Compass Watersports


Active member
31 May 2001
Re: And to think...

Ah well, are we not all partly to blame! Here's the scuttlebut "A" level question for today courtesy of not-edexcel.

The Internet has been responsible for increased margins and profits, discuss.

Regarding the Century gear, we're disposing the remainder stocks of Coastal Skipper (£69) and Day Skipper (£34) so the answer is very well thanks. Suit you Sir?

We will continue to import the Century SeaPro 7x50 Compass bino and the £9.99 dividers, and probably continue with the Offshore Breathable, the juries still out on that. Retailers can get the binos and dividers via Curtis Marine. We are going to start retailing directly to the public shortly, it seems the commercial way to go.

Boat Junkie


Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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Retailing direct to the public...

Thought you were already retailing direct to the public through (nice little site). But why don't you include the Century SeaPro binoculars in the "Binoculars" section of the site? I'd looked at that section and didn't realise you also had the SeaPro.

The Century SeaPro 7x50 binoculars look good value at £120, and they look quite chunky and compact - are they easier to handle than the £100 binocom which Comp*ss sells? But why only a 1-year warranty?


Active member
31 May 2001
Re: Retailing direct to the public...

Oh so you have found my little secret. Well it's there, and it has about 200 products on it with rather better prices since the boat show. I am adding product all the time but as of now you cannot buy on-line, you can order on line and pay by phone, cheque or fax. Until that's complete I don't think it's really ready and I won't be properly promoting it.

Actually I'm rather pleased with the new options from Netbanx and e-clear that validate the credit cards but don't take the money until I authorise them to. It removes that hoary old complaint of money being taken when the goods are not in stock.

As a further advisory, allgadgets will have a big ! alongside any product that is NOT in stock. It's a manual thing so it's possible to sell out overnight, but the principle of telling it like it is was something I wanted to start from to start.

We have some very specific goals, so the choice will be limited to fast selling known price products and to a small list of changing special products that we can bulk buy for deals or import direct.

I thought the Century binos were in the optics section, I shall add it there tonight!
Thanks for the words, please register for the announcements.

Boat Junkie


Active member
31 May 2001
I didn\'t answer your question

Firstly I've not used the Compass bino, it looks like the Sea Ranger II which is excellent, however looking the same doesn't mean it is the same. These Far East manufacturers have a shopping list of features and lens quality you can choose, along with the case colour etc etc. It probably is but.....

I think, if it's not stating the obvious, that the one to buy is the one that suits you. At the Boat Show there were people who couldn't see the compass properly on the SeaPro, and their friends and wives who said the same of the Sea Ranger II. Most people also liked the Sea Ranger III except those with big noses!

All I can say is that we're a mail order company and you can send it back. Buy it, try it, send it back next week!

About the warranty. Well so far as I am aware, and certainly so far as my manufacturer is concerned, a 25 year warranty is out of the question. We get 16 months, enough for 12 months and the time to sell them. I believe where warranties are higher they are usually supported by the importer or the retailer and only occasionally, like Steiner, from the manufacturer. In any case it has to be paid for and, except for Steiner where the basis of the warranty is the serial number, all other depend on (A) you remembering where you put the receipt 5, 10, 15 years ago, and (B) being able to find the retailer or importer when you do....

I certainly expect to be either dead or retired by then so I figure it's best not to make promises I probably won't keep.

Boat Junkie


Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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Better prices....

I think you've made a mistake with your pricing. Your Steiner Navigators with compass are £21 cheaper than Comp*ss - better correct your prices quickly!