So, on my “new” boat, a 1999 Aquastar 118, there are two bogs (aka heads
). They are both Jabsco manual pump out jobbies (intended pun). They both appear to pump into separate (for & aft) holding tanks. The tanks can be pumped out at a marina with the facility, OR, emptied at sea. Now, there’s a pipe coming from the bottom of the holding tank(s) to a Blake’s seacock, the fwd one seems to work fine, basically emptying the tank when the Blake’s valve is open. Now, the problem is with the aft Blake’s valve, whilst it appears to be working fine, it doesn’t drain the tank to sea. I have theorised that the “keep plate” is fitted 180 degrees out of place and as a result the seacock is actually never open, regardless of the handle position. Any theories?