Keith 66
Well-known member
That article was first published 22 years ago so it is was written largely before the crash in secondhand boat prices of older boats, You have a point re buying used is recycling, I have done this myself with two worn out yachts an Anderson 22 & a Sabre 27, both were typical end of life yachts, or should i say end of economic life! I was a boatbuilder with extensive resources & skills & did everything myself. Even so it still cost more to restore both boats then they were worth, Much more. Would i do it again? No way.Interesting article but he's complaining that no-one buys new when they can buy used. Surely that's recycling? The problem seems to be with smallish boats from the 1960s and 1970s - made 50 to 60 years ago where the hull is ok but the remainder not. Will 1980s boats be used for longer given that they are generally larger? How long do grp car/bus/turbine blades last? I can see there is a problem, but I don't see that posing it as a simple problem is helpful.
The mass produced boats of the 80's & 90's may well turn out to be less durable than their older sisters on account of lighter construction.
But ask any boat yard or yacht club if they have a problem with abandoned boats & you will find its getting worse, Its a combination of the numbers of people buying boats shrinking & an ever increasing supply of old knackered ones that very few people want.