good prices - all the best for the future!


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Don\'t tempt me!

Companies blowing their own trumpet on a site like this is definitely frowned upon (by me at least). As a fairly satisfied customer I have supported your company in a couple of the discussions on this board.

While on the whole I rate your service as adequate and continue to use Compass, you are certainly not whiter-than-white and there have been issues about the speed of delivery and quality of the goods you have supplied.


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4 Jul 2001
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I wish I could find a supplier with whom I had enough trust as to make the necessity of shopping round to save £3 redundant. How about this for a deal, you trust me to supply you all your goods at a decent price, your not allowed to check how competitive I am though ;¬)


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15 Aug 2001
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I don't know were is the 128 bits encryption if you have to send all your details (including card details) without encryption before to login.

I think that is better to look for the best price in internet when we comeback home instead to watch TV.

Is good that you are proud of yourself, but is better that we are proud of your company.


New member
22 Nov 2001
on board or in Austria
Re: Interesting

It seems that a large chain of messages to this advertisment have been removed.
While some of those messages were certainly not friendly, I think quitely removing the thread and leaving the original advertisment in place is not good style.

I'm fairly new to this forum, and find it very valuable and sometimes entertaining.
This is the first time if have observed censorship on this site, is this a regular habbit?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Interesting

No, not the first, but one of the nastier-tasting.

Compass sell marine bits and pieces, and have paid ybw for a sponsored link to their pages.

It said "unbeatable prices" although if you go to their site, find any item, then use Google to find an alternative price, it's always lower. But that's ok - they're unbeatably high prices.

Then their MD bounces in with a hey-ho advertorial. I objected, but roundly sursed by er the salesman at ybw and some others at compass/ybw.


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4 Jul 2001
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Re: advert!

Obvious - Your not allowed to upset a sponsor.

I guess that's why when MBY did the best and worst of 2001 everything got the thumbs up except some gadget made from cardboard - they didn't want to upset anyone.

I thinks it about time for a "What Boat" magazine where the reviewers say what they think not what the sponsors want to hear. I bet Fairline, Sunseeker, Princess and a few others write their own reviews.

How about getting Matts to do the reviews, we'll get it as it is and not how the manufacturers want it.

All IMHO of course.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: Interesting

I'm going to do this one more time, then that's it.

The facts are these:

a) we carelessly allowed a term 'unbeatable' to be used in two locations of the marine store, on our homepage and on the marine store homepage. This was highlighted last Sunday. We dealt with the first of these on that day, within minutes of seeing the posts and the second on the following day. Feedback appreciated and acted upon.

b) there were questions raised about security. They were promptly answered.

c) we were also asked to confirm that the Shopping Quay chandlers would remain available. As far as we are concerned the Shopping Quay will remain, hopefully be expanded and the links to it improved. If that allows competitive price comparisons to be made easily from ybw then we are pleased.

d) there were further posts that criticised aspects of the Compass operation. These were left live, along with the ones that praised the operation.

e) the post from David Lewin is not an unsolicited ad but is in response to the earlier thread on Scuttlebutt. We've removed direct references to prices, so that it doesn't form a special offer plug, but left in a predictably robust defence of Compass that necessarily emphasises what they are trying to do with their online operation. We do know the personalities there well, a factor in our decision to appoint them as a partner. But that will not keep us from a sense of perspective regarding our overall business or specifically that of the service that any ybw partner provides.

e) there is a commerial relationship between Compass and, but if other companies were criticised on these forums they would have an identical right to reply.

f) regarding the deletion, 'censorship' is not widely practiced here; what you see is usually what has been posted. However, a big chunk of posts, including some good ones unfortunately (they were in the middle of other posts and consequently got canned along with the rest), were removed at 2330 yesterday. Here on the forums we protect the rights of users and act when they are abused, fortunately a type of action not required very often. Those of us that run the systems expect some fun at our expense, and equally expect big sticks to be thrown when we get it wrong but the points being made from one individual carried an increasing series of unnecessary insults and inaccuracies which were aimed not only at Compass and ybw staff but also at a genuine forum user. That is the only reason for the deletion; you'll see we've left the rest of the posts up.

Associate Publisher websites


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: advert!

If your implication is that boat manufacturers write their own reviews in any of the magazines here then it is completely wrong. I can also assure you that there is no dialogue, neither will there ever be, between commercial representatives of, Compass or anyone else and journalists where the subject of seeking to influence editorial judgement for mutual commercial gain will ever be a matter on the table, let alone discussed. The day that happens the editorial offices here will be very empty indeed, I'm sure of that.

Another point of clarity: Compass are not a sponsor of, they are an appointed partner with performance requirements that have to be met.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: alright already!

I think praps everyone has got the picture. I felt it was bad to "edit down" the original post above. And the "unbeatable" word is still there, or was this morning?

Anyway, praps compass will think twice before slapping prices around the BB again, so job done as far as i'm concerned...


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4 Jul 2001
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Re: So Kim

Thanks Kim take your point on all the above but why did only one product get the knock in the best and worst of 2001 - There are hundreds of examples of bad service/machenical bits/electronic bits/boat builders on this forum alone, the only thing I can remember the magazine had a negative view on was a cardboard compass?

Maybe I have the wrong idea of what a boating magazine should be, maybe they are just suppliers of information and not the voice of it's readers and boat users.

Definitely scope out there for a What Boat magazine.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by KevB on Thu Jan 24 11:09:17 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>