Maybe you hav'nt got the weather but you've got the most beautiful unrestricted river in the UK for keeping your boat . At Coleraine i navigated the complete river Bann up to lough neagh and back in one day and some upper sections look like your on the amazon ? {the lock keepers are brill.}
Actually my boat with the yellowish suncream-stained upholstery IS American - a Boston Whaler and you can't get a much better builder than that. And it has still gone yellow. I have tried Jif, virtually every boatwash going, but I am intrigued by truckwash and the other comlpicated substance someone mentioned. I would love to ban suncream but in the Aegean in July??? Not a cat in hell's chance. Incidentally, wouldn't be seen dead buying an English boat. With a few exceptions such as Nelson they'regenerally pretty crappy with low grade materials, lots of rusting bits etc. , cheap n nasty straking and bumpy gel coat.