Blue ensign dick'ed


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16 Feb 2006
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....all well and good Pete, but I trust you cut a figure of sartorial sharpness as your silhouette stood firm against the shadow of the setting sun.

However, I digress; dare I enquire as to the evening ritual aboard the German vessel? :rolleyes:

My silhouette rarely stands firm these days, and definitely not after gin o'clock.

The German evening ritual was sadly lacking. His ensign was small, old, and remained in place all night. However he himself was friendly and chatted away most pleasantly. Such meetings are one of the joys of cruising in Turkey.


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10 Sep 2001
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You do have a point there, it seems reasonable that clubs should be allowed to control who flies their flag.
I'm happy for them to fly their made up flags, where they are happy to see my big purple one swinging in the wind.

You can basically fly what you want in this country although I would suggest that ISIS flags may invite more comments.

I still think the face needs to be clearer on your flag. Looking at it closely it's the flatness of the back of the head that is artistically unsatisfying . Such trauma to the back of the head from a boot in the face would surely result in damage to the nose but on your profile view, the nose looks fine. If retaining the black silhouette I would suggest making the neck / back of the head more clear.


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5 Jun 2006
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You do have a point there, it seems reasonable that clubs should be allowed to control who flies their flag.
I'm happy for them to fly their made up flags, where they are happy to see my big purple one swinging in the wind.

I am impressed by the purple ensign but feel obliged to question the derivation of symbols.

To my mind the symbolism read as the footfall of mankind encountering the dog turd of life and as such I would love to subscribe.

I have one trouser leg roiled up. May I have an ensign?

Colvic Watson

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23 Nov 2004
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I've had a good rummage in the cupboard and listed the flags we fly. I take the same approach with my socks, each morning the youngest two are asked to choose the colour; with flags they choose what we wear that day. This thread has revealed that I have a tiny vestige of ensign uppitiness - I won't fly white because it's too Romford Navy and because Nelson flew his facing the wrong way. And I don't fly blue's defaced with a recognized club, that would just be silly.

Huge 3 yard by 2 yard red from a cross channel ferry - don't ask
Massive blue that couple double as a bedspread on a super king bed, defaced with a cut out dashchund
Very small blue
Ensign of the Vatican Navy
The ensign of St Edmund the martyr
The Danish national flag
Two pirate flags
A humongous flag printed from a painting by my wife of the family riding a big fish
The boat's own coat of arms on a flag

Along with much enjoyment the thread has now given the family a new saying - when we see a blue ensign we've decided to have a race to see who can say first "yes but are they a real gynecologist?" And when it's a defaced blue we've decided to question in the strongest terms whether they are entitled to fly it or if they are just revealing a yobbish stick-it-to-the-man attitude to the country our fore fathers created for us. And if we see an RAF ensign we're just going to laugh, but to be honest we do that anyway.


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29 Nov 2009
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Furthermore, woe betide you if you don't put up the correct courtesy ensign as you enter their waters. Some people seem to think it's a joke. It really isn't in some places and they'll find their 'little bit of fun' expensive and causing themselves no end of grief.

I once sailed with someone who was shot at by a sentry in a South American port for some courtesy flag infraction (can't remember the detail, possibly put up the wrong country's by mistake). When they met the Port Captain to do the paperwork they complained to him, but he considered that his man had acted entirely correctly and a warning shot across the deck was an appropriate response to the insult.


Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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I fly the club burgee on the wall of my study ( room where all my junk and fly tying kit rests) and the defaced blue ensign that went with it is in a drawer in the same room. I still have the warrant but as I haven't paid the subs for 5 years I think I will be dragged to the tower and flogged if it's discovered that it's still in use.


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
I fly the club burgee on the wall of my study ( room where all my junk and fly tying kit rests) and the defaced blue ensign that went with it is in a drawer in the same room. I still have the warrant but as I haven't paid the subs for 5 years I think I will be dragged to the tower and flogged if it's discovered that it's still in use.

You've reminded me that I ought to check that my permit is still extant...

Biggles Wader

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3 Mar 2013
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I once sailed with someone who was shot at by a sentry in a South American port for some courtesy flag infraction (can't remember the detail, possibly put up the wrong country's by mistake). When they met the Port Captain to do the paperwork they complained to him, but he considered that his man had acted entirely correctly and a warning shot across the deck was an appropriate response to the insult.


I recall an incident back in the 1970s when a ships officer was shot and killed by a "guard" over a flag infringement in either Columbia or Venezuela.Just goes to show that you can take this flag stuff far too seriously.


13 Jun 2016
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I have one trouser leg roiled up. May I have an ensign?
Certainly, however, if the mud is deep I'd suggest rolling up both legs.

...he considered that his man had acted entirely correctly and a warning shot across the deck was an appropriate response to the insult.
Of course he did, when one is a guest in another country one should show it some respect. Lucky they didn't get sunk.